Release History for Executive Host-UTI Driver Compatible with UTI Specification, Revision 2 VERSION 1.71 - Aug 15, 1991 UTIHIGH.EXE was not reporting the correct high number for the MAIN conference when the highest message was a private message. UTIIMPRT.EXE was displaying a debugging message on each message that was imported into the database. VERSION 1.70 - Aug 10, 1991 Made the necessary changes to support the file structure of Executive Host version 1.7. Added the ability to handle PRIVATE messages for registered users only. VERSION 1.03 - May 27, 1991 Fixed a nasty little bug that allowed only the SYSOP from downloading mail from the MEGADOOR. VERSION 1.02 - May 21, 1991 Fixed a bug with importing messages into your BBS message base when the drive/path/file-name exceeded 30 characters. VERSION 1.01 - May 18, 1991 Fixed a bug with messages marked deleted being exported as part of the previous message. Increased maximum allowable conferences from 256 to 512. RIME currently supports 256 conferences but may change. VERSION 1.00 - May 17, 1991 Initial release.