The Navigator for Windows -- Release 0.41C -- June 23, 1990 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Interim Windows 3.0 Compatible Release ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ====================================================== Note: No documentation is included with this release other than the current registration document file. Therefore, you should also obtain a copy of a previous release, such as contained in the file NAV041.EXE. ====================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is an interim release with minor fixes and modifications to make Navigator "semi" Windows 3.0 compatible, however, it is NOT a true Windows 3.0 application. This is a Windows 286/386 (version 2.1) application which has been patched with the MARK30.EXE utility to tell Windows 3.0 that it is a 3.0 application (thus avoiding the Windows 3.0 warning). In addition the old "launch" code has been rewritten and recompiled to be Windows 3.0 compatible, and several minor bugs were fixed. This version may be run in Windows 3.0, including its 386 enhanced mode, with few if any problems. The only problems detected thus far appears when a non-compatible Windows 2.1 application is launched, and the launched application is aborted by Windows 3.0 -- Navigator is also aborted (but so are other shells for that matter); this problem, for example, occurs when you attempt to launch MS Excel 2.1. Another "fix" provided in this release corrects the PKUnZip dialog panel's inability to extract subdirectories from the zipped file; the radio button for this capability now performs as it should. Hopefully, this release will fill the gap period for Navigator user's who have been waiting for a Windows 3.0 version, and have urged me to release even a "semi" compatible version. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Navigator for Windows 3.0 ============================= The Navigator is presently being rewritten for both Windows 2.1 and 3.0, and the new 2.1 version should be released in late July, 1990. The Windows 3.0 version should be released within thirty days of Microsoft's providing me with an upgrade to my "retail" Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) -- they have announced that the Windows 3.0 SDK should be available in mid-summer. Most Windows programmers are also awaiting the official release of the Windows 3.0 SDK before releasing the 3.0 versions of their own applications, whereas others are apparently using the "beta" versions of the 3.0 SDK to upgrade their products (I presume that "true" Windows 3.0 applications require the "official" 3.0 SDK -- after all MS wouldn't play favorites would they?). The new Windows 2.1 version of The Navigator will be distributed in the compressed file NAV042.EXE (this will be release 0.42 of The Navigator), and the Windows 3.0 version will be distributed in the file NAV050.EXE (this will be release 0.50). Some of its new or improved features will inclue: o A new "look-and-feel" with a multiple document style interface (MDI), allowing the list and view windows to be sized, positioned and saved as each individual user may prefer, and with automatic repositioning of all document windows. o Enhanced view capabilities which will allow viewing of unlimited size files with Navigator's own viewers. These will allow users to scroll through the "full" file, and will offer broader support of text based files, including the ability to scroll and view document files in non-ASCII formats, such as Windows Write, MS Word and WordStar; thus, even though such files may not be displayed as per their respective wordprocessor's format, you will now be able to view and read much of its text. Other viewers are also under development, which will display Windows Cardfile, dBase and other file formats, but thier release dates are not known at this time. o Support for PkZip version 1.1, and updated compressed file conversion functions and capabilities. o Better memory management, which will avoid some of those insufficient memory warning messages. o Better online help, with the introduction of topic/index help capabilities. Registered users will receive notice by mail of the Windows 3.0 version's release date. Those using the enclosed registration form to register this release of The Navigator will also be provided with notice by mail of the Windows 3.0 version's release, and will be provided with authorization codes for each release. Those purchasing The Navigator on disk will be shipped the Windows 3.0 release (Rel. 0.50), when available, unless they specifically request the Windows 2.1 release (Rel. 0.42). The 0.42 release should be shipped late July, 1990, and the 0.50 release in late August, 1990. Again thanks for your continued support and encouragement. Richard S. Patterson June 23, 1990 P. O. Box 270492 Houston, TX 77277 (713) 660-7240 Compuserve 70771,1336 GEnie Mail R.PATTERSO16