Folks: WallBlaster 1.0 is here at last ! My deepest heartfelt thanks to those who've contributed to the cause. I really hope you find this as neat as I do. The files in this package includes: WB.EXE -- THE PROGRAM !!! WBREADME.TXT -- this file WB.TXT -- the manual and order form for other WrightWorks works I'd like to include some of the wallpaper files I've collected but I know just how much time on certain BBSs costs, so I'll include some of favorite pics in a separate archive. The manual, WB.TXT, isn't all that I'd like it to be, but I was in a rush to get this kit out the door, so I can get to other important issues. Actually, I had to cut and paste it piece-by-piece, from W4W to microEmacs, then fix it up manually, because I couldn't get Windows to generate a good print image from Word for Windows. Consequently, there's no pagination for the document. It didn't get that way, due to carelessness or lack of effort. Happy Holidays ! Jethro Wright, III 21 December 1990