This is a very simple little utility to read users from a Max. user.bbs file and output their priv. levels, names, addresses and phone numbers to stdout. Run the program from your main Max directory, or where the user.bbs file resides. It takes one optional parameter - the first letter (or more) of the priv. level you want to output. If there are no command line parameters then it outputs all user. RDUSR D displays all disgrace level users to the screen. RDUSR D > DUSR.LST dumps all disgrace users to a file named DUSR.LST RDUSR D | sort /+48 > DUSR.LST dumps all disgrace users sorted by phone number to a file named DUSR.LST Feel free to do whatever you want with the source (except of course Scott Dudley's header file - mstruct.h which I include here unchanged from the form in which I received it). There is (obviously) nothing new or original in my C code ( actually it would be a great feat to come up with a new and original way of doing such a simple, common task and I just wasn't up to it) so I don't claim any rights to it ( nor do I offer any guarantees). I have a couple notes in the code about things that I know I should do for a 'real' program but just wasn't ambitious enough to do right now. If you need them feel free to add them. The program outputs to stdout so that the records generated can be redirected to a file, or to a printer, or piped to another utility like sort - which can read from the standard input. My wife uses this utility on her BBS to generate a list from which she can call her users to voice validate them ( or to call users to confirm that that really was them calling last night when 7 different passwords were tried before a password change was requested). She gives first time callers full download capability but restricts them from uploading files or posting messages until she can voice validate them. <