88 files found in Library "Basic/Quickbasic"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
ALPHA7.ZIP No 2359 04-20-91
This utility takes your phone number and
gives you all possible 'verbal' combinati
based on the letters on a phone. Cute. Ne
some version of basic or basica
APLIBS91.ZIP Yes 93955 07-16-91 Routines for PowerBasic. Excellent.
B2QV23.ZIP Yes 30408 01-26-92 Converts Tokenized (GW)Basic to Quick Basic
BASICDEM.ZIP Yes 353448 10-01-90
Demo of QuickPak Professional and GraphPak
Professional for QuickBASIC from Crescent
BASPRINT.ZIP Yes 5728 06-19-91
ASM source to enhance the PRINT statement for
BASWIZ17.ZIP Yes 229293 11-08-91
Hanlin: BASIC Wizard's library v1.7 for
Quick Basic 4.5
BAS_INT1.ZIP Yes 46441 07-21-91
Snippets of QuickBASIC code utilizing CALL
INTERUPT for DOS services.
BCC101A.ZIP Yes 1805 12-22-92
BCC v1.01A: DOS version of UNIX
utility BC (calculator from
command line); requires DOS 5.00
BPREP110.ZIP Yes 19419 11-05-91
BPREP v1.10: preprocessor for Turbo Basic,
QuickBasic, GW Basic, MEQ Basic, etc. That
provides conditional compilation, include
files, defined constants.
CHESSBAS.ZIP Yes 6259 10-03-91
BASICA/GW-BASIC source code for a chess
program; use it to build in new features,
CRSBAS.ZIP Yes 77516 12-01-91 Cross ref basic programs
CRZYLINE.ZIP Yes 1150 12-19-91
Great QBASIC program.EGA,VGA,SVGA supported
Not sure about VGA or SVGA.
DFRAME26.ZIP Yes 168298 02-22-92
DOORFRAME v2.6: QB4.5 subroutine library for
developing online BBS Doors for systems that
are compatible w/either PCB14.5 or use the
standard DOOR.SYS file for interfacing to the
DOSBASIC.ZIP Yes 82091 07-08-91 QuickBASIC DOS library (with ASM source)
DS31.ZIP Yes 97238 11-05-90 Door Source v3.1
EDIT_QB.ZIP Yes 28312 05-23-91 QuickBASIC ASM source for an EDIT$ routine
EZWINDO1.ZIP Yes 144513 01-19-91 QuickBASIC EZ-Windows
FPDEMO20.ZIP Yes 76885 10-22-91
Full Power Toolbox Demo 2.0, this is a demo
of the commercial PowerBASIC programmer's
library which is written in 100% PowerBASIC!
GRID2.ZIP Yes 21823 07-21-91
Enhanced version of Grid Custom Control from
Microsoft for Visual Basic!
GWFRAMES.ZIP Yes 2524 12-13-91 Fancy screen borders in GWBASIC.
HBB10.ZIP Yes 60116 09-30-91
Hybrid Btrieve Browser (HBB) v1.0: TSR pgm
that will allow you to view Btrieve records
in a user defined format; 10 different views
can be defined with 10 fields/view; view
screen can be scrolled 4 ways and data can
be pasted into the keyboard buffer.
HUFFMAN.ZIP Yes 1956 07-14-90
QuickBASIC 4.5 huffman compression routines
Compresses/decompresses a screen 13(VGA)
screen. Fully documented.
HUGEGR.ZIP Yes 10031 01-10-92
HugeGird Version 1.0. Freeware. Nelson Ford.
Illustrates the coding needed to us a huge
array in Visual Basic with Grid Control.
IKE.ZIP Yes 74789 02-19-91
Icon Editor for MS Windows 3.0, includes
BASIC source code.
IN_SORT.ZIP Yes 2899 05-01-91
In-core sorting routine source code for
KEYCODE1.ZIP Yes 28361 10-26-91
QuickBasic/PDS source to determine key scan
LB2TUTOR.ZIP Yes 4516 01-12-92 A basic tutor program
LIBWIZ12.ZIP Yes 36916 12-22-91 Hanlin's latest util for custom QB libs
LYAPUNBA.ZIP Yes 113156 09-23-91
Bas,exe,docs for Lyapunov fractal generator
beta ver
MOUSEBAS.ZIP Yes 3346 09-02-91 Program the mouse in basic.
MSC.ZIP Yes 11136 12-22-92
MSC Interactive program for
QuickBASIC MSC inserts a Select
Case right into your pgm; examples
MUSCLE.ZIP Yes 195662 04-16-91 Demo of MicroHelp's new BASIC programmer's
PBCLON17.ZIP Yes 312309 01-08-92 Tom Hanlin's PBCLONE v1.7 for QuickBasic.
PBPOPSI.ZIP Yes 46653 09-03-91
PowerBASIC source for displaying 6 3-d POPSI
cans in CGA or EGA mode
PBTLTE10.ZIP Yes 82965 07-17-91
PBTools:Lite, PowerBASIC Windowing, Screen
I/O, Stri
PBTOOL2I.ZIP Yes 116357 12-01-91
PBTools 2.0i, PowerBASIC toolkit for windows,
I/O, E
PBWIZ11.ZIP Yes 89174 01-11-92
PowerBASIC Wizard's Library v1.1: includes
extended math (new trig, error, GCD, other
functions), expression evaluator, mouse
routines, fancy string handling, equipment
info, time/date manipulation, archive viewing
and VGA 256-color modes (320x200 & 360x480).
PICVIE.ZIP Yes 13007 08-23-91
Simple Bitmap viewer wriiten in Visual
PREQLB20.ZIP Yes 85487 04-15-91 Use to create a QB Library
QBATB503.ZIP Yes 397285 08-15-91 QuickBASIC Assembly Toolbox v5.03
QBCMNT11.ZIP Yes 15108 02-26-91
QB utility to add comments to your source
code listings
QBCRC32.ZIP Yes 12581 05-18-92
QM 4.5 code with .OBJ module to create
CRC32s compatible with PkZIP. Includes all
QBEVAL10.ZIP Yes 42412 11-22-91 Expression evaluator for Qbasic
QBLIST.ZIP Yes 49665 05-18-92 QBASIC or QUICKBASIC formated program lister
QBNWS204.ZIP Yes 65588 12-22-91
QuickBASIC Electronic Newsletter Vol 2
No. 4 Has a complete windowing system
included, and lets you support COM3 and COM4
in QB now.
QBQ30.ZIP Yes 45666 12-22-92
QBQuick v3.0: interactive
programmer's drawing tool for
screen design and text screens;
draw just about any screen
w/colors, border colors, fill
colors, boxes, text, background
palettes; saves source code for
screen modes 9 (saves w/QB's line
statements) and 0 (saves w/IBM's
graphics set); all text is coded
with the Locate : Print statements.
QBRV1_2.ZIP Yes 41360 11-22-91
Quick BASIC Renumber Utility V1.2; BASIC
Merge Utility V1.1; BASIC Compare Utility
V1.1; BASIC Find Utility V1.1. Latest
version of shareware bundle.
QBSBKIT.ZIP Yes 67318 05-05-91
Another QuickBASIC library for programming
the SoundBlaster and Adlib cards (shareware)
QBSHIFT.ZIP Yes 722 06-19-91
QuickBASIC ASM routines for shifting integers
and long integers left and right
QBTREE55.ZIP Yes 161267 07-31-91
QuickBASIC B-Tree database routines. Also
available: dBase routines. This is basically
a demo (QLB files only/No LIBs). But it's
worth a look.
QBVIDEO.ZIP Yes 6091 06-19-91
QuickBASIC ASM source to return information
about the active video display
QBWINDOZ.ZIP Yes 76168 11-22-90 QuickBASIC Windows
QBXSBC16.ZIP Yes 67081 05-31-91 QuickBASIC SoundBlaster ToolKit version 1.6
QB_BOX.ZIP Yes 2365 09-06-91 QuickBASIC ASM source to draw text boxes
QB_TRAP.ZIP Yes 715 09-06-91
QuickBASIC ASM source for trapping
QLIB53.ZIP Yes 207630 02-18-92
QLIB v5.3: LIBrary of subroutines for QB and
BC7.x with hundreds of functions including
graphics up to 800x600 in 16 colors, expanded
memory, string/numeric data array subroutines
line editors and pull-down menus for text and
graphics modes, hardware/environment detect-
ion, fast file/screen I/O, statistics, curve
fitting, etc.
RBBS_BAS.ZIP Yes 267520 09-01-91 Complete QuickBASIC source to RBBS 17.3c
READARJ.ZIP Yes 550 07-28-91
QuickBASIC source for reading file info in
ARJ archives
READSUB3.ZIP Yes 46886 09-07-91
Extracts subroutines and functions from
QuickBasic / ProBas source code files.
Options to extract one sub/funct or all. Can
be menu-driven or command-line drive.n
REMOVE10.ZIP Yes 40109 12-04-91
Remove Basic Comments v1.0: will scan your
source .BAS file in ASCII format and delete
all unneeded comments.
REVDCP.ZIP Yes 40052 10-09-91 R/BASIC Decompiler Freeware.
RMQB01.ZIP Yes 57985 11-07-91
Raster Master V1.0 for QuickBASIC
Graphic Editor for QuickBASIC V4.5
Supports Images up to 100X100X16 in
PCX,ICO,TEGL's DEF and QGF. Source code
provided for adding the graphics to your
own programs. Use the PUT command to
display. Req VGA + Mouse.
ROTATBOX.ZIP Yes 1404 10-20-91 Box in BASIC
SCRBUILD.ZIP Yes 41890 10-19-91
Makes shadowed boxes for batch menus & Qbasic
programs--Real time saver
SECURE31.ZIP Yes 28382 12-03-90
BASIC source code to encode serial numbers
with CRC check
SKIP10.ZIP Yes 77415 12-22-92
Skipper v1.0: file mgmt tool
for MS-DOS 5.0 QBasic environment
that will allow you to delete
designated files w/the KILL
function, name designated files
w/the NAME function, shell to DOS
and read designated ASCII-saved files.
SQUAWK.ZIP Yes 35105 11-02-90 Some sound effects for QuickBasic; source
STARFLG1.ZIP Yes 25646 07-01-91
Displays American flag and plays Star Sp
Banner...includes QBasic sourcecode for yr
education and edification as well as
TBRUSH.ZIP Yes 31397 11-07-91
CGA text mode drawing program creates in
BSave format for Basic and QuickBasic.
TERMTEST.ZIP Yes 24587 10-07-91
Very simple QBasic program to test com port
with source code. Last revision date in
TPMUSIC.ZIP Yes 6256 10-07-90
Play (IBM Speaker) music in the backgroun
similar to BASICS playmusic command. Mak
Turbo Pascal music. Turbo Pascal 5.5+
TURTRIV1.ZIP Yes 18036 08-17-91
TURTLE TRIVIA (Ninjas of course) great for
the kids, written by a 13-yr old; requires
TXT89A.ZIP Yes 36207 09-08-90 QuickBASIC code for accessing GIF 89a format
ULIST.ZIP Yes 10640 02-06-91
QuickBASIC PDQ source to get and display a
complete userlist for Novel Networks
UNDO.ZIP Yes 33219 08-12-91
UNDO, allows you to uncopress any file with-
out having to remember the "extract" options
for each file type. With QB source
VB4CTRLS.ZIP Yes 28217 11-17-91
4 FreeWare custom controls for Visual Basic
3D Labels, Spin Buttons, VMeter and HMeter
VBMSG.ZIP Yes 3574 09-12-91
A sample program to demonstrate flashing a
message to the user even before the main form
loads in VISUAL BASIC. This can be handy for
a lot of applications.
VBPROB.ZIP Yes 1750 10-18-91 Description of repaint problem in VBasic
VBSOURCE.ZIP Yes 18583 09-19-91
Source code from examples in Visual Basic
manual. Save your fingers from all that
VBSPORTS.ZIP Yes 5309 10-12-91
Sports Card Database Visual Basic
requires vbrun100.dll (vbrundll.zip) to r
VBSTAMP.ZIP Yes 7443 10-07-91 Visual basic stamp database free
VBTX1B.ZIP Yes 89030 12-22-92
Visual Basic ToolBox 1.b as
reviewed in Windows Online "the
Weekly." Access help & text files
or your favorite paint or icon
editor with the click of a button
within VB. Also automatically
performs the Save Text/Load Text
function which can make your EXE
smaller. Shareware.
VEGX20.ZIP Yes 179612 05-05-92
EGA/VGA graphics file formats for Qbasic
VINFO.ZIP Yes 1279 06-19-91
QuickBASIC ASM to return information on
active video display
WBA_HG.ZIP Yes 50901 08-05-91 Help for WordBasic programmers.