Please send remittance to: Keith R. Personett c/o The Assassin's Guild BBS 9050 Markville Drive #1324 Dallas, Tx. 75243 Many useful Wildcat! Utilities are available on "The Assassin's Guild" BBS at 214-234-3424. Other products of P3 Ventures Software are... STATGEN $10.00 The activity log analyzer for Wildcat! BBS's. Statgen works extremely fast, and can keep all needed data in a 109 byte history file to keep your disk from being filled up by 10 megabyte activity logs. Creates .BBS and .SCR files for your "S"tatistics choice or any other filename you specify. LASTCALL $5.00 The Last Callers Screen Generator for Wildcat! Lastcall reads your activity log and creates a last callers screen that will be a maximum of 24 lines of your display. BBSLIST $15.00 A Full featured BBS Database Door for Wildcat!, allows adding, editing searching, downloading BBS Lists, etc... Currrent version has over 1500 entries on our home board! Creates a .BBS file for your bulletin menu. WCPOLL $10.00 A Full Featured Polling Door For Wildcat!, will allow you to create custom surveys and polls for Wildcat! BBS, with configurable security level definition for specific polls. Creates a .BBS and .SCR file for your bulletin menu. FILEDOOR $10.00 Allow unrecorded downloads from a door, great for boards that distribute certain files to first time callers, but still want to keep new users away from the files menu. ZIPVIEW $10.00 The .ZIP, .ARC, .PAK, .LZH File viewing door for Wildcat!. Permits scanning for viruses, reading files, etc... RIMENEWS $FREE This Relaynet Newsletter Viewer for Wildcat! This door is free for all relaynet nodes. If you are using this door, it would be nice to hear from you, perhaps you could send me a postcard and let me know what you think of it, and what you would like to see in it. Of course, anything you would like to contribute, will be accepted. All prompts in door programs mimic Wildcat!s own built-in dynamic menu system, and Color is toggled easily by the user. All rely on CALLINFO.BBS to preconfigure specific settings for the caller, monitor carrier, support baud rates up to and including 19200 baud locked comm ports without any additional files saying 19200 like some catpatch doors. All routines are written by myself, and the CALLINFO Library for writing Wildcat! doors will be released soon. Time is monitored, and a 3 minute timeout is installed in all door programs. Sysop help and extended caller information is available at the press of a function key, as is adjustment for callers time left in door. Sysop can dump the caller to the BBS at most any time, or can hang up on him for a real fast Drop Carrier type logoff. =========================== Cut Here ================================ Name ____________________________________________ ( Make sure Name is just how you wish your login to be on "The Assassin's Guild BBS", you will be notified by voice of any conflicts with existing users ) Address ____________________________________________ City __________________ State_____ Zip __________ Voice Phone ______-______-_________ Work Phone ______-______-_________ BBS Phone ______-______-_________ Date of Birth _____/_____/_____ Computer Type _______________________________________ Preferred File Transfer Protocol ____________________ Conference Interests ________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Password you wish to use on "The Assassin's Guild" ________________________ Color Menus? [ Y ] [ N ] Hot Keys [ Y ] [ N ] Products you are registering ( include Version Nos. ) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Comments & Quotes for future Documentation ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Thanks for your honesty! =========================== Cut Here ================================