CMAKE100.TXT WHAT IS CMAKE?: CMAKE is a program maintenance utility designed especially for the Microsoft(R) C and Microsoft Windows(TM) programmer. CMAKE is like a generic make facility in that it processes a make file in order to determine which commands need to be executed to renew a given program that is under development. However, the make file for CMAKE is much simpler than that of a generic make utility. For most cases, user-supplied dependencies are not required. CMAKE will automatically determine which commands are required by deducing all dependencies directly from the commands themselves. Despite the fact that CMAKE must determine all dependencies for you, CMAKE executes faster than most generic make utilities running on a make file in which all dependencies have been explicitly specified! An example of a typical make file that would be used with CMAKE is shown below: /* Make File */ cl /c /W4 hello.c cl /c /W4 world.c lib @message.lrf cl /c /W4 greeting.c link @greeting.lnk In the sample make file given above, "message.lrf" is a LIB response file that consists of the following lines: message.lib y -+hello.obj & -+world.obj ; and "greeting.lnk" is a LINK response file that consists of the following lines: greeting.obj greeting.exe /stack:2048 NUL message.lib ; CMAKE currently supports the following commands: CL, LIB, LINK, MASM, RC, COPY, SET and REM. The user may expand this list by defining additional commands in the CMAKE configuration file. CMAKE is a shareware program, written and maintained by John Greschak. The program was designed to run under MS-DOS(R). DISTRIBUTION FILES: CMAKE is distributed as three self-extracting archive files. CM100EXE.EXE - Executable and Samples. This is all you need to get started, but you should seriously consider getting, CM100HLP.EXE, if you don't already have it. CM100HLP.EXE - Microsoft QuickHelp-Compatible Help File. This is the complete manual for CMAKE. It can be viewed with the program, QH.EXE, which is distributed with the Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler 6.00 and the Microsoft Macro Assembler 6.00. The CMAKE help file is similar in style to the QuickHelp files that Microsoft distributes with its C and Assembler packages. CM100TXT.EXE - ASCII Text-File Version of the Help File in CM100HLP.EXE. The information contained in this file is identical to that of CM100HLP.EXE. It is only included for those users who either do not have the Microsoft QuickHelp program, QH.EXE, or would like a printable version of the CMAKE help file. INSTALLATION: To install CMAKE, 1. Create a directory for CMAKE on the target drive. 2. Copy your distribution files into the newly created directory. 3. Execute the self-extracting distribution files (in any order). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.