FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 12/19/91 ------------------------------ TekMate Computer Software 15307 Parkville Houston, Texas 77068 (713) 440-5542 TekMate, in association with Kikiware Software, is happy to announce that SEE (Scenery Enhancement Editor) version .04 is now ready for shipping. This NEW release of Laemming Wheeler's popular SEE is an entirely NEW software solution to enhancing your A&SD scenery files. For those who have never used SEE, they will be in for a treat. SEE04 will let them get into the fun and action of designing their own stuff. For the experts who have been using SEE, they will be overwhelmed by the new additions to SEE04 and the SEESHELL interface. SEE04 comes with the SEESHELL system for clipping/merging actual working examples into your enhanced scenery. The NEW system is NOT just a clone of SEEPLUS, SEE03 or any previous version of SEE. It is essentially a NEW PLAYGROUND for scenery designers and can be used by AMATEURS or EXPERTS to create astonishingly realistic scenery effects with minimum effort. SEE04 comes packaged with a huge assortment of TUTORIAL and HELP files that can be accessed on-screen. A NEW feature is the ability of users to begin creating their own SCENERY LIBRARY OBJECTS: Press a single key to run Flight Simulator to test the enhancements and immediately return to continue adding new scenery features: CLIP working examples into your enhancements with the touch of a key or mouse button. SEE version .04 will NOT be released as a shareware on any bulletin board system or Compuserve Information Systems. It can ONLY be ordered via mail order or phone. However, we will provide a preview in SEE04.ZIP for users to download which includes order forms, demo mode and additional information. TekMate Computer Software has sole distribution rights to SEE04 and all ordering, support and distribution will be handled by TekMate. Do NOT call Kikiware for orders or assistance. UPDATES FOR SEE03 REGISTRANTS ----------------------------- For those who had previously ordered and REGISTERED SEE version .03 the UPDATE cost is reduced. Please, download SEE04.ZIP for update and ordering information. For previous TekMate and Kikiware customers, we will accept telephone orders, ship the product and await your payment by mail. Foreign orders can wire funds to TekMate via their banks. (See SEE04.ZIP for more detailed information.) SEE04 comes packaged with typeset documentation and is mailed FIRST CLASS domestic and AIR for foreign. Next day shipping is guaranteed for all orders. Thank you, Joe Lincoln - TekMate - 73030,2446 Laemming Wheeler - KikiWare - 71317,2616 ============================== END =====================================