History File for Real-Time Checkers =================================== Version 1.8 ----------- (04-18-92) If you are using a non-standard IRQ, you may use an environment variable instead of specifying the actual IRQ number. Syntax is: CHECKERS CHECKERS.CNF /%IRQ% Version 1.7 ----------- (03-19-92) The door will now recognize the PCBoard %PCBDRIVE% and %PCBDIR% environment variables. For example, if your path to PCBOARD.SYS is C:\PCB\PCBOARD.SYS, you can use %PCBDRIVE%%PCBDIR%\PCBOARD.SYS instead and the door will substitute the drive and directory. This allows multi- node systems to use just one .CNF even if the paths are different for each node! Version 1.6 ----------- (03-05-92) Fixed an oversight where I was trying to kill a file and neglected to check to see if the file was actually there! Fixed a bug that produced an Error 5 if the player entered illegal characters like $, *, etc. Made the time when waiting on the second player Sysop configurable. Just stick the number of seconds on the command line. For example: CHECKERS CHECKERS.CNF WAIT:90 would make it wait 90 seconds on the other player to enter the game. If you do not specify a wait time it defaults to 60 seconds. Accepted range is 30 seconds to 180 seconds. Version 1.5 ----------- Changed from Quickbasic 4.5 to the BASCOM 7.1 compiler. Make sure you have a copy of BRT71EFR.EXE in your path! Version 1.4 ----------- 10-14-91 Added the Time Left to the input prompt. Would you believe I neglected to include the option to view the Top Ten Bulletin when leaving the game!?! Rectified. Fixed a problem where one node occasionally would not pick up the name of the other player. The game will abort now if it can't determine both players names (they are needed for the Bulletin and game saves). Version 1.3 ----------- 09-20-91 Fixed a problem with a lost carrier. If either player dropped carrier the other node would not know it and sit there dumbly waiting (that was a sticky one!). Modified the opening screen so it wouldn't take so long to display on lower baud modems. Had one Sysop report that the game didn't recognize when he had lost the game (i.e. no checkers left). Fixed. (Thanks, Greg!) 09-18-91 Added comment facility which allows the players to send messages to each other. Limit of 75 characters per comment. Version 1.2 ----------- 09-16-91 Fixed a problem with the double jump. Seems when you had a jump which placed you in the King Row and had another jump coming out, it wouldn't make the second jump until the next move. Made the board display a little speedier by printing only those checkers that were moved instead of the whole board. 09-12-91 Added the Save Game option. If a player chooses to Q]uit before the game ends, he is asked if he would like to save the game in progress. Whenever those same two players enter the game again, the saved game is loaded automatically. There is a maximum of 100 saved games. Version 1.1 ----------- 08-30-91 Fixed a bug that would take ALL existing jumps for the player instead of just one. 09-01-91 Fixed a bug that allowed a king to jump to any open square on the board. Version 1.0 (08-13-91) --------------------- Initial beta test. Not released.