673 files found in Library "BBS Programs/Utils"

Return to this Disc's Index
Name Extracted Size Date Description
1ADAY30.ZIP No 8635 09-29-91
1ADAY v3.0: daily event manager -- does PC
chores once a day, no matter how many times
you turn your computer on.
1EDRA300.ZIP Yes 52718 04-14-91 1Edit-RA Remote user/menu ed for RA v1.00.
1TIME23.ZIP Yes 6842 08-27-91 Run a program Once for Each user on a board.
2ACT23.ZIP Yes 57866 12-02-91
Second Account ver.2.3 - the SAFEST, fastest
method to allow PCB 14+ Sysops alias use,
second Users files, unlimited conference
access control of Users, invisible
conferences, etc! Run more than 1 BBS from a
single phone line as a sub-board too. Pre
14.5 fix this release,14.5a enhancements
2DAYDOWN.ZIP Yes 42351 08-21-91 Wildcat! 3.0 Utility For Making A Bulletin
2DAYUP.ZIP Yes 42984 08-20-91 Wildcat! 3.0 Utility For Creating Bulletins
A2T23C.ZIP Yes 14625 04-07-91 Convert BBS list to Telix .FON directory
ACF515R2.ZIP Yes 185291 04-27-91 ACFiles Version 5.15, File system door
ACNFN10.ZIP Yes 22195 11-18-91 Automated Network/Conference Listing v1.0.
ACRONYM.ZIP Yes 4183 02-01-92
ACRONYMS a PCB bulletin in @X colour with a
list of over 70 acronyms / emoticons etc to
help newcomers understand them.
ACTV320.ZIP Yes 82388 11-18-91
Actview 3.2 for Wildcat SysOps. Activity
viewer / scanner. If you run a Wildcat BBS
that takes more than 10 calls per day, this
is a must have utility! Like nothing else!
ACTVP222.ZIP Yes 83741 01-03-92
Actview PCB 2.22 for PCBoard SysOps.
Activity viewer / scanner. If you run a
PCBoard BBS, this is a *MUST* Like no other
utility available! Supports 1-100+ nodes!
Super fast!
ADDBAR11.ZIP Yes 5922 12-23-91
ADDBAR v1.1 This program takes a file
listing capture from a BBS which lacks the
vertical bars used to indicate secondary
lines and adds the bars back into the
capture file. Version 1.1 adds /D=mm-dd-yy
to set all files to the same date.
ADD_DESC.ZIP Yes 12616 12-01-91
ADLG225.ZIP Yes 130832 05-09-92
AdLogo v2.25 Enhanced Version (04/10/92) ��
Now supports XMODEM transfers! �� Great for
Multi-Node/CD-Changer Systems! �� Move files
from CD to HD and/or from File Server to
Local Node for faster transfers & reduce
Network traffic �� Insert BBS LOGO into
.ZIP,.ARJ, AND .GIF files (Yes we said GIF)
located on CDROM or Hard Drive!! �� Gains of
1-20megs of HD space! �� Replace old BBS
LOGOs automatically �� Fully Compatable
under Networking and Multi-tasking
AED244A.ZIP Yes 65692 02-16-91
Ansi editor for rbbs-pc in QuickBASIC 3.0 and
AH_122.ZIP Yes 41708 05-09-92
Antihack v1.22 PCBoard Security Utility.
Utility to parse the CALLER file(s) and leave
mail to those whose accounts may have been
the subject of "hack attempts."
AICNF110.ZIP Yes 80644 12-03-91
AICONFIG 1.10 GREAT Util for PCB 14.5
conference configuration changes! Allows
GLOBAL field updates and much more! A must
for SYSOPs with many conferences!
AIWAIT10.ZIP Yes 31559 12-18-90
Use in your Board batch file to tell when
your other node will be back up.
ALIA173C.ZIP Yes 44581 12-18-91 RBBS merges for Alias's in messages. Update
ALIAS_EZ.ZIP Yes 12974 11-10-91 SLBBS Sysop utility: set alternate 'alias
ALL_110.ARJ No 28289 06-26-91 All Manager v1.10, Maintenance Utility
ALST_170.ARJ No 37989 06-07-91 AvaiList 1.70; Master/New file list generator
AM130.ZIP Yes 13353 08-29-91 Collection of ANSI Menu Examples For RA
AMGRFIX4.ZIP Yes 15553 07-09-91
Fix For Tosscan'S Areamgr Bugs Such As
Tosscan Crashing When An Improper Areafix
Message Was Sent. Other Bugs Swatted Too.
ANSI_I.ZIP Yes 40664 01-01-92
ANSI driver that implements PCBoard's @ codes
for displaying text files at the DOS prompt.
V1.39 - Now with LOADHI support, B/W @Xnn
codes & reset of keyboard definitions.
Can be used in place of DOS's ANSI.SYS and
gives better performance too. This is a
modified version of the PC Magazine ANSI.COM.
APNEWS.ZIP Yes 1846 11-26-91 AP News for Sysops!
APNT_102.ZIP Yes 128418 10-02-91 Apoint V1.02 Pointlist Generator
APUP223.ZIP Yes 130393 03-03-92
Actview PCB 2.23 (03/02/92) update for
registered 2.22 users! *Registered* Actview
PCB 2.22 required. Shareware version
AR2FD100.ZIP Yes 5222 12-05-91 Converts Areas.BBS to Folder.fd
ARATIO.ZIP Yes 14945 03-27-91 ALL RATIO utility for Telegard BBS
ARBITRON.ZIP Yes 17048 06-14-91 Waffle BBS arbitron listing generator
AREAD091.ZIP Yes 19792 05-06-92
Amiga Reader - Amiga users download & read
messages from any PCBoard offline.
AREALIS3.ZIP Yes 35190 05-08-91 Make File/MsgAreas.bbs, automagically
AS12.ZIP Yes 60251 10-26-91
AutoScribe 1.2 Automated (Credit Card)
Subscription Door. Features configurable
Credit Card selections, Accepts Visa/Master
Card/AE. Auto Identifies type card!Instantly
upgrades users security and expire date.
User defined screens or use defaults.
Supports up to 50 different subscription
levels. A must for Subscription BBS's. ALL
AS_122.ZIP Yes 248426 12-31-90 After Shock BBS system
AUSER210.ZIP Yes 53662 02-27-91 AutoUSER v2.10 RA/QBBS USER.BBS Auto-Update
AUTO201.ZIP Yes 15657 12-08-90
Automatically Adjust your EXTUSER file to
match the number of conferences that your
CONFINFO file has. This may be needed if
your EXTUSER file does not match your
USERS.INF file also. For PCBoard
AUTOARE2.ZIP Yes 32946 04-26-91 Allows users to make msg areas
AUTOUP1B.ZIP Yes 42076 02-25-92
Auto_up 1.0 Beta
This Program will take the programs that you
download and put them online for your users
to download all you have to do is also d/l
the file listing or capture the new file list
and put it into the Directory that you setup
for the filelists
AVIEW53C.ZIP Yes 67741 06-11-91 View/Extract Utility for online use
AVIEW64C.ZIP Yes 67045 12-22-92
V6.4 Aviewcom Archive Viewer
For Most BBS Packages.
AWUP320.ZIP Yes 71815 11-18-91
Actview 3.2 for Wildcat.
for registered 3.11 users! Registered
Actview 3.11 required. Reports available
through support BBS now! Shareware version
BATREC.TXT No 1130 02-26-92
Addition to pcbtext to replace the "BATCH
TRANSFER ENDED. prompt shows user stats and
subscription inf uses @codes
BAUDLCK.ZIP Yes 22438 12-23-91
Selectively lock out baud rate based on
security levels allowing grandfathering of
existing users. Recompiled with newer CKIT
libs. Freeware with 'C' source code.
BBSCOMP4.ZIP Yes 40682 12-27-91
Allows you to "compare" BBS file listings
with a list of files already in your
possession, to allow you to calculate upload
and download possibilities
BBSEE14.ZIP Yes 203049 10-13-91 Versatile BBS user file description DBMS.
BBSEE14X.ZIP Yes 145381 08-09-91 Utility disk used with BBSEE14.ZIP:
BBSEXT19.ZIP Yes 39023 09-02-91
Determines and lists missing, extra, and
duplicate files in PCBoard 14.5. By V.Beurg
BBSLAW.TXT No 13783 11-11-91 BBS Laws Text File
BBSLISTR.ZIP Yes 134316 07-02-91 BBS database program
BDAY_330.ZIP Yes 16985 11-02-91 Birthday Bulletin Generator For RA & QBBS
BGTOP20.ZIP Yes 12964 08-22-91
Top uploadsers, downloaders, and callers for
GT Power system
BGWHO20.ZIP Yes 10536 12-23-91 Who called today? for GT Power systems
BIANLV12.ZIP Yes 30406 04-03-91
Bimodem Log File Analyzer V1.2. Will Create
Bulletins About Bimodem Usage For Sysops
From Command Line.
BINKSPIT.ZIP Yes 21918 09-29-91
How to use Spitfire and Binkleyterm. By John
Clawson of John's Workshop BBS. Includes
SF.BAT replacement.
BIRTH435.ZIP Yes 30378 09-10-90 Gets/Posts users' birthday for RA BBS
BIRTH_11.ZIP Yes 18787 04-01-91 Lists people who have birthday
BKDATE20.ZIP Yes 8491 07-08-91
Back .key files for bbs games with dated
BLTMNU15.ZIP Yes 25610 05-05-92
BLTMNU is a program that will create your
PCBoard BLT files for you by reading your
BLT.LST. It allows the inclusion of PCBoard
14.5 color macros as well as the @systime@
and @sysdate@ macros.
BNU188B.ZIP Yes 65002 06-23-91
BNU FOSSIL v1.88 beta. Nice additions
includes a built in Watchdog, etc.
BOP_DATE.ZIP Yes 11454 09-25-91 Bop Date Validate Outgoing *.Msg Messages
BSBSCR35.ZIP Yes 74182 09-28-91
BSBScore, Version 3.5, 9/28/91 A scoreboard
generator for Bay Street Bulls Small Bug fix
to properly change net worth if the user has
traded stocks. Somewhat faster operation.
BT2404.ZIP Yes 99642 11-11-90 Binkley 2.40.4 by W Muldrow
BWAVE201.ZIP Yes 159869 09-20-91 Bluewave v2.01 -Telegard Offline Reader-
CALGEN.ZIP Yes 24143 05-09-92
Daily Calendar Generator for BBS Sysops.
Auto creates ANSI, PCB @X Code and Text
Calendar screens showing today's month and
day, framed with preceding/following month.
Use for daily calendar Bulletins/News.
CALL0831.ZIP Yes 32161 08-31-91 #X Lastcaller File Lister for many BBS'S
CALL201.ZIP Yes 44816 05-08-91 CALLMAX v2.01 - New user verification - Fix
CALLERUP.ZIP Yes 21864 10-06-91
Update the CALLER(NODE) log from a batch
file or DOS prompt. Program reads in
PCBOARD.DAT for location of CALLER log and
the environment for the NODE number. Program
supports both single and multi-nodes.
CALLST12.ZIP Yes 54781 12-21-91
CALLSTAT 1.2, PCBoard/ProDoor caller log
analyzer. Produces a bulletin which shows
the average hourly usage of your BBS. With
an option for showing availability by node.
Has an option for creating a bulletin
showing system usage/availability and uses
PCB color codes with customizable colors.
$10 Shareware.
CALL_30A.ZIP Yes 49705 02-04-92
Recent Callers Bulletin Generator. CALLERS
Uses PCBoards @X0 Color Codes to Add Ansi
Color to the Bulletin. Logs Date, Time,
Callers Name, Location, Baud Rate, and
Node#. Read DOCs and HISTORY File For
Upgrade Information.
CAMS_UDS.ZIP Yes 27389 09-12-91 Upload/download manager for PCB14.5. 3 files.
CASINODV.ZIP Yes 3763 01-01-92
DESQview 386 setup information by Dave
Schubert, Sysop, The Casino PCBoard BBS.
Running 3 nodes in 440K MS-DOS 5.0
CATCL21B.ZIP Yes 65787 11-09-91
CatCalls: Automated script for WildCat using
CATSCANK.ZIP Yes 136077 08-24-91
Catscan will litterly let the user upload any
kind of a file, check it's validity, SCANs,
convert any archive to a default archive that
you specify in the configuration, strip out
other BBS's Authentic Verification & add
yours. This is to let the users know that
your system has checked it for viruses if it
has your -AV on it. MORE!
Supports ARC ARJ LZH PAK TDO & ZIP configu-
CBAGBBS.ZIP Yes 9138 09-27-91 A Telix Host! CBAGBBS V0.01Beta!
CBOX21.ZIP Yes 99369 05-09-92
ChatBox 2.1 - SPLIT SCREEN Sysop\caller chat
door. Sysop may start chat - caller may page.
Horizontal \ vertical Split-Screen. Seamless.
Configurable page sounds and screen colors.
Multiple page times. Multi-language support.
DESQview aware. Non-standard com support.
NEW: View and edit caller profile while in
chat. New Sysop configuration options.
CDHELP.ZIP Yes 7494 11-12-91
Excellent text file description on how to set
up the Night Owl's 5 CD with Wildcat!
Very detailed.
CDIR12.ZIP Yes 13959 11-14-91 UBBS Utility to make Directory
CDR_004P.ZIP Yes 2447 10-24-91
CD-ROM Sample Control file for use with the
PDSI-004+ ROM Disk and the CD-ROM Door v1.5a
CDTYPE6.ZIP Yes 528972 05-07-92 CDTYPE files for ver. 6 for Rombrain Door.
CEL1378U.ZIP Yes 23670 12-19-91
Install utility for Celerity BBS software use
to install a new system or to upgrade from
version 1.37 to version 1.38
CEL138A.ZIP Yes 443426 12-19-91 Celerity BBS software version 1.38
CEL138B.ZIP Yes 32763 12-19-91
Support files for Celerity BBS software
version 1.38
CEL138E.ZIP Yes 26553 12-19-91 Celerity BBS Software -- ANSI/Ascii Screens
CEL138F.ZIP Yes 21233 12-19-91 Celerity BBS Software -- ANSI Screens
CEL138G.ZIP Yes 30358 12-19-91 Celerity BBS Software -- ANSI screens
CEL138H.ZIP Yes 37890 12-19-91 Celerity BBS Software -- ANSI screens
CEL138I.ZIP Yes 38891 12-19-91 Celerity BBS Software -- ANSI screens
CH145V2.ZIP Yes 42023 11-13-91
Sec lvl/ Conf change,add,lockout util. Can
config individual, numerous, or range of
conf. CHANGE /R3:1-4 /R2:5 MSG:8,9 gives
"RXS" access to conf 1->4. SYSOP access for
conf 5 with MSG Flags being set for conf 8
and 9. CHANGE SEC:50 would change current
users access to 50. PD, code in Devel Conf.
CHANGE24.ZIP Yes 66992 04-06-91 Logoff Screens for PCB - Rotate Daily
CHATOFF.ZIP Yes 9327 05-07-92
Turn off the chat feature of WELCOME v1.01
Run this door as an autologoff door for
Searchlight 2.15 or 2.25, for use with
Cyclone Software's WELCOME. (WELC101.ZIP).
CHAT_310.ARJ No 173853 05-23-91 Chat! The ultimate chat-door for RemoteAccess
CHESSCOM.ZIP Yes 87037 07-20-91 Comm program for use with Chess doors on BBS.
CHKNOD12.ZIP Yes 34202 01-14-91 Check Node Status during Multi Node event PCB
CHPAGE10.ZIP Yes 5925 09-14-91 ChangePage v1.0 For TriTel BBS Toggles
CKIT210.ZIP Yes 200249 12-22-91
CKIT2.10;Door Developer kit for Microsoft C,
Quick C, Turbo C and TC++. Supports PCBoard
12.0, 14.0 -> 14.5, WILDCAT!, DOOR.SYS,
DORINFOx.DEF and latest will support ANY BBS
known. Added features and bug fix for
occasional hangups with locked ports.
CL14S23A.ZIP Yes 55471 03-01-92
CALLS 14S23A Statistic Bulletin generator.
This is a modified version of Sam Smith's
great program. (Get CAL14S23.ZIP for Docs)
It fixes a few problems with features added
to PCBoard 14.5a, adds several new features
& reports. This includes only new CALLS.EXE,
CALLS.CNF & CALLS.MOD (documentation on
changes made by Gary Meeker)
CL14S23B.ZIP Yes 71643 05-09-92
CALLS 14S23B Statistic Bulletin generator.
This is a modified version of Sam Smith's
great program. (Get CAL14S23.ZIP for Docs)
It fixes a few problems with features added
to PCBoard 14.5a, adds several new features
& reports. This includes only new CALLS.EXE,
CALLS.CNF & CALLS.MOD (documentation on
changes made by Gary Meeker) (04/15/92).
CLPRNT24.ZIP Yes 21984 05-09-92
CL-Print v2.40 Send comments to CALLER.LOG
Small 2K program written in assembly allows
any text to be sent to log. Several useful
/Variables allow current Time & Date stamps
and standard PCBoard type entries. Now with
Substitute @Variables from PCBOARD.SYS &
USERS Files to log data for current user.
Improved Error reporting. PCBoard /D & /S
versions have limited use of @ variables.
FREEWARE from Gary Meeker. W/Assembly Source
CLUK.ZIP Yes 23115 05-05-92
CLUK - Caller Log Utility Keeper v1.0: PCB
caller log maintanence util that allows you
to fix, split, purge old entries and create
archive libraries of previous entries.
CLV_10.ZIP Yes 75103 12-15-90 PCB 14.5 Caller Log Viewer quick & dirty
CNTM103.ZIP Yes 134774 12-28-91
CountEm Version 1.03 release. CountEm
generates colorized headers, bulletins, and
your downloadable filelist using your choice
of archivers. Includes easy to use menu -
driven configuration program with WYSIWYG
color selections for the headers and
bulletins. v1.03 means CountEm is now
**FREEWARE**. No registration required!!
CNTRA100.ZIP Yes 53250 12-22-92
Cnet 1.00 For Remote Access!
Cnet is A Qwk/Rep
Importer/exporter Allowing ra
Sysops to Participate in National
Networks. Ffeatures Include Fast
Duplicate Message Checking, Based
Windows, Easyr Configuration.
CNVCNM.ZIP Yes 47303 05-09-92
Short utility to create a CNAMES file from
the CNAMES.@@@ file. Designed to be used by
door authors (save some development time).
COLRBR25.ZIP Yes 44399 01-05-91
Converts ASCII text to appear as if it's
written on colorbar computer paper. Great for
BBS bulletins and NEWS screens.
COMPR214.ZIP Yes 35008 04-21-91 BBS Allfiles list comparer v2.14.
COMZIPV2.ZIP Yes 25572 02-20-91 COMPZIPV V1.2 FOR PCBOARD 14+
CONVDIRS.ZIP Yes 33161 05-26-91 FILES.BBS support for Night Owls CD-ROM.
CONVPCB.ZIP Yes 56888 12-29-91
Convert EXEC-PC & RYBBS file directories to
PCBoard file directory format
COSTE110.ZIP Yes 38079 05-18-92 Great telephone cost for Front Door users.
CPD110.ZIP Yes 5958 02-23-91 CPDownload v1.10
CPYUSR1.ZIP Yes 55576 05-09-92
Copy users "RXS" data from one conference to
another. Registration data will be
identical in destination conference as source
(for all users)
CSCLS102.ZIP Yes 35705 05-09-92
CSCALLS is a simple program that will
generate a PCBoard 14.5a or greater display
file, showing the last group of callers to
your system. Many options are available to
configure the program to your
specifications. Best of all it's *FREEWARE*.
See History file for changes or fixes.
CWEXP104.ZIP Yes 24147 10-22-91 Waffle BBS news expire utility
DATACLR.ARJ No 6086 04-30-91 Clears all data phone fields in USERS.BBS (
DATELOG1.ZIP Yes 10060 02-12-91
What many Sysops have been waiting for
RENAME specified file to todays date! Syntax:
DATELOG [filename] mmddyy.LOG.
DAYB4_10.ZIP Yes 54398 12-08-91
Makes bbs screens for "days b4 xmas" wc!3.x
or ansi. Last revision date in archive:
DAYM350.ZIP Yes 201026 03-14-91
DayMaster 3.50. Gives you day in history
info, quote for the day etc. Lets you insert
your own events. Also reminders, weekly,
daily monthly, annually.
DBE_135.ZIP Yes 7007 03-13-91 D'Bridge Log Entry Utility - v1.35
DDD103.ZIP Yes 208628 12-31-91 Hypertext TSR help for Doorway and Frontdoor
DDMAT992.ZIP Yes 43124 12-12-90
DDmatch is a utility to automatically update
the message pointers between PCB 14.5's
USERS.INF and ProDoor's EXTUSER files.
Version 0.99.2(Alpha)
DF450R.ZIP Yes 207193 12-11-91
DF 4.50: Small, fast directory manager with
advanced user-defined functions such as
SmartViewers. Move and copy files, delete
and rename files and directories, create
archives change file time/date stamps,
create archive files, and much more. Yet
the program is less than 25KBytes in size!
Directory Freedom now allows even greater
user configurability and file sorts are at
least 3x faster.
DFLPROM2.ZIP Yes 3015 01-13-92 Duplicate file locator offer for sysops.
DIGICHAT.ZIP Yes 7537 05-03-91
Chat program for RA. Uses Soundblaster for
page bell.
DINFAVT3.ZIP Yes 31079 04-02-91 RA 1.00 DORINFO?.DEF ANS/AVT Utility (update)
DIR2FILE.ZIP Yes 7399 05-22-91 create FILES.BBS from directory including .
DIR4ROBO.ZIP Yes 10101 03-29-91
Interface between various PCBoard defaults
and Robocomm.
DIRCMP10.ZIP Yes 50475 05-07-92
DIRCOMP 1.0� PCB/ProDoor file list utility.
Compares two file lists and produces 3 new
lists. Two of them contain the files unique
to each of the input files. The third lists
the files that are common to the input
files. Very handy for those who do a lot of
DL'ing. Makes preparing Upload and Download
lists a real snap. Fully functional
ShareWare. $10
DIRCNT11.ZIP Yes 12159 07-24-91
DirCount. File DIR header utility. A quick
and simple utility to keep up-to-date headers
in your file DIR listings. Includes source
DIRDSK.ZIP Yes 22495 11-07-91
Allows you to easily maintain a files
directory (DIR file) for a constantly
changing file area. Designed for companies
that provide (files) support via BBS.
DIRLWR.ZIP Yes 23814 12-03-91
Converts PCBoard DIRx file descriptions to
lowercase (except for first letter of each
description). PD program with C++ source
code in developers conference.
DIRMGR02.ZIP Yes 77557 11-05-91
DIRMGR v1�02 (05-Nov-91) - (C) Geoffrey Sy
Creates color header on PCBoard DIRx files
listings. Very fast! Supports 2+ billion
files and 9,200,000,000,000,000,000 bytes.
DIRTOTXT.ZIP Yes 16491 10-08-91 Convert TAG BBS DIR files to text files
DLCFV312.ZIP Yes 57658 03-12-91 Track and analyze Downloads
DLCNT153.ZIP Yes 78387 09-11-90 Fikle download counter 1.53
DLCOUNT1.ZIP Yes 8725 11-25-91
Download counter for Max 2. Handles /TB
flags Extracts DL's to file, etc.
DLCV500.ZIP Yes 28137 02-25-91 Download counter for OPUS/MAX style logs
DLC_108R.ZIP Yes 27907 04-25-91 Opus DownLoad & Top 10 DL counter
DLC_221.ZIP Yes 13657 05-18-92
Download counter for Max 2. Handles /bt
DLC_243.ARJ No 28476 12-22-92
DownLoad Counter v2.43 Max/Bink
D/L & Attach Counter
DLLOG131.ZIP Yes 11247 05-18-92
Dllog v1.31 multi-line download log reporter
for Max 2.0. Fixes .qwk logic bug.
DLLOG_13.ZIP Yes 11156 11-20-91 Download Reporter for Max 2.0
DLSPC110.ZIP Yes 23568 11-18-91
FILES.BBS Download Counter Spacer for
QuickBBS/RA. Changes "[2]Descr" and "[ 2 ]
Descr" to "[2] Descr" in FILES.BBS
DODIR.ZIP Yes 42660 12-31-91
Dodir is a simple program that will process a
PCB style dir## file. It locates the file
using dlpath.lst and then calls AC150a to
convert. Changes extension & filesize in the
dir##. Another toolkit utility.
DORFIX.ZIP Yes 10698 10-04-91 "Fixes" RBBS\QBBS\RA DORINFOx.DEF for baud
DRAGBLOK.ZIP Yes 4587 08-22-91 Merge for RBBS - Blocks Conf On Users.
DROP125.ZIP Yes 45351 10-08-91
WC! 3.0 list Drop Carriers
Daily report.... Version 1.25 from LAWMAN
DRT100.ZIP Yes 78479 09-06-91
DRT v1.0: Sysop utility to request user
support of doors. Freeware.
DRUPR101.ZIP Yes 46529 12-22-92
This program will convert
PCBoard dirxx files and force the
first letter cap all other letters
lower case.
DSPLY13.ZIP Yes 23246 10-10-91 Displays text for use by a bbs.
DUPEUSER.ZIP Yes 18973 08-03-91 Find duplicate users utility for WildCat
DVCU1992.ZIP Yes 1836 12-05-91 SYSOPS Get listed on the 1992 DVCU BBS List
DZKVIEW2.ZIP Yes 99854 05-17-92
DZK BBS-List Interactive Viewing System
V2.00. A Powerful browsing and search
environment for the DZK BBS-List
(DZKBB###.ZIP). A User-friendly environment
to browse, or print the BBS list. Included
is the ability to output BBS records for
popular .FON telecommunications programs'
dialing directories.
E2A102.ZIP Yes 10075 09-07-91 Creates Areas.BBS From Sysmsg.dat
EDIT173C.ZIP Yes 8521 09-12-91 Ansi Editor AED244a Fix for RBBS 17.3C
EDITSTAT.ZIP Yes 26563 09-09-91 Edit status on VBBS
EFR101.ZIP Yes 200620 03-28-91 PCB 14.5 - Delete files after "X" num of days
EGAPIT.ZIP Yes 144760 02-19-91 THE PIT - User Terminal Interface.
EHUTI171.ZIP Yes 102015 08-15-91
RelayNet/MegaMail UTI drivers for Executive
Host v1.7
ELIST21.ZIP Yes 16974 11-04-91
Easylist 2.1, For SlBBS 2.XX, Creates
Reporst of Users And Statistics
ESPTLXSC.ZIP Yes 1337 11-13-91 This file allows automatic logon to ESPBBS.
EVTMGR24.ZIP Yes 11963 05-09-92
Event Manager version 2.4 of 04/21/92. This
program will add event notes to your caller
log file. Includes printer support and node
number as command line switches. Allows you
to have a complete record of your event
activities within your callers log. Fixes
printing of line of astricks first if a file
already exists. Now should work with Caller
log viewers such as ACTVIEW. Author: Lance
EXLST12B.ZIP Yes 67922 05-05-92
Exlist V1.2 Beta 2 Pcboard 14.5 Sysop
Utility To Display Text Files Containing
@Xnn Codes From Dos; Convert Them To Ansi Or
Ascii Files.
EXTNET10.ZIP Yes 48966 11-18-91
EXTnet - PCBoard 14.x utility. Replaces the
WHO command. It does quite a bit more, such
as provide information on what time the user
logged on and what door they are in (if
EXZIP204.ZIP Yes 140072 05-05-92
EXzip v2.04 Sysop's archive integrity, rezip
EZ_DIZ12.ZIP Yes 44708 05-07-92
EZ-DIZ v1.2 - Process archived FILE_ID.DIZ
or DESC.SDI descriptions from the *COMMAND*
line and place them into your PCBoard 14.5+
directory list automatically without doing
"local uploads". Now with automatic support
for ZIP/ARC/ARJ/PAK/LZH. Complete Re-write
to improve speed. May be used in an event.
ShareWare. $10.00 registration fee.
FALKUP.ZIP Yes 165622 07-20-91 Falken v5.9c multi-line bbs (2 line) update
FAPPEND.ZIP Yes 24395 02-08-91 File appending for Ultrabbs
FAREA10.ZIP Yes 12696 02-04-91 Fix areas.bbs after editing
FATAL142.ZIP Yes 17637 12-12-91
Fatal v1.42 - slightly modeified version of
Fatal v1.4 (a critical error handler that
automatically (R)etries on errors). This
version times out in 2 seconds, instead of 10
seconds. Better for network situations where
a resource may only be locked very
FATCAT20.ZIP Yes 17410 01-12-92 Update file download counters.
FDH40.ZIP Yes 50381 12-22-91
Graphic Header for your File Directories
PCBoard 14.5a ONLY Display the Date, No. of
Files & No. of Bytes Contained in Each
Directory Uses PCB "@x" Codes for Color
Includes Provisions to Change Five Colors in
the Header File This Version Fixes the
"Out-of-String-Space" Error on Large DIR's
FEBBS180.ZIP Yes 261472 08-05-91
Allfiles.bbs/files.bbs manager for Opus,
SBBS, QBBS, RA, and Maximus. Allows you to
manually manage your uploads, then automate
the creation of your ALLFILES list. Looks
really good.
FFIX121.ZIP Yes 53778 05-05-92 Smart filerobot w/Areafix Interface
FIDOQWK1.ZIP Yes 66601 12-22-92
FidoQWK - FidoNet(tm) <=> QWK echomail
processor. Allows any FidoNet(tm) compatible
BBS systems to transfer mail with any QWK
host systems. v1.00
FIDO_TOP.ZIP Yes 18118 05-13-91 Read CALLER.SYS, generate list of top users
FILDR201.ZIP Yes 42545 05-20-91 Waffle BBS friendly file door replacement
FILELIST.ZIP Yes 22074 04-18-91 Master FILES.BBS list generator. TC Source.
FIXSTAT1.ZIP Yes 8001 09-27-91
FIXSTATS.EXE, Version 1.0. Use it to adjust
your PCBSTATS.DAT file. This is teh location
where you CALL WAITING Screen Data is
stored. Written by Request.
FLBETA.ZIP Yes 11669 11-18-90 Beta File lister for RBBS FMS Files
FLST20.ZIP Yes 20782 12-22-92
Fileslst 2.0 This Handy Utility
is Used to Append New Files Onto A
Tribbs File List. This Latest
Version Now Provides Support For
File_id.Diz And Desc.sdi Files And
Can Now Optionally Sort The File
List Either.
FLX112.ZIP Yes 16445 06-22-91 File Area Updater for Opus/Max/compatible
FMS110.ZIP Yes 38365 02-09-91 File Monitoring System - FD 1.99c, 2.00 RBBS
FMS2PCB.ZIP Yes 9444 09-09-91
Convert your RBBS File Management System to
FMSUD203.ZIP Yes 38326 06-29-91 RBBS FMS Utility
FMV104.ZIP Yes 15085 07-07-90 FMS Utility
FN335_1.ZIP Yes 220915 12-23-90
Feathernet bbs version 3.35. Part 1 of 2.
Need help in converting to C or TP. Any
FN335_2.ZIP Yes 186545 12-24-90 Feathernet bbs version 3.35 part 2 of 2
FONDIR57.ZIP Yes 54899 11-03-91
FONDIR, v5.7; Convert phone directories
between various popular telecomm programs.
Can also convert between BBS lists and
telecomm programs.
FONDIR59.ZIP Yes 58967 05-17-92
FONDIR v5.9: will convert a text list of BBS
phone numbers, names & other information
into a file which can be used by your comm
pgm; converts to/from
Copy/A Dialer/Unicom/Ultiterm 2.0/Pilot 2.0;
FOXCUT01.ZIP Yes 86350 04-30-91
Focke's-Cut v1.0: Use w/DCBBS list to
extract nums that are a local call for you.
By T. Morgan (not Mike Focke).
FOXMENU.ZIP Yes 2283 06-15-90 Another Brdm (From Foxnet Pcboard)
FRI_201.ZIP Yes 51541 09-20-91 Update FILES.BBS with Node* and weekly news
FRME3.ZIP Yes 32137 11-24-91
French (ANSI/MENUS/RAL file) menus,
FSM340.ZIP Yes 56501 03-30-91 FileSummary - Files.Bbs Organizer/Summarize
FSORT116.ZIP Yes 10351 02-12-91 A small utility for sorting your FILES.BBS
FTANK14.ZIP Yes 37362 11-14-91 Flash tank demo for Majorbbs.
FTRIG004.ZIP Yes 18907 01-24-91 Executes batch when file(s) are received
FUSL_140.ZIP Yes 77317 06-05-91 FD/Binkley freq tool (freq from filelists)
FVIEW805.ZIP Yes 51655 05-11-91 Online file viewer. List contents of ARJ/ZIP
FWKCT118.ZIP Yes 76405 12-22-92
FWKCT(TM) Contents_Signature
System Test Procedures, Ver. 1.18,
1992 Sep 11. Contains test
procedures used in quality control
before FWKCS Ver. 1.18 was
released. They can be run as
partial test for compatibility
between FWKCS and your operating
system, or to see some of what
FWKCS can do. These test
procedures are also in
FWKCS118.ZIP. If you have that,
you can skip this .ZIP.
FXBULL10.ZIP Yes 53459 05-05-92 Super felixible RA/QBBS/SBBS Bulletin Maker
FXCHAT61.ZIP Yes 38823 12-22-92
FX/CHAT v6.1 Split Screen Chat
program for BBS!
GCNF11B.ZIP Yes 46705 10-21-91
GoodConf v1.1b, 10-21-91 Release. PCBoard 14
utility to show conference activity. This
util is great for sysops who wish to
determine which conferences are being used
and which ones are not. Fixes bug which
caused error (from 1.1a).
GIFRES14.ZIP Yes 38824 12-22-92
Put .GIF File Resolutions Into
Your Tribbs And Spitfire File
Listing. Faster File Handling.
Minor Bug Fixes. Now With -Av in
ZIP File
GIFT4B12.ZIP Yes 102500 01-31-92
GIFtest 4.0�12 (01/30/92), Command line GIF
util for PCBoard 14.5a and ProDoor sysops
to test uploaded GIF files for errors and
insert resolution into the file descriptions
where the sysop desires. Returns an error
level, so works with any BBS software. Now
supports com ports up to 19,200 baud!
$15 Shareware.
GMENUS.ZIP Yes 15570 08-31-90 German English Pui Menus from Gloria BBS
GOLD231U.ZIP Yes 230276 04-30-91
Golded v2.31 update files for frontend
GUA10.ZIP Yes 7441 12-14-91 GUA10.ZIP Ver1.0 (c)1991 by No Nonsense BBS
GWAR241.ZIP Yes 128762 03-06-92 Global War v2.41 for all types of BBS systems
HEADV10B.ZIP Yes 23484 11-12-91
HeadLiner V1.04b. Fixes a problem with
reading BBSNews. Some reasonable error
handling has been added as well.
HELLOBBS.ZIP Yes 44233 08-12-91 Wildcat! 3.0 Utility For Creating A Goodbye
HISCOR10.ZIP Yes 16552 12-22-92
--------------[ HiScore 1.0
------------- Multiple Topusers
Bulletin Generator for Renegade
BBS Systems. Very Versatile.
HLIST109.ZIP Yes 14472 10-01-91
Hlist V1.09 Files.BBS File List Compiler
BBS. Finally someone make new music files
HLP145AN.ZIP Yes 132395 02-07-92
PCBoard Helpfiles for new V14.5a Englisch
and German Versions. You may choose between
Ascii and Graphics Version (PCBoard @Codes)
HNR110.ZIP Yes 80623 01-27-92 Headline news room ver 1.10 sysops Files: 5
HSLTG25Q.ZIP Yes 73175 12-04-91
Documentation and files needed to install
HSLink into Telegard 2.5i Standard BBS
systems and higher (Written for 2.5q Beta
but all work).
HS_145A.ZIP Yes 2280 10-30-91 Install HS/Link protocol in PCBOARD 14.5a
HS_AU512.ZIP Yes 1358 05-18-92 Install HS/Link protocol in Auntie 5.12;
HS_R173C.ZIP Yes 2543 12-05-91 Install HS/Link protocol in RBBS v17.3c
HS_RA.ZIP Yes 638 11-29-91 Install HS/Link protocol in Remote Access.
HS_RYBBS.ZIP Yes 1135 01-03-92
RYBBS extup.bbs & extdown.bbs files to run
HS_WC3.ZIP Yes 500 11-20-91 HS/Link batch files for Wildcat! v3.x bbs's.
HS_WWIV.ZIP Yes 1825 01-09-92 Install HS/Link protocol in WWIV v4.0.
IA_CARD.ZIP Yes 2309 08-26-91 A solution to BBS's "No Credit Card" problem
ICOMBLT5.ZIP Yes 63954 12-09-91
BULLETIN CAPTURE (1.0) for ICOM. Captures
bulletins when "New Bulletins" appears at
logon. Features auto install & works with any
offline reader/utility. No limit on number of
bulletins to look for. Last revision date in
ID10.ZIP Yes 36489 01-08-92
ID v1.0; Create, edit and modify FILE_ID.DIZ
and DESC.SDI files. ID is a menu driven ded-
icated text editor that will create either
FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI or BOTH file formats
and place them in ZIP files for you. ID
takes all the guess work out of using these
file description schemes and makes the
authors work easier. A must have!
IDX_UTIL.ZIP Yes 18576 01-01-92
IDX-Util v1.0 (01-01-92) PCB 14.5a Utilities
List files in .IDX File using wildcards. List
Duplicate files in an .IDX File. Also can
cross-reference two .IDX files and list Dups
or create a 3rd Index containing Dups. Useful
for removing CD-Rom files from Hard Disk &
replacing them with CD-Rom.
ISYSOP11.ZIP Yes 3038 12-22-92
ISYSOP.COM: "Is the current
user the sysop?" a pcboard utility
for pcbtest,pcbview, etc, that
returns an errorlevel of 1 if the
current user is the sysop; else
returns 0. works with all single-
and multiple-node versions of
pcboard v14.5x. public domain.
JOINLST4.ZIP Yes 38146 10-03-91 JoinList v4.0: SLBBS utility to create li
KBCRYP.ZIP Yes 16092 05-09-92 Nice utily for entering @X codes.
KILLTWIT.ZIP Yes 32179 01-12-91
EchoDor Util to kill messages from individual
LAST1520.ZIP Yes 15025 12-12-91
Last15 2.0 - A Last 15 Callers bulletin
generator for TriTel BBS.
LASTC_11.ZIP Yes 16056 09-28-91 Get Lastcaller Info Via Binkley.Scd V2.50
LASTMSG1.ZIP Yes 36856 03-13-91 Stats about your message base
LEVELRPT.ZIP Yes 8308 05-18-92
Makes list of Users by Security Level
Multi-user support allows use while nodes
are active. Lists number of users in each
security level as well as listing all the
users in each security level. A CKWare
LFC20.ZIP Yes 24000 05-07-92
LFC 2.0 - Last Few Callers bulletin maker for
PCBoard 14.5a - create colorful bulletins on
who last called your BBS, includes fields for
name, city/state, baud, date, time AND
minutes used online. Sysop definable colors,
options and more. A *must have* bulletin
maker for PCB14.5a!
LISTEM20.ZIP Yes 18947 03-30-91
List 'Em v2.0: Alternative to SLDIR 2.xx for
LISTPCBK.ZIP Yes 103035 01-16-92
14.5x Conference's. Seperates each
directory in the list. Easy setup, and runs
from your EVENT. NOT CRIPPLED! Should handle
200+ Conferences now. Fixed reading
directories Shareware $ 10.00
LISTRD12.ZIP Yes 13833 05-09-92
Listread 1.02.c.jpi is simply a speed up
change. The routines are about 350% faster!
Reads through the BLT1.ZIP file in 14 seconds
instead of 44 seconds.
LK_100.ZIP Yes 11155 03-22-91 PointOp/Sysop logfile Watch Util.
LOCNL112.ZIP Yes 8870 05-18-92
Extracts a single net from the full
LOGGER14.ZIP Yes 45769 05-09-92
Logger v1.4 last callers bulletin generator.
Sysop configurable. Shows Time,Date, Name,
City, State, Speed, and Node. Has the option
to use a Super User Select where you can tag
users that meet certain criteria like
security level, uploaded files and bytes,
downloaded files and bytes. You can exempt
users like Co-sysop(s), or testers. See
History file for latest changes and bug
fixes. Freeware.
LOGOFF7.ZIP Yes 6403 01-12-92
LOGOFF TESTING Ver 7.0 By John Kleinbauer
This is a Working BOARD.BAT file that
gets PCBoard to test files after the caller
has left the BBS. STOP!!!! users from
being penalized by making them wait online
while files are being tested.
These batch files used along with
the program AUTOSCAN make other methods of
testing a waste of time and money.
This version fixes the problem of the
BBS droping to DOS if Qmail is used.
LOTTO10.ZIP Yes 36365 01-06-92
ANSI time gambling door for QuickBBS and
Remote Access
LSTCRC14.ZIP Yes 17031 09-10-91
Compare CRCs of areanames in areas.bbs V1.4
Now supports fidonet.
LSTPCB16.ZIP Yes 104880 02-04-92
for PCBOARD 14.5x Conference's. Seperates
each directory in the list. Easy setup, and
runs from your EVENT. NOT CRIPPLED!
Shareware $ 10.00
MACRM1.ZIP Yes 29116 12-22-92
MACRM V1.0 Removes unwanted
files from PCBoard dir listings.
Handles unlimited number of files
and dirs. Runs from constructed
lists of files and dir locations.
Very fast and safe. Saves tons of
time when processing large amount
of data. M�C's Place BBS Released
as FREEWARE.................
MAKEDIR.ZIP Yes 21536 07-15-90 Make a file list for RBBS Systems
MAKEPK10.ZIP Yes 35682 10-17-91
MAKEPACK is for PCBoard sysops that have
taken Prodoor off of their systems but still
want to use Sam Smith's PROPACK for
message-base packing. MAKEPACK reads the
contents of a PCBoard 14.5 or 14.5A CNAMES
file and generates a PACKALL.BAT (or
equivalent) file.
MAKEPORT.ZIP Yes 3172 09-04-91
Marshall Dudley fix to dooway problem when
"no port is mapped into low memory - assuming
default location" message is received.
MASTER1.ZIP Yes 64223 07-14-90 Master FMS Utility
MAX200_1.ZIP Yes 301837 11-04-91
BBS program MAX v2.0 no registion needed!
disk 1 of 4
MAX200_2.ZIP Yes 162942 11-04-91 disk 2 of 4
MAX200_3.ZIP Yes 149224 11-04-91 disk 3 of 4
MAX200_4.ZIP Yes 310225 11-04-91 disk 4 of 4
MAXBANK2.ZIP Yes 90572 01-01-92 A time bank for MAX v2.0
MAXJM110.ZIP Yes 14215 05-20-91 JModem Interface (v1.10) (Maximus/OPUS)
MAXSTAT2.ZIP Yes 18917 05-18-92
Maximus Statistics Generator. Now Supports
Maximus 2.0.
MAXSZ10.ZIP Yes 10157 04-09-91 Maximus SZModem Interface (MAX/OPUS)
MA_102.ZIP Yes 55674 12-10-91 MSg Alert, Opus/Fido, QBBS/ra, & Tpboard
MBA321.ZIP Yes 103453 05-09-92
Message Base Accountant Version 3.21
Freeware utility for PCBoard 14.5 Award file
upload credits to callers who perform
sysop-specified activities such as leave
messages, read bulletins, etc. Minor bug
fix from 3.20
MBBS81_3.ZIP Yes 5864 11-05-91 The most userfriendly bbs-system in the world
MCFGEDV2.ZIP Yes 24295 01-23-92 Mcfgedit V2.0: message area editor.
MEXP120.ZIP Yes 15099 06-13-91 Export msgs to file/prn using configurable
MEZZ022.ZIP Yes 71951 02-08-92
-------------------------------- Let your
users access more than one BBS program on
your system. Has many other uses, too, like
DOOR monitor, program downloading front-end,
pre-BBS screening, etc.
MFM_109B.ARJ No 50095 06-20-91 Maximus File area Manager BUG FIX!
MKDIZ_12.ZIP Yes 31003 01-09-92
MakeDiz Version 1.2
Create FILE_ID.DIZ quick and easy for your
will create and ZIP it into the file of your
choice, V1.2 minor cosmetic change !!
MKDOOR11.ZIP Yes 11250 12-19-90 Waffle BBS utility to make external doors
MKXRS103.ZIP Yes 106570 05-18-92 Small FIDO mail tosser for XRSDOR.
MLU110.ZIP Yes 91596 05-17-92 Master List Utility v1.10 for GAP BBS's.
MM20B28.ZIP Yes 136071 02-16-92
MarkMail for PCBoard � Beta ver.28.
Some bug fixes and now full HS/Link support!
Added [P] private message flag on insertion.
Beat the March Price Increase! Reg Now $25.
MMCMDS.ZIP Yes 1576 12-17-91 MarkMail offline configuration commands.
MONI2ACT.ZIP Yes 3081 05-05-92 Use ActView in place of PCBMoni
MONO3_1.ZIP Yes 79963 10-14-91 Demo of a monopoly BBS door game
MOVEIT14.ZIP Yes 32889 08-29-91 File Area manager for QBBS systems.
MPD204.ZIP Yes 46419 10-12-91 Most Popular Download 2.04, for SLBBS 2.x
MPTWCBTS.ZIP Yes 3489 04-24-91
MPT (Puma) batch files to implement from
within Wilcat BBS software
MQM.ZIP Yes 34727 05-07-92
Mistic Questionairre Maker Use basic-like
commands to create powerful questionairres
for your BBS. Very extensive!
MRLINK.ZIP Yes 19152 04-08-91 QBBS-style ReplyLinker (uses ^aMSGID / ^aRE
MSGALRT3.ZIP Yes 43028 05-09-92
Scans message base and sends messages to
specified individual to printer or a
different conference. Program released to
public domain.
MSGQ160S.ZIP Yes 119118 07-28-91 MSGED QuickBBS version 1.60
MSGUSE02.ZIP Yes 14420 05-17-92
List Message Areas Accessed & Unused For
Maximus BBS.
MSG_200.ZIP Yes 27180 08-24-91
PCBMsg Version 2.00. A message counting
utility for PCBoard systems.
MSI14.ZIP Yes 69245 05-15-91 Capable of 100 submenus with security
MTA1450.ZIP Yes 438173 06-06-91
Make Them Anything v14.5.0: Sysops batch
repacker extrodinaire. Does it ALL. Accepts
compreszsed files in *any* format, features
far too numerous to list here. From Holland.
MTS_V601.ZIP Yes 83516 02-22-91 View/Extract/Compress for users
MT_200.ZIP Yes 26464 03-23-91 New Ver. of Time stamp last mail run.Sysops.
MULTNODE.ZIP Yes 10725 06-01-91 Run BBS Doors on Multinode Bbses
MURTHOT.ZIP Yes 12387 11-07-91
Murphy's Laws generator for Quote of the Day
on SPITFIRE BBS's. Can be used in .bat files
for personal use also.
MUSICQMF.ZIP Yes 808 10-24-91 QMM profile for Musical BBS.
MUTDESC.ZIP Yes 11219 12-10-91
Add file descriptions automatically to WC!
3.x U/L's!
MUTT100.ZIP Yes 24848 11-24-91 Maximus BBS user Time Tank, v1.00.
MV2CALL.ZIP Yes 37762 05-09-92
This little sysop **Toolkit Utility** will
copy a file into a CALLER file and format it
to PCB spec of 62 char per line. Handy for
adding log info at appropriate times or
during an event. Deletes file after copy to
eliminate dup info storage.
MXTMS_10.ZIP Yes 22829 05-27-91 C Source for MaxTime, time bank program for
MXTM_10.ZIP Yes 47548 05-27-91 MaxTime, a time bank facility for Maximus-C
M_CHAT.ZIP Yes 69866 05-18-92 Good Chat program.
NAMEBB.ZIP Yes 13933 12-22-92 A Neat program to help you name your BBS!
NEATNIK2.ZIP Yes 41424 01-26-92 Checks FILES.BBS for lines too long. Max/Opus
NETEVENT.ZIP Yes 32470 01-24-92
NetEvent allows you the sysop to run a
particular function from your event.sys file
on a specific day of the week or on multiple
days of the week, quick and easy to use no
fancy install programs. FREEWARE !!!
NETSTATS.ZIP Yes 26756 02-28-91 Make a Statistics report from Nodelist
NETSUM25.ZIP Yes 31963 11-02-91 Waffle BBS net file summary report generator
NEWPROTO.ZIP Yes 7486 12-22-92
Replacement PROTOCOL.CTL for
Maximus 2.01wb Add G/DSZ, HS/Link
& MPt. Easy to follow
NEWS320A.ZIP Yes 74688 01-16-92
Mews Manager v3.20 RE-RELEASE. Supports
PCBoard 14 or Local Only Mode. News
Manager allows local/remote sysop or
conference sysops to add or delete news to
any conference on their BBS. It supports
two different news formats and allows the
sysop to configure the colors. Newsman
supports up to 38.4K and unlimited com
NG_PCB_.ZIP Yes 6055 05-07-92
Norton Guide for PCBoard 14.x @-codes. Also
includes ASCII chart, box-character chart,
and a special characters chart. NG NORTON
NLUTIL31.ZIP Yes 32250 11-01-91
Public domain Fido utility which creates new
world nodelist from compressed nodediff file
NOADS14.ZIP Yes 15598 05-05-92
NoAds v1.4
Contains FWKCS compatible signatures for the
exclusion of BBS ads. Version 1.4 identifies
844 of them. Instructions included on adding
them to your existing database of
signatures. Works with ExZTest & ExZip via
the FWKCS program.
NODEESPC.ZIP Yes 44148 05-07-92
Node Speed Checker v1.10]
A PCBoard v14.x to v14.5a speed verifica-
tion DOOR. Compatible with COM 1-8. Up to
38400 Bps. For PCBoard /E3 up to /99.
Keep a user from logging at a speed less
than configured IF ONLY there is at least
1 node free to log on. Configuration for
Speed/Error Correcting Modem. A MUST!
NODELK10.ZIP Yes 13713 05-09-92
NODELOCK v1.0: A pair of utilities that
allow a PCBoard v14.5 system that is set up
on a network to "float" between node numbers
without requiring the use of the /FLOAT
switch. Can be useful if the network cannot
guarantee an unused subdirectory for the
user. Automatically resets locks on nodes
that are hung after a specified period of
NOSNAL57.ZIP Yes 118322 12-22-92 NoSnail Netmail for RBBS v0.57
NOTIME10.ZIP Yes 4475 02-04-92
NOTIME v1.0: Run in the $$LOGOFF.BAT file
this program will check to see if a caller
has a specific security level. If so it
will change the minutes used in the user
record to zero allowing the next caller
NR204.ZIP Yes 120193 01-03-92
NewsRoom version 2.04 BBS News generating
software. Create news files using ANSI, or
PCBoard color codes. Changes include
addition of a disaster recovery for files,
no more force to mixed case for name fields,
and a window to display the subject and date
of the news item being edited.
NUB15.ZIP Yes 35736 12-22-92
New User Bulletin Utility For
GT Power BBS Hotware.
NUEXPIRE.ZIP Yes 4131 10-26-91 Waffle BBS news expire perl script
NWSMKR21.ZIP Yes 25612 12-31-91
Newsmaker v2.1 - PCBoard 14.x NEWS maker.
Simply create a NEWS file using your
favorite text editor, add some formatting
codes, and Newsmaker will process the text
file and output a nice, headered NEWS file.
Completely color-customizable. Will support
five-colors to enhance your text. Written
by Greg Barton, SysOp of ACCUG BBS.
OBUL_003.ZIP Yes 49875 04-18-91 Opus Bulletin Generator
OCHAT170.ZIP Yes 60471 09-12-91 The Ultimate Opus 1.7+ Chatter
OFFHOOK.ZIP Yes 66922 04-24-91
Sysop can place com ports 1-4 off hook
need brun40.exe patched
OITOP113.ZIP Yes 20283 04-11-91 Top 10 user statistic for Opus 1.1x
OLVR_11.ZIP Yes 54127 03-31-91 Fido message editor for Windows3.0 *.msg
OM104E_1.ZIP Yes 202855 08-05-91 Omega BBS system, remote mouse aware BBS 1/3
OM104E_2.ZIP Yes 175608 08-04-91 Omega BBS system, Disk 2 of 3
OM104E_3.ZIP Yes 3318 03-11-91 Omega BBS system, Disk 3 of 3
OMEAL345.ZIP Yes 124570 05-07-91 Another database in the OMNI tradition
OOUREP11.ZIP Yes 12740 04-13-91 OPUS Online User Report - bug fix
OPDSZ10.ZIP Yes 10281 05-18-92 Opus 1.7x - GSZ/DSZ graphical interface.
OPLKIT14.ZIP Yes 26160 10-26-91
Opus Language Kit (USL <-> ASCII
OPUS17GE.ZIP Yes 70825 10-20-91 German Language Files For Opus 1.7x
OPUS1MAX.ZIP Yes 14430 11-12-91 Convert Opus 1.0? User file to max.
ORCHID11.ZIP Yes 3648 12-07-91 Orchid VESA Bios Extension TSR Version 1.21
ORDERDOR.ZIP Yes 144545 08-03-91 Newest Version of Order Door
ORTUU102.ZIP Yes 31513 11-07-91
Opus Real Time User Updater V1.02 For Opus
1.7x Only
OS2PATCH.ZIP Yes 2673 05-09-92
Patch PCB145.EXE to run properly under OS/2
version 2.0. Makes a 1-bit change in the
v14.5a executable. Will work on any model of
PCBoard (/S, /D, /E3, etc).
OTOS.ZIP Yes 21505 06-13-91 Convert Opus 1.1x user database to Simplex
PACKMSG2.ZIP Yes 4106 10-05-90
Pack you PCBoard message message bases
nightly with this.
PAGER104.ZIP Yes 6819 12-22-91
Mass pager for Galacticom BBS - w/Pascal
PAKTOC10.ZIP Yes 16214 10-13-91 Press a key to continue for use by BBSs.
PANORAMA.ZIP Yes 31086 09-01-91 ZIP extract Program For Searchlight BBS 2
PASWRD21.ZIP Yes 26283 04-21-91 PassWord v2.1: Random password generator
PBBS170.ZIP Yes 642105 10-16-91
PowerBBS for Windows 3 & DOS. Interactive
menus, etc.
PBCLL092.ZIP Yes 9135 05-18-92
PCBCALL 0.92� - Modify your caller log by
removing ### lines, ### days, or any user
entry by entering the user's name(s).
PBCLL094.ZIP Yes 11224 02-17-92
Cut your CALLER log file(s) down to size.
Specify how many line or how many days you
want to keep in the file. You also have the
ability to remove log entries left by any
user(s). Perfect to run in your event.
Another * FREEWARE * program.
PB_116.ARJ No 285964 10-02-91
Pro Board BBS. A complete BBS program that
uses the same file formats as Remote
Acceess/QBBS etc (so you can use utilites and
programs designed for those). Extensible,
and very complete. Networking/etc.
PCB2ACTB.ZIP Yes 10123 09-09-91
PCBoard Second Account 1.1 beta. Alternative
way to allow Aliases, separate PWRD & Users
files for separate board access Now includes
good error-traps & Sysop Lock
PCB2ANSI.ZIP Yes 9219 12-20-91
PCB2ANSI v1.0 - Utility to convert
PCBoard @X graphics files back to regular
ANSI files with escape code sequences.
Command line driven, wildcards allowed,
retains original files. Public Domain.
PCBBRGER.ZIP Yes 835 12-25-91 German menu screen BRDM for PCBoard
PCBCHT10.ZIP Yes 8734 10-22-91
PCBCHAT Utility Version 1.0 of 10/22/91. A
utility for PCBoard 14.0+ systems that will
adjust your user's NODE CHAT status (either
'A'vailable or 'U'navailable). Beston
PCBoard 14.5a systems, to run in your
$$LOGON.BAT file to adjust when logging into
the system to avoid bothersome CHATS.
PCBCLL11.ZIP Yes 40981 09-24-91
PCB-Calls Version 1.1 Added the capabilities
to define your own colors and fixed a bug in
the calculation of events. Read the
PCBCODES.ZIP Yes 6376 10-08-90
All the PCBoard @-Codes, Color-Codes and
PCBCS141.ZIP Yes 51246 05-19-91
PCBCS v1.41 PCBoard CALLER file statistics
report progrm.
PCBDESC2.ZIP Yes 10544 10-16-91
PCBDescribe Version 2.00.
Utility for PCBoard v14.5a systems that
automatically detects description files
included in uploaded ZIP files and uses the
contents as the upload description.
Optionally appends a line to the description
indicating the number files and the dates of
both the oldest and the newest files in the
ZIP newest file date in the ZIP file to the
PCBDIZ11.ZIP Yes 35082 01-22-92
PCBDIZ 1.1, PCBoard 14.5a utility to scan
ZIP, LZH, and ARJ files for FILE_ID.DIZ and
insert the description if found. Includes
options for adding the number of files,
oldest/newest file dates, uncompressed size
of the archive, and AV information for ZIPs
to the description. FREEWARE
PCBEM12U.ZIP Yes 54259 09-27-91
PCBEM II Event Manager 1.12
Complete event management system that offers
the abilty to run multiple events, schedual
SysOp maintenance, have other nodes wait for
the event process to complete and more....
This version is a minor bug fix for a
problem with having more than 3 nodes and a
screen display flicker problem when using
the change command switch.
PCBEVN21.ZIP Yes 137651 05-09-92
PCBEvent v2.1 � (For PCB14.5a) � 5-8-92
PCBEvent is a PCB14.5a event manager. Has
MANY features that other event managers do
not! Even writes it's own Event.sys! Keeps
your events in sync! You can run an event
on any day of the week. Registration will
include a FREE utility LOCKDOOR (Locks a
door xx min before an event) NOW W/MOUSE &
faster & easier to use! ***NEW OPTIONS***
Author David Casto
PCBFRE2E.ZIP Yes 91727 01-23-92
PCBoard 14.5x File Ratio Enforcer DOOR.
Provides dynamic FILES, BYTES, POSTS/CALLS,
POSTS/DOWNLOADS ratio enforcement. Banking
functions are functional in this release.
PCBFV25.ZIP Yes 122717 05-05-92
PCBFV 2.5 - PCBoard F V Compressed File
View. Online or local reading & extraction
of files within ZIP, ARJ, LZH, PAK, and ARC
files. Displays GIF dimensions. (F)ind text
while (R)eading files. Highly Sysop
configurable. Ver. 2.5 contains 3 new
commands. Seamless. DESQview aware.
Non-standard com support. New FVMM utility
for use in PCBFiler ALT-V.
PCBFX12.ZIP Yes 60269 05-09-92
PCBFX 1.2 - PCBoard File XFer Profile. Scan
DOWNLOAD.TXT for number d/l, who uploaded,
date uploaded, last d/l date, more. Special
Sysop Zippy text scan. All parameters are
security configurable for display. Conference
block list on 'who uploaded'. Seamless.
DESQview aware. Non-standard com support.
File profile display is 100% configurable.
PCBGERM.ZIP Yes 11056 09-19-90
German Version Of Pcbtext This One Is A Good
Translation Note: This File Is Missing Some
Files That Are Needed By The Inclusion Of
%Filespec Entries In The Pcbtext File.
PCBHELP.ZIP Yes 19392 03-26-91 User Command Reference for PCBOARD
PCBHLP_C.ZIP Yes 35907 11-05-91
PCB help files that are colorized with the
PCB @x codes. These are directly taken from
the latest PCB help files for PCB 14.5
PCBIDX11.ZIP Yes 23211 12-18-91
Utilities to enable you to view, find or
delete files from the madeidx.idx file. Ideal
to remove files from CD roms that you have
removed from the dirs and do not want wild
card downloaded. For 14.5a +.
PCBLANG.ZIP Yes 20793 01-01-92
PCBoard Language file (PCBTEXT.XXX) file
utility. Allows you to easily update the
pcbtext prompts (and colors without @-X).
Public Domain code, TC++ OOP source code in
developers conference.
PCBLOF_2.ZIP Yes 15701 06-09-91 Make a list of files for PCBoard 14.5.
PCBMODE2.ZIP Yes 18039 11-11-91
PcbMode Version 2.0 released Nov 11th 1991.
SysOp utility for use with PCBoard V14.5a.
Used to reset a callers color mode within
the PCBoard.Sys and/or Door.Sys file.
Accepts On, Off, or 7E1 as parameters.
PCBMOVE.ZIP Yes 79922 05-07-92
PCBMove - Remote PCBoard file moving
utility. PCBoard door to allow your users
move your uploads and their descriptions to
the proper file directories of your board.
Can also be used locally with an ASCII list
to be moved or take the move requests from a
message using GetMail included in the Zip. A
must for lazy sysops :-) Authors:
G.Peterson, R.Cougnec, A.Altan
PCBMSG1.ZIP Yes 39146 10-21-91
Post a message to PCBoard from batch file or
DOS prompt. Released to Public domain
(source code available in Developers
conference (C++)).
PCBMULT.ZIP Yes 48930 12-22-92
PCBoard And Multiple Nodes --
Text file that describes how to
setup PCBoard under multiple
nodes. Detailed instructions for
multitaskers and networks, answers
to common questions, and
door/event setup in a multinode
environment are just a few of the
topics covered. Written by CDC.
PCBNET29.ZIP Yes 23603 09-18-91
PCBNET v2.9 Utility to scan conferences and
set users' last message read pointers. Minor
bug fix from v2.8.
PCBNEWF.ZIP Yes 29191 10-10-91
Make a second Filelist only with Files since
the last xx Days. FREEWARE and very fast.
Author Peter Haessig SQUIRELL Mailbox.
PCBNFY10.ZIP Yes 34513 11-13-91
PCBoard Notify - NetWare version notifies
NetWare users of Pcboard mail waiting for
them by sending them a SEND-like message
accross the LAN. Handles multiple servers.
PCBSCM3.ZIP Yes 34299 09-30-91
Sets environment with selected data from
PCBOARD.SYS file. Also allows you to create
a REMOTE.INF file (comma delimited) from
PCBSIZ10.ZIP Yes 6027 07-24-91
PCBSize will adjust your DIR file sizes to
match the actual file size. Handy if you
have striped comments/files from the .ZIP,
and need to reflect it in the DIR file.
PCBSS20.ZIP Yes 96130 01-19-92
PCB Super Script v2.0, Create scripts and
doors for subscriptions, new user
registration, etc.
PCBSTAMP.ZIP Yes 25002 01-29-92
PCBStamp is useful in batch files to send a
string to the caller log. It optionally will
date or time stamp the entry as well.
PCBTXSPA.ZIP Yes 12017 01-23-91 Spanish Pcbtext And Menus For Pcb 14.5 !
PCBUPLD.ZIP Yes 18541 01-21-92
PCBTEST utility to post the individuals name
(as PCBoard does and security level.
PCBURM11.ZIP Yes 89969 12-22-92
PCBoard User Ratio Monitor
v1.1. SIMPLE to setup. Will
monitor the file and/or byte
ratios of your callers at each
call, selectable by security
level. Prevent users who are
outside your prescribed ratio
limits from downloading. Up to
115,200 baud support, COM1-4.
Option now to exclude security
levels from ratio check. | NOT
PCBUSU20.ZIP Yes 52588 01-01-92
PCB User Search Utility Ver. 2.0 *UpDate*
********** By a PCBoard SysOp ***************
* Small utility for PCBoard SysOps to read *
* the Download.txt, find out what files a *
* user has downloaded. We use it to find out*
* if a *problem* user has downloaded too *
* many files and what they were. Also great *
* for finding out who has downloaded your *
* registration package etc. It can send a *
* report to the screen, file, or printer. *
* Now has MORE menu options and MORE command*
* line switches for use in an event! *
PCBVPACK.ZIP Yes 39044 12-08-91
PCBVPack v1.0 - A utility for PCBoard 14.5+
sysops who use the PCBV310 call back door by
Curtis Kowalski. Speeds up the packing of
the PCBVVER file and offers other options.
Will run stand alone or in a nightly event.
PCBWAT40.ZIP Yes 212970 01-10-92
PCBwatch v4.0 - Excellent Sysops Control
Center. Monitors your nodes with several
powerfull features. Accomplish several
tasks from one program. This saves you from
having to run several programs. A time
saver and makes your work alot easier!
PCBX100.ZIP Yes 11270 09-13-91 Capture and save any screen in PCB codes
PCBXMAS.ZIP Yes 2906 12-20-91 Christmas Message Screen for PCBoard
PCB_.ZIP Yes 1279 05-09-92
Possible replacement of Goodbye Screens ? I
did this on my spare time - I figured that I
might design a new goodbye screens for you.
Just a thought.. :)
PCB_DV.ZIP Yes 12004 11-07-91
Text file that details step-by-step how to
install up to 4 PCBoard nodes on one machine
using DESQview. Over 17 pages of detailed
setup information.
PCB_WEL.ZIP Yes 976 11-17-91
A welcome screen drawn using PCBDraw. Looks
like the PCBoard 14.5a/E3 waiting screen.
PCDIR15.ZIP Yes 43163 10-26-91
PC-Directory v1.5: file manager that allows
you to attach 160 charactr "pop-up"
FileNotes to your filenams
w/view/rename/change directories/tag
copy/delete/move/find file/text/
FileNote/change file/directory attributes;
plus more; TSR and non-TSR.
PCLS20R.ZIP Yes 21747 12-27-91
ProCalls 2.0R - PCBoard 14.5 previous caller
bulletin generator. Fully functional
shareware program. Written by Rob Hufstetler
PCMS134.ZIP Yes 36270 03-23-91
Updated version of PCMENU, an excellent yet
simple to use menu system that works very
well on network systems.
PCP910.ZIP Yes 21981 05-17-92
For users of PC pursuit. Scan a BBS list to
find the pursuitable numbers. Either local
or national lists.
PCRSCN11.ZIP Yes 13103 06-22-91
Minor Bug Fix To Pcr-Scan 1.0. Now Properly
Adds Conferences Imported Into. Great
Utility To Create A Bulletin Of Number Of
Messages Imported From Pcrelay To Your
PDFC100.ZIP Yes 34236 03-19-91
GREAT Utility to convert PCBOARD.SYS to
PGEN_20.ZIP Yes 29830 05-29-91 LiveSystems RA-pong 2.0 Arcade on-line...
PGSYSP.ZIP Yes 45258 09-09-91
A new page sysop door from a author in
PHONE300.ZIP Yes 24744 02-11-92
Version 3.00 compiled 02-11-92 @ 07: 03
Allows users to list known BBS's by area
code. Lists if pay or free, and also will
list the actual calling area SysOp Utility
now accessed from DOS.
PIGGY251.ZIP Yes 71528 01-05-91 Checks file up/dload ratio on GT power Host
PKPRO13B.ZIP Yes 413897 05-01-91 Passkey bulletin board version 1.3b
PNS52.ZIP Yes 25673 01-05-92
Select files to upload from your directories
while on-line.
POLL100.ZIP Yes 22279 08-14-91 Waffle BBS uucp site polling utility
POST101.ZIP Yes 10945 03-24-91 Postlog -RA v1.01 Logs # of message posts
PPP220.ZIP Yes 122732 02-12-92
PCBoard Power Pak 2.2, Three outstanding BLT
programs for PCBoard/ProDoor SysOps. TOPS,
USELIST, and TRSTAT which create bulletins
for Top Users/Cities, Downloaders/Uploaders,
Downloaded Files, and a complete list of all
users with descriptions of their levels. $19
PREPOST2.ZIP Yes 9201 05-15-91 Allows SLBBS sysops to pre-post messages
PREPOSTU.ZIP Yes 8633 05-15-91 Allows users to pre-post SLBBS messages
PREVNT31.ZIP Yes 17472 10-13-90
PREVENT ver 3.1 from Jeff Woods. Run
multipule events with PCBoard 14.5a
PROBIG13.ZIP Yes 141223 03-12-91 Pro_OPUS v1.3 Small Memory Requirment EXE
PROCDIR.ZIP Yes 9279 10-13-90
Creates DIR file summarizing # Files &
PROFILE.ZIP Yes 130032 06-23-91 PRO-FILE Professional File System for RA
PROKIT34.ZIP Yes 238836 04-01-91 ProKit v3.4 official release.
PROL12B1.ZIP Yes 92146 04-01-91 ProLogon 3.4 beta test release.
PROMENUS.ZIP Yes 11347 12-18-90 Menus For WWIV 4.20. BBS Program.
PROSCR11.ZIP Yes 53703 04-01-91 ProScript v3.4 official release.
PR_RA110.ZIP Yes 16768 11-05-91 Set up external protocols in RA v1.10.
PSORT21.ZIP Yes 16383 12-02-91
Pack, sort (by last name), list and purge
users.bbs 2.75+.
PST09A.ZIP Yes 145244 05-19-91 PST - graph data - set up indicators
PS_USR10.ZIP Yes 28399 05-16-91 Password system - allows up to 40 users
PTCHEVT1.ZIP Yes 31968 11-20-91
PatchEvt Version 1.0, released Nov 20th
1991. PCBoard V14.5a SysOp Utility.
Maintains proper event schedules when using
Front-Ends. (Front Door, BinkleyTerm, etc).
PTERM2D.ZIP Yes 129184 09-19-91 PTERM -- ANSI interface for THE PIT v2.0x.
PTIME100.ZIP Yes 13391 05-07-92
Limit callers time limit during Prime Time
hours. For Searchlight BBS 2.25, from Cyclone
PWRLST16.ZIP Yes 81910 12-22-92
Power List version 1.6
Power List is a
PCBoard 14.x utility that allows a
user to create his/her own
personal files list based on
interests. Rather than download a
very large complete files list, he
/she can choose those directories
that are of interest. Includes
fixes for entries that the door
would not accept and a few others.
PXVIEW_E.ZIP Yes 73167 11-10-90 Display PARADOX .db files in BBS enviroment
Q2COA10.ZIP Yes 37037 07-19-91 QBBS/Rbbs/sbbs/ra to Catacombs of ASCII
QANU20.ZIP Yes 12917 12-04-91
Purge records in your newuser.asw not found
in your users.bbs (2.75+).
QBBS275D.ZIP Yes 294938 10-10-91 QUICKBBS 2.75 Final Release - Documentation -
QBBS275E.ZIP Yes 320767 10-12-91 QUICKBBS 2.75 Final Release - Executables
QBBS275O.ZIP Yes 318506 10-12-91 QUICKBBS 2.75 Final Release - Overlay version
QBBS275U.ZIP Yes 280294 10-10-91 QUICKBBS 2.75 Final Release - Utilities
QBOP_10.ZIP Yes 110084 06-01-91 Edit Binkley config, outbound, and event file
QC104.ZIP Yes 13498 01-13-92
(*Quik Comment v1.04*) This is a .ZIP file
comment adder for SysOps Of BBSs. It allows
commenting at about 10-20 files a second! PD
software, so give it a try!
QCKTOP26.ZIP Yes 79920 04-19-91 Creates top & bottom users bulletins for Qu
QOFDAY3.ZIP Yes 36633 10-23-91
Quote O' The Day v3. More options! Send
quotes to user or file on any BBS! Use as an
event, and put quote into logon messages.
ANSI option.
QOFDV601.ZIP Yes 152954 12-22-92
Quote O' The Day v6.01m -Bug
Fix for 6.00m For most major BBS
programs. Display random quotes to
users online. Sysop can add, edit
delete quotes. Has door so users
can add quotes of their own.
QRFM36A.ARJ No 215279 12-22-92
BBS File Manager for QBBS/RA
and others.
QSUSBBS.ZIP Yes 10677 05-05-92
Convinient off-line USBBS searcher and
viewer for Darwin's USBBS list. Courtesy
those ancient BBS programs that don't hav
packets from any one BBS into one packet.
QUIKTP31.ZIP Yes 22742 10-30-91 Top User Bulletin Generator
QUTIL100.ZIP Yes 44660 06-05-91 RA/QBBS Area list utility (FC)
RABASE2.ZIP Yes 13340 01-13-91 RA database. For RA bbs.
RABIR110.ZIP Yes 28198 11-29-91
RABIRTH v1.10 Remote Access Utility for
Displaying Users Birthday Stats and
Templated Messages
RABI_132.ZIP Yes 64943 05-28-91 RemoteAccess Bimodem interface v1.32
RACES21.ZIP Yes 58994 01-26-92
Horse racing game for points, multi/node,
multi/bbs at any baud rate.
RACPD200.ZIP Yes 41676 04-12-91 RACPD Calls/day & Msgs/day graph maker + mo
RAD209.ZIP Yes 159790 10-01-91 Remote Access Database v2.09 -- dBASE
RADB_300.ZIP Yes 28773 11-15-91 RA & DB Callers Today v3.00 (For RA 1.10).
RAFBST31.ZIP Yes 38363 11-29-91 Remote Access ASCII/ANSI bulletin stats.
RAHDR20.ZIP Yes 87873 12-22-92
RA HEADER v2.0, custom headers,
allfiles, and bulletins.
RAINFO2.ZIP Yes 53024 06-02-91 Log Statistic generator pgm for RA
RALOG14.ZIP Yes 16010 04-10-91 RA LogFile util (replaces ralog.lzh)
RAMU_10.EXE No 35367 04-16-91 RemoteAccess Messagebase Organizer Vers. 1.
RAP4MAX.ZIP Yes 38131 11-18-91 Rap Language For Maximus BBS
RAPDEMO.ZIP Yes 121633 09-03-91 Demo of upcoming Rapture BBS software
RAQU_420.ZIP Yes 40766 02-21-91 RA/QBBS/SBBS Ratio,Qbrm,Raise,Upcalls,QBBSs
RATP22.ZIP Yes 23200 10-30-91
RATop v2.2 Remote Access BBS top users
bulletin generator.
RAZOR_T.ZIP Yes 20252 11-10-91
Razor-T 1.0, for SLBBS 2.xx, graffiti wall
door for Searchlight BBS, ASCII or ANSI,
RA_111.ZIP Yes 544123 01-15-92 Version 1.11 of Remote Access BBS Program.
RA_MPF15.ZIP Yes 38574 10-04-91 File download counter for RA v1.5.
RBBSCOLO.ZIP Yes 149023 07-05-91
Let Users D/L file from Colorado tape
RBBSCONN.ZIP Yes 4794 10-03-91 Rbbs Baud Rate Merge
RBBSMGR2.ZIP Yes 174615 09-24-91 RBBS Manager v2.0: The complete utility
RBBS_SMF.ZIP Yes 188594 09-01-91
Small .EXE version of RBBS 17.3c BBS
RBS173C7.ZIP Yes 87736 11-01-91 RBBS-PC v17.3 Text, menus, help files
RBTRASCI.ZIP Yes 2050 05-09-92
ASCII file showing a hardware rebooter made
wtih three ICs, a reed relay, and a voltage
regulator (assuming you'll run it from a
nine-volt battery as I did).
RC2T100P.ZIP Yes 28527 05-25-91 RA config to textfile. .TXT file with your
RDUSR.ZIP Yes 28741 05-18-92 List User Name/City/Phone#.
READ101.ZIP Yes 11279 03-24-91 Readlog v1.01 Logs # of message reads. RA
REHASH13.ZIP Yes 40379 11-04-91 Changes sub boards when main is changed
REMADDV1.ZIP Yes 29700 05-18-92
Remove files from ZIP archives by directory.
Works removing single files from all ZIPs or
multiple files using @filelist. PCB
compatible and can be used as an upload
tester and converter.
REQUIEM.ZIP Yes 10572 02-28-91 Delete files by date - Update FILES.BBS
REWARD16.ZIP Yes 44853 11-15-91
Reward v 1.6 for PCB 14.5 - Rewards top
uploaders with extra time/priv.
RFIX0923.ZIP Yes 33927 09-23-90 Fix's for RBBS-PC 17.3A
RFMSMALL.ZIP Yes 38110 09-02-90 FMS File Directory Utility
RFM_120.ZIP Yes 65609 04-28-91 Automatic File Area Maintenance v1.2
RFW_V110.ARJ No 118658 04-15-91 QBBS/RA/SBBS Windowed filelist - major update
RIAB3VD.ZIP Yes 2248 07-29-91
Text explanation for what RBBS in a box is
all about.
ROS2PCB.ZIP Yes 23772 10-14-91
ROS2PCB Version 1.0. A utility for sysops
converting from ROS to PCBoard software.
ROS2PCB will convert the ROS directories to
PCBoard format, fast and easy to use.
ROTOWEL4.ZIP Yes 34438 07-09-91
Rotate your WELCOME and LOGOFF screens. Works
well with PCB 14.5X.
RPOST100.ZIP Yes 34719 03-26-91
Pcb14 Rep Packet Post-Processor Finds Dups
(Message Bombs) And User Specified Old
Messages (By Age). Will Copy Suspect Files
To Sysop For Review If Wanted. Will Be
Established In Future Versions Of Rnet!
RSS_100.ZIP Yes 52688 03-23-91 RemoteAccess System Statistical Generator
RWCNF20.ZIP Yes 294510 11-27-91
PCB 14.5 Automatic CNFN Menu Generation Sys.
Any/all of 9 possible Fields: ConfNAME, NUMB,
MESSAGES, and Network Name. Security Level
CNFN's; 3 SORT Options, WYSIWYG Custom Color
Editor. Now Handles 10,000 Conferences and up
to 24 Networks. User requested enhancements!
Do your LAST CNFN Edit with RWCnf� VG! V2.0.
RWCSX11.ZIP Yes 18181 03-02-92
Free Add-On utility for use with the RWCnf
Conferences Menuing system by Richware. This
program strips the SUMMARY INFO out of your
CNFN(s) and creates a separate file which
you can use to add to your WELCOME screen, a
BLT or whatever.<=** Replaces RWCSX10 **=>
Bug fix release (0 byte files error) Smaller
exe. (Need RWCnf for this to be useful to
RWDIR21.ZIP Yes 248870 01-19-92
PCB 14.5a DIR Menu & Header Utility.
Displays Nbr of Files & Bytes in Both
Headers & Menus. Fully Automated Install and
Testing Prior to implementation. Includes a
WYSIWYG Colorizer for Sysop-Defined Colors.
Highly Configurable Beautiful, and
Informative Output! Safe, Fast Easy and
Reliable! THE BEST utility for doing DIRs
that you'll ever hope to Find! Try it !!
Version 2.1 fixes eval key, and adds
RYBBS70.ZIP Yes 300513 07-11-91 RyBBS Bulletin Board System Version 7.0
RYPACK41.ZIP Yes 44610 10-18-91 Fido message packer for RYBBS
S2TRITEL.ZIP Yes 18809 07-28-91
Converts Spitfire 3.x userlog to Tritel 1.x
SAGE32.ZIP Yes 136470 01-03-92
SAGE 3.2 Manage and select from an editable
digest of quotes, jokes, fortunes, etc.
Includes a sample with over 2,000 items.
Flexible. Professionally written. [1/1] Great
for BBS sysops, as well as normal users.
SAM_V31.ZIP Yes 34567 06-28-91
Small Answering Machine v3.1 - Tells why the
BBS is down.
SBBS_112.ZIP Yes 555517 09-26-91
SuperBBS version 1.12 Full Public Release
Has many enchancements over the previous
version, and will work in evaluation mode.
SBC_KIT.ZIP Yes 9461 07-29-91 Sound Blaster connection network Sysop kit.
SBFL_100.ZIP Yes 10586 10-02-91 Flsearch.BBS to Flsearch.ctl Converter.
SB_EVENT.ZIP Yes 10749 07-29-90 Silver Bullet BBS Event trapping
SCANARJ.ZIP Yes 1307 10-05-91 Convert .ARJ uploads to .ZIP for RBBS.
SCRDL_21.ZIP Yes 12946 03-06-92
SCRIPTDL version 2.1 (03-06-92). A simple
program that converts the output of script
questionnaires (answer files) to comma
delimited text files for later import into a
database. Now handles files with or without
a "FROM" line. "End of file" bug fix
version. A free utility from Bob and
Kathey's BBS!
Files: 3 Oldest: 3/6/92 Newest: 3/6/92
Uploaded by: Robert Briggs
SCREAM20.ZIP Yes 28403 12-08-91 Callers choose tune to y)ell for the Sysop.
SCRIPTDL.ZIP Yes 12016 02-12-92
SCRIPTDL version 1.0 (02-12-92). A simple
program that converts the output of script
questionnaires (answer files) to comma
delimited text files for later import into a
SCRLFQOT.ZIP Yes 23161 09-06-91
Alternate Multiline Quote Generator For
Simplex BBS
SECMSG31.ZIP Yes 7994 08-28-91
Different message for every security level
on a BBS.
SENDCOM_.ZIP Yes 35597 10-14-91
Send string or file to communication port
(supports @-X commands. Reads PCBOARD.SYS
file to determine what com port, ANSI mode,
and local/remote mode is.
SETARC11.ZIP Yes 44613 01-17-92
SetArc v1.1 - Will easily transpose the date
stamps in your upload DIR with those posted
by the popular new file handlers. Changes
are date sensitive. Fast & Easy to use.
Current version will handle the following:
Last Revison Date in Archive# 01-17-1992 .
(Last Revised# 01/17/1992) .
xx - Files New#01/17/1992 Old:01/02/1980 .
v1.1 corrects reading improper spaces/nulls.
SETCAL10.ZIP Yes 5807 06-18-91
Set Number of Calls/Last Caller's Name ra
1.0 And Later
SETQOFF1.ZIP Yes 5619 12-13-91
SETQOFF.EXE Utility ver 1.0 of 12/13/91. A
utility for PCBoard 14.5+ systems that will
adjust Text files by adding an @qoff@ to the
top of the file specified on the command
line. Works great with display files that
are created automatically to keep users from
'ing out of them.
SF2PCB10.ZIP Yes 23581 02-12-92
SF2PCB Version 1.0 - File directory listing
conversion utility to convert Spitfire 3.x
file lists to PCBoard 14.x file lists. Makes
converting your Spitfire system to PCBoard
quick and easy!
SFA.ZIP Yes 13202 10-14-91
Sets the Privilege of Files for a given Area
SFA218.ZIP Yes 41978 12-22-92
Smart file attach utility for
GT netmail sys.
SFADSUM1.ZIP Yes 48091 01-28-92
Update to Spitfire sffiles.bbs header making
SFCHKUP.ZIP Yes 25993 01-02-92
Evaluates integrity of files uploaded to
Spitfire BBS systems.
SFLASTEN.ZIP Yes 5252 10-22-91
SPITFIRE utility written by MIKE WOLTZ
(author of SPITFIRE BBS) which lists the
last ten callers on the System.
SFLST101.ZIP Yes 110049 10-12-91
Spitfire File List & Bulletin Generator! NEW
Works with Spitfire Version 2.8 to 3.xx
Just Released... and supports CD-ROM
SFMAIN3.ZIP Yes 3024 03-09-91 Spitfire bbs questionares
SFMGR12.ZIP Yes 196313 10-10-91 Manage all aspects of Spitfire BBS from DOS
SFMOUSE1.ZIP Yes 877 06-02-91 Mouse driver MNU for Spitfire bbs systems
SFTOS100.ZIP Yes 16354 08-26-91 Convert Spitfire User File to Simplex 1.03
SFUED105.ZIP Yes 43809 12-06-91 Stormfront User Editor V0.10 For Opus V1.
SHOWFR10.ZIP Yes 12423 01-11-92
SHOWFREE 1.0: A program that creates
colorful bulletins displaying System
Availability on PCBoard v14.5 based systems.
Unlike most system usage graphs it displays
how much time your system has FREE so that
callers can know when are the best times are
to call.
SLGIF201.ZIP Yes 32687 01-06-92
Searchlight GIF categorizer v2.01. Adds
monitor type and (optionally) GIF dimensions
to SLBBS 2.x file directory descriptions.
Formatting options.
SLPACK2.ZIP Yes 24059 11-02-91 Slbbs 2.1x message base utilities
SLQEDT10.ZIP Yes 21955 09-08-91 SearchLight 2.x quote editor
SLTC301.ZIP Yes 10739 06-10-91 Sl-Today's Callers 3.01, For Searchlight BBS
SLUF40.ZIP Yes 24154 11-07-91 SearchLight BBS utility user logoff feedback
SMAST300.ZIP Yes 8965 07-19-91 Deluxe Files.BBS lister for your bbs.
SMILE13.ZIP Yes 79614 11-23-90 Ansi File viewer
SNARF102.ZIP Yes 39670 11-01-91 Snarf for WWIV BBS (d/l without logging on).
SNXT_100.ZIP Yes 9254 05-05-92 Sysop next program, use with almost any BBS
SPORT131.ZIP Yes 375788 07-10-91
Wide Area Information Transfer System SPORT
v1.31: Message and file upload/download
automator. Also handles conference messages.
(.EXE file within is self-extracting)
SQAEM100.ZIP Yes 24148 02-25-92
Squish Automatic Echo Manager v1.0
---------------------------------- An areafix
clone that works with Squish's one
configuration file. Features include Node and
Echo groups, Node and Echo levels, one-line
echo descriptions, multi-line echo
descrptions, Node password, full 4d
addressing, log output.
SQSTRIP.ZIP Yes 38375 12-18-91
Removes "Uploaded by:.." from PCB-Dirlists
programmed by Peter Haessig, Squirrel BBS
SRE0982B.ZIP Yes 225653 09-16-91 Solar Realms Elite Online BBS Game. V.0982b
STAT100.ZIP Yes 12427 05-07-92
Give Omen's GSZ a Searchlight Status line For
use with Searchlight 2.15 and 2.25 and GSZ.
From Cyclone Software.
STOP100.ZIP Yes 24241 11-06-91 Simplex top callers/ulers/dlers v1.0
STRIPIT1.ZIP Yes 12406 06-19-91
File filter stripper/retriever of strings.
Good for removing ZIP comments.
STRIPUP1.ZIP Yes 36352 01-05-92
Utility to strip out that "Uploaded By:"
message. Does one directory or multiple
directories. FREEBEE!!! From the Author of
King of the Board
SUBSCP20.ZIP Yes 68961 03-25-91 v0.20 Subscription ctl program for QBBS
SUEN_20.ZIP Yes 20912 02-19-91 LiveSystems Showuser with special flag/secure
SWIFT025.ZIP Yes 172236 04-20-91 "SwiftBBS for points" messaging system
SWITCH21.ZIP Yes 23129 02-12-91 Switch ANSI/BBS screens around
SX4_2.LZH No 238592 02-07-92 Sapphire BBS Ver 4. A great BBS program!
SYSINFO.ZIP Yes 3414 02-18-91 Shows contents of SYSINFO.BBS (QBBS/RA/SBBS)
SYSIS1BF.ZIP Yes 35124 12-18-91
SysOpIs Version 1.0�F By Greg Parsons.
Utility for ProDoor to show your users what
you are doing or where you are. Made to run
in Sam Smith's PROPROGM file from ProLogon
1.1�+, but can also be run from PCBoard 14.x
SYSMEN1.ZIP Yes 16142 11-16-91 Selection of BRDS menus and Utils.
S_STATS.ZIP Yes 158430 12-22-92
Made to keep track of amount of
DOWNLOADS in PCBoard Reads the
information from The Call Waiting
Screen into a log file. EXCELLENT
in EVENT.SYS to keep track of
dayly statistics.
TAG109B.ZIP Yes 43688 12-05-91
Ultimate batch uploading utility v1.09b. Tag
files for batch uploading. Add descriptions
in DIZ/SDI format and upload in one
Keystroke. Bidirectional protocols supported.
TAGST26.ZIP Yes 115670 01-11-92 Nice Bulletin board system
TANG100.ZIP Yes 16725 03-26-91 Update FILES.BBS with descriptions
TBLT09D.ZIP Yes 50018 05-09-92
TOPBLT v0.9d.(04-18-92) Complete PCBoard
User Bulletin Statistics Generator -
Best/Worst Posters,Callers,Msg
Readers,UL/DL/PCR's. All one program. Cmd
line driven. NEW: Top ULBYTES/DLBYTES
bulletins, internal colour schemes & header
generation. Ability set min values for blts.
v0.9d now provides a lot of 'default'
configurability. FREEWARE by Kendall
TCALL142.ZIP Yes 37822 10-21-91
TELEGARD Call-Back Utility. V1.42... Couple
things fixed/improved, etc.
TCALL200.ZIP Yes 26395 08-29-91 Total call counter for RA/FD systems
TDCL_150.ZIP Yes 13519 10-01-91 Today's Callers V1.50 (Timezone Bug Fixed).
TDOORS10.ZIP Yes 54079 12-22-92
TRIDOORS (V 1.00) A program for
use with TriBBS Bulletin Board
Systems, which will track the
usage of up to 80 door programs,
and generate both ANSI and ASCII
bulletins containing the door
program names and the number of
times each has been used. Allows
you to track the usage of all door
programs on your BBS, or part of them.
TDXL_3.ZIP Yes 34436 01-08-92
Shareware TSR for TheDraw to create PCBoard
@X ANSI color screens. View, Load and Save
@X format files from within TheDraw(R).
TELE_TOP.ZIP Yes 20536 10-15-91
Best ever top user bulletin for telegard
TELPAK_6.ZIP Yes 76893 10-14-91 Telegard utilities package
TEL_SF.ZIP Yes 9318 11-08-91
Converts Telegard 2.5 (& I think 2.5i) user
file to Spitfire 3.x format.
TESTMSG.ZIP Yes 240296 02-09-91 Test Msgtoss
TESTREL.ZIP Yes 926 10-19-90 MOD For Rbbs to check for Reliable Modem
TEXT145.ZIP Yes 6334 07-13-90 More Custom Prompts For Pcboard 14.5
TG25I_21.ZIP Yes 20575 07-31-90 Teleguard 2.51 bbs software.
TICK0131.ZIP Yes 14637 09-08-90 Tick Version 1.31 File Reciever thru Echo
TICKDUPE.ZIP Yes 11867 06-08-91 TICK UTL: Updates StopDup files to match dir
TIMEBANK.ZIP Yes 22025 05-05-92
Ver. 1.5 - TimeBank, the UN-door door. This
is seamless non-TPA style time bank door
with many SysOp definable features such as a
lottery and the ability to give interest to
each account. (requires BRUN30.EXE)
TIMECHK.ZIP Yes 21344 07-18-90 Time-checking utility for Remote Access.
TIMEX215.ZIP Yes 15736 07-15-91 Time Exchange v2.15: SLBBS utility to all
TIMLK23U.ZIP Yes 50603 05-09-92
Timelock ver2.3 Locks specific time slots for
specific people. Great for mail hubs!
TMKFFS17.ZIP Yes 55082 05-05-92 Rbbs util;build fidx/lidx files
TMSTAT2.ZIP Yes 43771 11-07-91
TimeStat Version 2.0 Creates a 24 Hour
format bulletin displaying the most used
hours. Works with PCBoard 14.5.
TODAY305.ZIP Yes 130824 02-12-92
Version 3.05
Utility that writes daily trivia to the news
file or SysOp defined file and also a
log-off message if so desired with a special
log-off message for Christmas & New Year.
SysOp has control of how log-off written
i.e. with or without the (;) and also
defined colors for text. Also appends a news
text file to the Trivia if needed.
TOPDOWN.ZIP Yes 15771 10-15-91
Wildcat! 3.0 utility to make a top
downloaders list.
TOPED100.ZIP Yes 79943 11-19-91 TopEd v1.0 (release): Msg editor for RA/QBBS
TOPTEN10.ZIP Yes 6975 05-25-91 TriTel BBS. Top ten users bulletin.
TOPUSER3.ZIP Yes 9004 11-26-91 Top 10 users listing. Much improved output.
TOWN10.ZIP Yes 25222 03-15-91 Announcement Door for RA/X/Q/S/RBBS systems
TQOTD405.EXE No 31640 10-16-91
The quote of the day v4.05 The best quote
generator for ANY BBS SYSTEM
TRANS.ZIP Yes 66775 05-31-91
Beta Version of File conversion Program You
can define your own Transfers
TRIDOG20.ZIP Yes 34986 12-12-91
TriDog 2.0 - Is a Fido MSG to TriTel message
base convertor. Lets TriTel systems join
FidoNet or any other Fido technology network.
TRILEVEL.ZIP Yes 41749 05-29-91 TriTel BBS. Access level control.
TRIMST15.ZIP Yes 9332 10-13-91 TriMast v1.5 - TriTel Master File list maker
TRS23B.ZIP Yes 39232 11-14-91
Transfer Stats 2.3, Public Beta.
Creates a bulletin of top downloaded files,
protocol statistics and transfer statistics
for PCB sysops. Allows masking out of files
by file name or directories and more.
TRUEBAUD.LZH No 699 08-26-91 True Baud Fix for RBBS
TSBDEMO1.ZIP Yes 93008 05-18-92
The Sound Barrier BBS demo (SB & SB Pro)
TSCNV103.ZIP Yes 32901 02-17-91 TSCONV 1.03, update for RA 1.00
TTAC10.ZIP Yes 6461 06-30-91 TriTel BBS. Voice notice of User logoff.
TTALM100.ZIP Yes 80041 11-28-91
Almanac for TriTel BBS'. Wishes users happy
birthday, etc
TTDC11.ZIP Yes 8645 06-23-91 TriTel BBS. Warn user about carrier drops.
TTDOG110.ZIP Yes 31020 06-14-91 TriDog v1.1 Fido<->Tritel BBS message convert
TTFLST10.ZIP Yes 9454 05-07-91 TriTel BBS. Locate files w/o descriptions.
TTLVL20.ZIP Yes 45187 08-12-91
Tritel BBS. UL/DL ratio enforcement and
subscription access control.
TTNET10.ZIP Yes 41893 06-17-91
TriNet v1.0 - a QWK networking program for
TriTel BBS (similar to RNET for TriTel)
TTNEWM11.ZIP Yes 32840 08-09-91 TriTel BBS. New messages report generator.
TTRANDOM.ZIP Yes 28433 09-09-91
Display random logon screens for your
TriTel BBS
TTSUBBRD.ZIP Yes 9178 05-20-91 TriTel BBS utility to facilitate DOOR setup.
TUBS10B.ZIP Yes 128221 12-22-92
The Ultimate Byte System v1.0.
Have you ever wanted to control
bytes by ratio ? File Ratios,
Byte Ratios. Bytes alloted by
session total or real ratios.
Account bytes available, now you
can have annual, monthly, weekly
or daily byte limits! A great way
to control file leaches. Completly
sysop configurable by security
level and/or individual user.
Extremly fast and seamless
integration into PCBoard. Supports
base baud rates, session limits,
daily limits, etc.
TURBOBLA.ZIP Yes 9887 09-18-91 Turbo bbs lister in ANSI.
TXT2RAMG.ZIP Yes 15909 11-18-91 TXT2MSG: RemoteAccess BBS utility
TYCB13.ZIP Yes 38908 12-22-92
Today/Yesterday callers
bulletin for GT BBS.
TYPE_O1.ZIP Yes 6196 03-04-91 Calls HELP Files when Enter Hit 3X'S-For RBBS
TZIP11.ZIP Yes 12080 05-31-91 TriTel BBS. Test uploaded zipfiles.
UBBSDIZ.ZIP Yes 46762 05-07-92
UBBSDIZ v1.0 Will scan new uploads for file
FILE_ID.DIZ. If it exists UBBSDIZ will import
the comment into the FILEBASE file. Written
by Robert Neal - CHQBBS.
UBBSLA2.ZIP Yes 45066 05-07-92
ULTRA BBS Utility to create bulletins on
whats last downloaded.
UBBSROT8.ZIP Yes 25377 05-07-92
ULTRA BBS utility to rotate ypur welcome
screens, nice to have.
UBBSTU11.ZIP Yes 43889 07-17-91
Ultra bbs top user v1.1 create top user
reports for top callers, up/downloaders,
message posts, etc. Both color and text
UBCBV10.ZIP Yes 54265 05-07-92
ULTRA BBS Call Back Verifier v1.0. If you
want to have call back verification this is
the only way to go!! Try it and you'll know
you got the right one baby!
UDS200.ZIP Yes 191302 04-26-91 User description system version 2.00 for Fido
ULFS10.ZIP Yes 11461 08-18-91 Upload Free Space Monitor for ALL BBS's.
ULP091B.ZIP Yes 141062 03-02-92
UpLoadProcessor 0.91� (3-2-92). A complete
PCBoard upload processor; processes ARC ARJ
SIGNATURE, not extension. Handles
uncompressed uploads as well. Removes BBS
ads. Full recursive testing of nested
archives. Integrated CRC-32 duplicate
testing. Adds archive info line. Inserts
description files. Performs event and online
modes, with or without unpacking, and more.
ULPCRC2.ZIP Yes 9207 02-03-92
UpLoadProcessor CRC calculator, release 2.
Please help compile a CRC-32 database of BBS
ads for the ULP system, allowing the removal
of ads from uploads by ULP. This archive
contains a CRC calculation program so that a
sysop may simply send me a message listing
the file name, CRC and file size of any BBS
ads he or she finds. These files are also
contained in the ULP090H and later archives.
ULTBBS.ZIP Yes 6426 09-30-91
One sysops view of what the ultimate BBS
program is, and his quest as a programmer to
create it...
UL_DL11.ZIP Yes 62322 01-05-92
UL/DL Files list v1.1 - BUG FIXED! For use
with PCBoard 14.5a BBS's. Lets your users
download a .zip file containing UL and DL
reports of THEIR file transactions on your
BBS. Install as a new PCBoard command via
the PCB SHELL door capability.
UPCHK23F.ZIP Yes 30893 01-21-92
Online/offline file integrity/virus scanner
and archive converter designed for Spitfire
UPDN71B.ZIP Yes 122859 06-08-91 UPDN Bulletin Maker for RBBS
UPGRD35L.ZIP Yes 111741 11-12-91
Files needd to upgrade from version 3.5k
of The On-Line Sales Door to version
UP_DOWN.ZIP Yes 7180 01-08-92
RBBS/TBBS 2.2 upload/download protocol
changer. Freeware!
USEREP16.ZIP Yes 47450 05-09-92
UseRep v.1.6, generates report of useful
information from users file for all users,
provides report in formats suitable for
database import
USERFRMT.ZIP Yes 36145 05-03-91 Name & City/State Formatter for OmegaBBS V.
USERINFO.ZIP Yes 981 09-10-91 PCBoard @X file that shows users stats.
USERON21.ZIP Yes 23068 03-10-91 Show Users on-line/send msg to other line
USERSEC.ZIP Yes 5878 09-29-91
USERSEC v1.01 batch file utility for PCBoard
v14.x that returns the user's security level
as the DOS errorlevel. Great for intelligent
branching in batch files used by your board.
Network aware.
UTI215A.ZIP Yes 85392 06-15-91 UTI Driver for SearchLight v2.15
UUMAP_IL.ZIP Yes 43641 04-17-91 Map of Illinois uucp/internet sites.
VBBS531.ZIP Yes 437495 11-29-91 VBBS v5.31 - interum bug fix
VDICT.ZIP Yes 62199 10-17-91 14,000 word dictionary for VBBS 5.30
VFAM114.ZIP Yes 99143 05-10-91 VersaFAM v1.14 File Area Manager-- Faster,
VFX20.ZIP Yes 78978 08-29-91 Phone verifier for WildCat 3.0
VFY_20.ZIP Yes 43340 10-09-91 Callbak verification for BBSs.
VOICECLR.ARJ No 6104 04-30-91 Clears all voice phone fields in USERS.BBS
VUCALS22.ZIP Yes 12721 01-18-92
VuCalls v2.2; View/search PCBoard CALLER logs
outside of PCBoard. Handy sysop utility.
VUMSGS22.ZIP Yes 12742 01-18-92
VuMsgs 2.2; FAST, colorful msg base reader
for use with PCBoard v14.x message bases.
Has SHARE support for multi-node operations.
W3PCB.ZIP Yes 4203 02-14-91 PCBoard Multi-Node Setup Under Windows.
WAFDL110.ZIP Yes 20803 10-06-91
Waffle BBS files command download
WAFSRTR2.ZIP Yes 17014 10-21-91 Waffle BBS sort utility
WC2PCB_2.ZIP Yes 20417 12-22-92
A utility to convert Wildcat!
3.5 user and message files to
PCBoard 14.5a format. Version
1.01. Fixes problem converting
kilobytes to bytes and reduces
memory requirements. Freeware.
WCBDAY11.ZIP Yes 16358 11-22-90 Creates Happy Birthday bulletins for users
WCCD0.ZIP Yes 15675 09-05-91 Create 0K files for Wildcat! and cdrom. By
WCFF_300.ZIP Yes 65762 08-01-91 WCFile Forward v3.00 sysop's utility.
WCFLDS11.ZIP Yes 18142 11-22-90 Checks user phone nums against other users
WCMENUS.ZIP Yes 15297 05-18-92 Wildcat! Style menus for Remote Access.
WCOZLIST.ZIP Yes 13123 10-06-91
Allfiles list/creator for Wild Cat also
converts same to dBASE/Fox/etc formats
WCP161.ZIP Yes 40180 12-22-92
Waffle Cookie Press v1.61
Multiline cookies/anonymous
WCTOP25.ZIP Yes 94793 02-06-91 Creates top & bottom user bulletins for WC
WCTUTOR_.ZIP Yes 72980 12-22-92 Offline tutor for Wildcat 3.x.
WFSOUT10.ZIP Yes 4592 12-22-92
Waffle File Server Outbound,
scans the WFS' user directory,
shows how many bytes are queued
public domain & TP source (SC)
WGMCAS10.ZIP Yes 14333 11-21-91
WGM-Case v.1.0 for PCBoard(tm) v.14.x This
utility will scan a PCBoard File Directory
listing and convert the case of the listing
to the sysop specified case. This utility
will also convert the case of sysop
designated keywords such as ibm->IBM,
vga->VGA, cga->CGA, etc.,etc.
WGMCNF16.ZIP Yes 30683 03-03-92
WGM-CNFN v.1.6 - PCBoard 14.5x CNFN Builder
This utility will create a CNFN file based
on the PCBoard CNAMES file. ** FREEWARE **
This version now supports up to 255 message
networks. Compiled: 03/03/1992 @ 9:21am.
WGMDMS35.ZIP Yes 66201 01-17-92
WGM-DMS v.3.5 - PCBoard 14.x Sysop Utility
This utility does the following: - Create
directory headers. - Create conference
directory files. - Create up to 99 bulletin
files. - Create up to 99 master file
WGMSRT10.ZIP Yes 12828 11-21-91
WGM-Sort v.1.0 for PCBoard(tm) v.14.x This
utility will alphabetically sort a PCBoard
DIR.LST file. This will allow your users to
see your available file directories in
alphabetical order.
WHATDAY.ZIP Yes 36278 11-10-91
This utility allows you to display a
different bulletin for each day of the week.
For PCBoard operators to use in their news
or LogOff Files. I included 3 EXTREMELY EASY
steps for installing the program in your
EVENT.SYS or $$LOGOFF.BAT. Also For end
users to use in their AUTOEXEC.BAT. Take
40+K on HD
WHATL275.ZIP Yes 33834 08-26-91
WhatLine v2.75: share one phone line between
voice, answering/FAX machines and modems;
time event to send Email or Fax unattended;
start up ANY program by phone; diplays time
and date of and total calls.
WHOCALL4.ZIP Yes 101403 01-02-91
Who called today v4.0: Multi-node for
WildCat 2.0+ BBS
WHOUP10.ZIP Yes 32573 05-23-91 WhoUploaded? v1.0: Adds the uploader's name
WHT_130.ZIP Yes 127923 04-08-90 Who called today v1.30 for PCBoard
WILD_TD1.ZIP Yes 252328 03-01-91
Wildcat BBS Test Drive V.3
Disk 1 of 2.
WILD_TD2.ZIP Yes 354410 03-01-91
Wildcat BBS Test Drive V.3
Disk 2 of 2.
WIN3PCB2.ZIP Yes 5795 12-26-90 My Windows 3.0 Setup Running Two PCB145/E
WRTPCB10.ZIP Yes 17138 01-15-92
WritePCB Version 1.0
From the Author of The On-Line Sales Door
This is a Text File to Message Base Importer
for PCBoard 14.5a. It will allow all PCB
Flags to be set from the command line.
WV.ZIP Yes 9871 11-29-91
Wildcat! BBS v3.x color screen viewer for
viewing the @BF@ color screens.
WWFILE10.ZIP Yes 65764 07-30-91 External file area management for WWIV BBS.
WWIV420.ZIP Yes 338227 08-24-91 WWIV BBS program. Version 4.20.
X2T11.ZIP Yes 22881 09-28-91
AtX2Txt v1.1 � Convert files containing
PCBoard's color codes and @ variables to
text files; automatically ZIP them for
downloading; will process unlimited number
of files; smart enough to know if original
has not changed. Freeware.
XLIST213.ZIP Yes 178736 04-12-91 The all avail CoSysop and filelist generator
XL_213_1.ZIP Yes 7528 04-20-91 X_list patch to enable Welcome Messages on
XL_213_2.ZIP Yes 7659 04-29-91 X_list patch to XDir problem. Needed if you
XL_213_3.ZIP Yes 6721 05-06-91 X_List 2.13 patch to make X_List work with
XL_213_4.ZIP Yes 5515 05-22-91 BugFix To Enable FreeFile in X_list 2.13
XOPT10.ZIP Yes 15834 04-01-91 Optimize XBBS menus for speed & space v1.0
XPIRDATE.ZIP Yes 10882 09-29-91
Wildcat! 3.0 sysops utility for letting
users know their subscription is about to
XST26A.ZIP Yes 62071 09-20-91 Updated Scanner/Tosser For XBBS
X_NEW101.ZIP Yes 16987 04-11-91 Show new files online from x_list filelist.
ZARC_20.ZIP Yes 46258 05-09-92
ZARC.EXE Zip manager. Zip selected files
by tagging them. Directory is displayed in a
window and you can tag many files easily.
Not crippled, however registering will give
additional features. (try it, You'll like
ZCFG_101.ZIP Yes 70918 01-22-91 Full screen, windowed setup utility for ZM
ZF10_03.ZIP Yes 49490 01-01-92
ZIPFire: Upload testing utility for Spitfire
ZIPLOGO4.ZIP Yes 47399 08-04-90 Add a Logo to a Zip File
ZIP_17G_.ZIP Yes 14557 09-30-91
New release 1.7G of ZIPPY the date stamper
for PCBoard and Spitfile directory
descriptions.... New switches.
ZLAB_19C.ZIP Yes 274993 02-03-92
ZipLab PLUS - 1.9c Archive testing
Compiled 02/02/92 at 11:04am.
A PCBTest.Bat enhancement for
PCBoard/ProDoor SysOps.
Tests ZIP,ARJ,LZH,GIF files.
CRC value, dates, and
(optionally) FILE_ID.DIZ inserted
in / replacing description of file.
process includes SCAN, CRC checking,
date limits, comment replacement/removal
BBS advertising removal and more.
$10 Shareware.
ZNS_110.ZIP Yes 6644 11-28-90 Zip Nodelist Shell