26 files found in Library "Window Games"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
13OUT.ZIP No 55050 12-22-92
13 and Out ver 1.0. Card game
for Windows 3.x a little like the
game patience.
3YAHTZ.ZIP Yes 15493 01-09-92
Triple Yahtzee for Windows 3.x. An addictive
game for Yahtzee lovers!
ALIENTIC.ZIP Yes 40625 12-22-92
Tic-tac-toe with alien
BAGO317.ZIP Yes 141029 01-20-92
The only known BIG boggle game for win 3.
Many options. Freeware. Now with pictorals.
Source available.
BG6.ZIP Yes 22758 01-30-91 BackGammon Ver. .6 for Win3
BLC21E.ZIP Yes 26202 10-31-91 A Windows 3 game. Last revision date in
CHOMPW11.ZIP Yes 22037 05-07-92 Pacman type game for windows 3.0. Very Good.
HYPEROID.ZIP Yes 23357 10-27-91 WIN3 Asteroids clone w/ color
MATSAT09.ZIP Yes 56558 08-30-91
Battle sat game for windows 3.0 needs
vbrun100.dll to run is an offset of battle
MAZE.ZIP Yes 22473 11-13-91 3-D maze game for Windows 3.
MEMGM10.ZIP Yes 21161 10-28-91
The Memory Game v1.0 a Visual Basic
Application for Windows 3.0 Reproduce random
color sequences generated by computer Speed
and scope variables.
PENT1020.ZIP Yes 56941 01-22-92 The game of Pentominoes for Windows 3.x.
PFW.ZIP Yes 145148 12-22-92
Panzerkrieg, WWII combat game
for Windows.
PUZZ31.ZIP Yes 35748 12-22-92 Windows 3.x Puzzle Graphics & Letters.
RLZBJ.ZIP Yes 32251 11-13-91 One player blackjack game for Windows 3.
SOLUS.ZIP Yes 27685 10-09-91 Peg-out solitaire game for Windows.
S_D.ZIP Yes 11064 11-29-91 Windows Battleship-like game.
TGDEMO.ZIP Yes 11933 05-17-92 Windows tile game with variations.
WARHEA.ZIP Yes 113341 09-11-91 Shareware version of Warheads for Windows
WDSTK10.ZIP Yes 67861 12-22-92
Wordstalk 1.0 Windows Word Game
Find as many words as you can from
a random grid of letters, with the
computer as your opponent.
Multiple skill levels, large
vocabulary, online help.
WINFBALL.ZIP Yes 75090 11-12-91 Football for Windows 3.0 - fully tested
WINPOKER.ZIP Yes 36475 11-13-91 Simple, yet addictive Windows 3 poker game.
WINPPBOY.ZIP Yes 8028 11-18-90 Paper Boy game for Windows 3.0.
WINSNAKE.ZIP Yes 69738 12-13-91 Snakes action game for Windows 3.0