June 24, 1991 This file contributed by Clarke Williams of Novell, Inc. It is hereby given into to the PUBLIC DOMAIN. It may be freely distributed and copied provided the file remains completely intact, with no changes, additions, or substitutions. No guarantees or warranties are made either expressed or implied. Use completely at your own risk as Clarke Williams and Novell, Inc. accept no responsibility for damage of any kind potentially caused by the use of the information contained herein. This file contains information needed to prepare an OS/2 1.30.1 boot diskette which will IPL either ISA or PS/2 machines. To make this diskette first FORMAT a new 1.4MB floppy. Then use SYSINSTX from the OS/2 INSTALL diskette to transfer the OS2LDR and OS2KRNL hidden files. Then copy in the files listed below. This disk also includes commonly needed utilities for such things as UNPACKING files from the OS/2 Original disks, an OS/2 version of GREP for finding strings in files, a little full screen OS/2 editor, etc. NOTE that disk loads HPFS so HPFS volumes are also available. There's still some room left over for your own utilities or optional device drivers such as tape (so you can restore a failed system from tape.) This is NOT simply a DISKCOPY of an OS/2 INSTALL diskette. The volume label in drive A is OS2_BOOT. The Volume Serial Number is E563:C014 Directory of A:\ CMD EXE 88144 3-20-91 3:08p GREP EXE 33005 7-21-88 11:57a ABIOS SYS 336 12-03-90 12:19p ANSICALL DLL 3333 11-03-90 10:17a BASEDD01 SYS 33660 12-12-90 9:03p BASEDD02 SYS 36364 12-12-90 9:04p BASEDD03 SYS 33660 12-12-90 9:04p BKSCALLS DLL 6509 11-03-90 10:17a BVHINIT DLL 8116 12-03-90 7:08p BVSCALLS DLL 21649 12-14-90 12:25p DISK0 SCD 1124 11-03-90 12:59p DISK01 SYS 27310 12-12-90 9:03p DISK02 SYS 29182 12-12-90 9:04p DISK03 SYS 25774 12-12-90 9:04p DOSCALL1 DLL 12943 12-12-90 8:49p FDISK COM 43344 12-12-90 9:15p HPFS IFS 100074 12-12-90 8:59p KBDCALLS DLL 7721 11-03-90 10:19a KEYBOARD DCP 5177 11-03-90 11:41a MSG DLL 5244 11-03-90 11:33a NLS DLL 4023 11-03-90 12:20p QUECALLS DLL 9626 12-12-90 8:51p SYSINSTX COM 41118 12-12-90 8:53p VIOCALLS DLL 16087 11-03-90 10:20a COUNTRY SYS 24466 11-03-90 12:17p SESMGR DLL 23924 11-03-90 12:44p MOUCALLS DLL 4844 11-03-90 10:20a CONFIG SYS 307 6-17-91 1:57p CHKDSK COM 63728 3-20-91 3:53p FORMAT COM 57104 3-20-91 4:35p UNPACK EXE 57456 3-20-91 6:21p VTBL850 DCP 10478 11-03-90 11:47a The files below are the little editor I use. Downloaded from IBM forum. At $45 the best bargain I've run into in quite a while. DOS version too but as I don't use DOS, who cares? T HLP 17064 7-21-90 11:40p T2 EXE 67425 7-21-90 11:40p T CNF 902 6-16-91 7:35p CONTENTS OF CONFIG.SYS buffers=50 memman=noswap,move protshell=cmd.exe protectonly=yes libpath=a:\; ifs=hpfs.ifs /c:64 pauseonerror=no codepage=850 devinfo=kbd,us,keyboard.dcp devinfo=scr,ega,vtbl850.dcp set path=a:\; set dpath=a:\; set keys=on REM add your tape driver here From other message threads in the IBMOS2 forum it became apparent some people wanted to be able to startup a system for such things as partition maintainance. But the FDISK supplied with the OS/2 INSTALL diskette wasn't documented. Here is an excerpt from the OS2TIP.INF available in the IBMOS2 forum which covers these undocumented FDISK switches. TIP# 0003 ENTERED BY: Pav, Eric M. FILENAME: OS2I0003.IPF SOURCE: OS2 FORUMS DATE: 02/04/91 RELEASE LEVEL: 1.2 TIME: 6:45pm CSD LEVEL: GA Below are the undocumented parameters discovered in the FDISK command on the OS/2 1.2 installation diskette: Parameter Description /d Delete all partitions on first drive. /D Same as /d. /SiStiMInStaOlChECk Checks a drive to see if it is already partitioned. /SiStiMInStaOlChECk:nn This will check the primary partition size against the specified size (nn) in megabytes. Results are returned via ERRORLEVEL. /SiStiMInStaOlMaKE Partitions the drive. /SiStiMInStaOlMaKE:nn Create a primary partition on size nn. I would suggest writing a .CMD file to handle using the FDISK switches if you need them. Hope you folks find this diskette helpful.