Subj: SB-SOUND: AdLib Driver for SB January 6, 1992 From: PCA SBMike File: SB-SOUND.COM (7278 bytes) DL time (2400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 942 AUTHOR: Creative Technologies EQUIPMENT: Sound Blaster Music Card Keywords: Creative, Blaster, ROL, FD Type: Freely Distributed This is the "official" AdLib-compatible driver for Sound Blaster. It is the equivalent of the AdLib driver SOUND.COM and should be used with all AdLib software requiring the SOUND.COM driver if you have a Sound Blaster. Copy this to "" (so AdLib programs will find it), and leave a copy called "" also, as a few Sound Blaster programs use this driver. Be sure it is in your path and/or the appropriate directory. SB_SOUND installs driver SB_SOUND/U removes driver from memory