Sample Files in the WIMP2001 Demonstration Program The sample files included with the WIMP2001 Demonstration program have been changed to allow their full use. The file "ALPHABET.NFT" has been replaced by "ALPH_LO.NFT" and "ALPH_UP.NFT", seperating the upper and lowercase alphabet to bring this file within the 50 atom limit of the demonstration program. The files "1OBJECT.NFT" and "8OBJECT.NFT" were replaced by a new "1OBJECT.NFT" and "3OBJECT.NFT" to reduce their atom count to <50. All entries in the sample library "WIMPLATE.W11" are now 50 atoms or less. Using the SlideShow Manager Dialog Clicking on the SlideShow button in the Library manager dialog box produces the Slideshow manager dialog. In this the following are visible: 1. A list of all structures in the current library. Each structure is proceeded by its number (zero is the first). 2. A list of commands in the current script file. 3. An Edit box containing the command corresponding to the first command of the script. 4. A series of push buttons for saving and playing the script: a. Quit. This exits, doing nothing. b. Play. This plays the currnt script, regardless of any changes made. c. Save and Quit. This saves the current script as the named file and exits. d. Save and play. This saves the script and then plays the so- saved slideshow. e. New Script. This allows us to change scripts. It is this dialog that is invoked when we first click on Slideshow. We are asked for the name of a script file. If the file doesn't exist a new file is created and preloaded with the command 'a'. If the named file already exists, it becomes the current script. f. Restart. This cancels any changes to the script and restarts the editing dialog. Clicking on a command in the script listing causes it to be hilighted and transferred to the little edit-box at the right where we may edit it. After editing we may click on any of the following action-pushbuttons. a. Delete Cmd. The current hilighted command is deleted. b. Insert Cmd. The (perhaps edited) command in the edit box is inserted in front of the hilighted command. c. Replace Cmd. This replaces the hilighted command with that one in the edit box. The basic idea of all this is that we select a command, edit it, and the click on replace. An initially empty script may be filled by typing a command in the edit box, clicking on Insert, etc. We should also note that any text processor may be used to make a script, For example Windows' own wimpy NOTEPAD.EXE is perfectly adequate. The only reason I put the SCRIPT FIXER-UPPER in there is for convenience in making minor changes. Enjoy.