Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
2010MOD.ZIP | No | 2240 | 02-10-91 | Modifications to the Sony ICF-2010 (2001D) receiver for much better audio. |
2LINE.ZIP | Yes | 3331 | 05-18-92 | How to decipher 2 line NASA keplerian element files for manual insertion of elements in satellite tracking programs. File is in Word Perfect 5.1 format. |
2M440RPT.ZIP | Yes | 29433 | 09-20-91 | 2 Meter, 440 Mhz & 1.2Ghz ASCII, DBF & WK1 Amateur Radio Repeater Listings. KC6TYF. |
440_4.ZIP | Yes | 42526 | 11-03-91 | KENWOOD TS-440 CONTROL PROGRAM |
590HOSTS.ZIP | Yes | 10132 | 05-07-90 | Ham packet radio tcp-ip hosts.noet for th |
ADV20.ZIP | Yes | 109581 | 11-20-91 | Advanced class Ham exam with answers. This is a self-extracting file. Direct from author. |
ADVANCED.ZIP | Yes | 104888 | 11-18-91 | W5YI - Amateur radio class licence test preparation/help - These include reference for the Advanced class licence |
ALR22T.ZIP | Yes | 1159 | 06-06-90 | MODS TO ALR RADIOS |
AMKEP922.ZIP | Yes | 10947 | 09-23-91 | AMSAT Keplerian satellite elements as of 9-22-91. |
AMKP0104.ZIP | Yes | 11187 | 01-05-92 | AMSAT Keplerian-formatted satellite elements as of 1-4-91. |
AMKP0111.ZIP | Yes | 10956 | 01-12-92 | AMSAT-formatted satellite elements as of 01/01/92. |
AMKP1005.ZIP | Yes | 11094 | 10-05-91 | Keplerian-format satellite elements asof 10-5-91. |
AMKP1012.ZIP | Yes | 11180 | 10-13-91 | AMSAT KEPLERIAN FORMAT SATELLITE ELEMENTS AS OF 10-12-91. |
AMKP1019.ZIP | Yes | 10898 | 10-19-91 | Keplerian-formatted satellite elements as of 10/19/91 |
AMKP1102.ZIP | Yes | 11053 | 11-02-91 | Keplerian format satellite elements as of 11/2/91 |
AMKP1129.ZIP | Yes | 10812 | 12-01-91 | KEPLERIAN-FORMATTED SATELLITE ELEMENTS AS OF 12-1-91. |
AMKP1214.ZIP | Yes | 10845 | 12-15-91 | Keplerian formatted satellite elements as of 12-14-91. |
AMSAT922.ZIP | Yes | 12070 | 09-23-91 | AMSAT 2-line satellite elements as of 9-22-91. |
AMST0104.ZIP | Yes | 12399 | 01-05-92 | AMSAT-formatted satellite elements as of 12-4-92. |
AMST0111.ZIP | Yes | 12074 | 01-12-92 | AMSAT-formatted orbital elements as of 01/11/92. |
AMST1005.ZIP | Yes | 12299 | 10-05-91 | AMSAT satellite elements for amateur radio |
AMST1012.ZIP | Yes | 12387 | 10-13-91 | AMSAT FORMATTED SATELLITE ELEMENTS AS OF 10-12-91. |
AMST1019.ZIP | Yes | 12095 | 10-19-91 | AMSAT-formatted satellite elements as of 10/19/91 |
AMST1129.ZIP | Yes | 11948 | 12-01-91 | AMSAT FORMATTED SATELLITE ELEMENTS AS OF 11-15-91. |
AMST1214.ZIP | Yes | 11975 | 12-15-91 | AMSAT formatted satellite elements as of 12-14-91. |
AMST1221.ZIP | Yes | 3146 | 12-22-91 | AMSAT FORMATTED SATELLITE ELEMENTS AS OF 12-22-91. |
AMTOR.ZIP | Yes | 6409 | 10-09-91 | Ham packet radio All-Mode data comm. tutorial |
APDIR.ZIP | Yes | 3542 | 03-15-91 | Directory file of AP-Link AMTOR PACKET |
APFILES.ZIP | Yes | 287813 | 05-30-91 | Plink version 5.04 Amtor Packlet linking |
APL505.ZIP | Yes | 281966 | 07-05-91 | Amateur radio packet TNC term program PK2 |
ARES_ART.ZIP | Yes | 8498 | 09-26-91 | The ARES logo in .ART format |
ARES_IMG.ZIP | Yes | 5645 | 10-19-91 | The AES logo in .IMG format. |
ARES_PCX.ZIP | Yes | 11657 | 09-26-91 | The ARES logo in .PCX format. |
ARRL_ART.ZIP | Yes | 4581 | 09-26-91 | The ARRL logo in .ART format. |
ARRL_IMG.ZIP | Yes | 6576 | 10-19-91 | ARRL logo in .IMG format |
ARRL_PCX.ZIP | Yes | 7778 | 09-26-91 | The ARRL logo in .PCX format. |
AR_1000.ZIP | Yes | 3379 | 01-09-91 | Review of AOR's newest portable |
AUDIOANA.ZIP | Yes | 101317 | 05-18-92 | Programs for Audio Analyzer from QST, |
BANDPLAN.ZIP | Yes | 3308 | 09-12-90 | FCC frequency allocation |
BBCSKD.ZIP | Yes | 491 | 09-05-91 | BBC World Service Radio schedule for USA |
BC200XLT.ZIP | Yes | 4623 | 01-12-91 | Review of Bearcat 200XLT portable |
BC800XLT.ZIP | Yes | 4347 | 01-12-91 | Review of Bearcat 800XLT |
BPQ404.ZIP | Yes | 112014 | 07-31-91 | Version 4.04 of the G8BPQ switch software for various packet bbs', including W0RLI. Provides "virtual Ports" for multiple connects on the same serial port. |
BROADCAS.ZIP | Yes | 1446 | 04-11-91 | Demo how to broadcast to hidden TV window |
C64TERM.ZIP | Yes | 124166 | 09-19-91 | Full featured terminal for the C-64 |
CALC215.ZIP | Yes | 55820 | 10-17-91 | Tech's Electronics Calculations version 2.15. |
CLEAR200.ZIP | Yes | 1062 | 01-12-91 | How to clear channels on selected Bearcats |
CW104.ZIP | Yes | 83367 | 09-21-91 | Ham CW complete send/receive v1.04 for the PC |
DISCONES.ZIP | Yes | 3157 | 01-12-91 | Good text info on discone antennas. |
DXBDEMO.ZIP | Yes | 121428 | 04-13-91 | Demo of an extraordinary DX logger Must |
DXER133.ZIP | Yes | 112412 | 01-10-91 | Forcast dx signals for ham radio |
DXLOGDMO.ZIP | Yes | 177494 | 10-30-91 | DEMO version of DXLOG. This is the only |
DXTRDEMO.ZIP | Yes | 82244 | 10-07-91 | Ham Radio Demo Program of DXTRAK & TRAKLOG |
ELEMAN18.ZIP | Yes | 209573 | 01-11-92 | Satellite element manager v1.8 for element lists. |
EUSATS.ZIP | Yes | 2281 | 01-25-91 | Program/frequency listing for European satellites. |
EXAM10.ZIP | Yes | 213524 | 12-10-91 | Amateur Radio written exam generator. |
EXT20.ZIP | Yes | 104828 | 11-20-91 | Extra class Ham exam with answers. This is a self-extracting file. Direct from author. |
FCCNEWS1.ZIP | Yes | 2653 | 05-05-92 | Sources of information about U.S. Federal Communications Commission (text from FCC) |
FCCSTUDY.ZIP | Yes | 67606 | 05-29-91 | FCC study program for earning a Ham Radio license. |
FREQHF.ZIP | Yes | 49593 | 02-14-90 | A nifty listing of shortwave radio freq's! Shortwave radio listeners/ham's will find this list intresting. |
GANGWAY.ZIP | Yes | 118886 | 10-16-90 | Collection of filters for Amateur Radio |
GEN20.ZIP | Yes | 77752 | 11-20-91 | General class Ham exam with answers. This is a self-extracting file. Direct from author. |
GEN_AID.ZIP | Yes | 36965 | 05-18-92 | A good flashcard program for studying for the written portion of the General Class Test |
GRINOST.ZIP | Yes | 233047 | 09-23-91 | HAM Radio TCP-IP Communications package |
GULFFREQ.ZIP | Yes | 15804 | 01-18-91 | Listing of Short Wave Freqs for Gulf Area |
HAMBAND.ZIP | Yes | 1233 | 11-21-91 | Ham Radio Band frequencies. |
HAMBBS92.ZIP | Yes | 10241 | 05-06-92 | List of Ham Radio/Space related BBS's around the country. |
HAMBUS.ZIP | Yes | 9387 | 10-12-91 | Proposals about use of ham frequencies for business. |
HAMCOM20.ZIP | Yes | 136566 | 10-16-91 | HamComm v2.0 Ham Radio comm. program for RTTY/CW. No converter required |
HAMRADIO.ZIP | Yes | 6197 | 04-15-91 | Description TEXT file of Amateur (HAM) Radio |
HC910308.ZIP | Yes | 110664 | 03-08-91 | HAMCOM 1.3 RTTY without a modem. |
HOW2SCAN.ZIP | Yes | 9117 | 01-12-91 | Text on basic scanning and freq searches |
LOG_EQF.ZIP | Yes | 198111 | 06-12-91 | Logging program. Supports the Kenwood |
LWAC.ZIP | Yes | 36823 | 10-19-91 | Long wire antenna calculator for short wave listeners. |
MOPT112.ZIP | Yes | 350765 | 09-25-91 | WABBXN'S amateur radio PBBS program Part 1 |
MORSE30B.ZIP | Yes | 70900 | 02-09-91 | Morse Code Tutor v3.0B |
MORSER.ZIP | Yes | 7467 | 12-23-91 | Program to learn morse code. |
MORSE_CW.ZIP | Yes | 5042 | 07-26-91 | Newest version of morse code send in Basic. |
MOSFET.ZIP | Yes | 17805 | 01-05-90 | Motorola TMOS power MOSFET library V2.0. Electronic specifications of Motorola solid state power MOSFET's. |
MSYS112.ZIP | Yes | 307850 | 09-25-91 | WABBXN'S amateur radio PBBS program Part 2 |
N17JSRC.ZIP | Yes | 652054 | 10-20-91 | Ham Radio Packet TCPIP - NOS System Source |
NETWORK2.ZIP | Yes | 88198 | 10-30-91 | Mini-Spice circuit analysis package for linear networks of FET's, amps, transistors, caps, resistors, inductors, etc. Plot to screen or printer. |
NJ_FREQS.ZIP | Yes | 8187 | 10-30-91 | Listing for NJ scanner frequencies. |
NOV20.ZIP | Yes | 99107 | 11-20-91 | Novice class Ham exam with answers. This is a self-extracting file. I used it to pass my exam. Direct from author. |
NPR2.ZIP | Yes | 2011 | 02-26-91 | A commentary about National Public Radio |
NTS.ZIP | Yes | 94807 | 08-21-90 | Writes and formats messages in NTS format for Packet Radio |
ODXAMW91.ZIP | Yes | 32437 | 09-25-91 | 1985-1991 ODXA Medium Wave DX logs. |
PA_FREQS.ZIP | Yes | 19051 | 10-20-91 | PA scanner frequency list. |
PCT214.ZIP | Yes | 549 | 05-18-92 | PC-Track - general purpose satellite tracker. |
PRO_2006.ZIP | Yes | 2153 | 11-30-91 | "Fix" Radio Shack scanner to receive entire 800mhz band like it was designed to. |
QSL_BURO.ZIP | Yes | 6517 | 10-22-91 | Text info for HAMs and SWLs about the incoming and outgoing QSL card Bureaus. How they work, how to use them, addresses, etc. |
RCMA.ZIP | Yes | 1019 | 01-12-91 | Info on national scanner club |
RFS.ZIP | Yes | 107546 | 02-08-91 | RF Specialties' utilities for radio engineers. Antenna/transmitter calculations & more. |
RIG_EQF.ZIP | Yes | 71412 | 06-12-91 | Front end program for the Kenwwod interface. |
RPTRLIST.ZIP | Yes | 6399 | 12-13-91 | Coordinated Wisconsin amateur radio repeaters |
RTP.ZIP | Yes | 165178 | 12-10-90 | Radio Terminal Program. For Use With Ham Radio Terminal Node Controllers (Tnc'S) Included Built-In Bbs And Netmaster Mode. |
RULES91.ZIP | Yes | 43161 | 11-06-91 | FCC text on the Open Network Arcxhitecture as of 11/6/91 |
SCANBASE.ZIP | Yes | 35394 | 10-08-91 | Neat little database for SWL'ers and scanner enthusiasts Stores frequency, node, callsign, and type of station. |
SCANR366.ZIP | Yes | 171179 | 11-03-91 | Scanner Buff v3.66 radio frequency database |
SCN_MODS.ZIP | Yes | 32999 | 09-25-90 | Modifications for various brands of scanners |
SONY2010.ZIP | Yes | 5441 | 09-26-91 | Evaluation of SONY 2010 shorwave radio. |
SPECS6.ZIP | Yes | 6027 | 01-09-91 | specifications on scanners |
SPORTS.ZIP | Yes | 3095 | 01-09-91 | sports freq. in Chicago - use in MW also? |
SWL0192.ZIP | Yes | 7130 | 05-18-92 | Shortwave Listening and Scanner Based Bulletin Board Systems (phone numbers) |
SWL0991.ZIP | Yes | 4200 | 09-23-91 | Some of the more interesting frequencies to monitor current for 9/91 time range included |
SWLG291.ZIP | Yes | 70234 | 02-16-91 | ShortWave Listening Guide. Mouse-supported, using computer's real-time clock, this is a schedule of shortwave airtimes. |
TEC20.ZIP | Yes | 88796 | 11-20-91 | Tech class Ham exam with answers. This is a self-extracting file. I used it to pass my exam. Direct from author. |
TECHEXAM.ZIP | Yes | 77296 | 11-03-91 | Current Amateur Radio exam question pool |
TESTGEN.ZIP | Yes | 112010 | 05-17-90 | CW RANDOM TEST GENERATOR. |
TOTDEM44.ZIP | Yes | 139315 | 07-29-90 | Total HAM v4.2 demo. |
TPR_MODS.ZIP | Yes | 16357 | 09-12-90 | Various modifications for TAPR Ham radio |
VFOTRAK.ZIP | Yes | 31172 | 11-09-91 | Amateur Radio: Lock VFO B T VFO A on Kenwood |
WFMYVOC.ZIP | Yes | 85751 | 01-14-92 | Station call letter from WFMY. |
WNOS2B.ZIP | Yes | 191845 | 11-09-91 | KA9Q's latest version of NOS (TCP/IP) for ham radio. THis is a much improved version over 1.6 and 1.7. It came out of Germany but has english docs with it. |
WPL102.ZIP | Yes | 282183 | 05-18-92 | Wavelet Packet Laboratory v1.02: Shows a new method of analyzing frequencies within signals using the Wavelet Packet Transform. |
WR9R_300.ZIP | Yes | 44714 | 10-24-91 | Field Day logging program version 3.00. |
YAGINEC.ZIP | Yes | 185548 | 04-21-91 | Designs YAGI antennas. Nice program. |