62 files found in Library "Religious files"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
APOSPAUL.ZIP No 166124 08-23-91
Apostle Paul Tutorial 1.2: This program is
for adults who wish to gain a comprehensive
picture of the life and writings of the
Apostle Paul. It is a serious study of Paul's
entire career, using all the Biblical data
available. Includes a brief summary of each
of his letters. Based on NIV Bible.
Shareware ($20)
ASV001.ZIP Yes 361584 09-07-91
1901 ASV text for OLB disk 1 of 5 use olb
install program with option 'v'.
ASV002.ZIP Yes 361584 09-07-91 1901 ASV text for OLB disk 2 of 5.
ASV003.ZIP Yes 361584 09-07-91 1901 ASV text for OLB disk 3 of 5.
ASV004.ZIP Yes 361584 09-07-91 1901 ASV text for OLB disk 4 of 5.
ASV005.ZIP Yes 77748 09-07-91 1901 ASV text for OLB disk 5 of 5.
AWAKEN1.TXT No 5248 12-03-91
Questions which the leaders of the Jehovah's
Witnesses will never answer, because the
answers would reveal the incredible truth
about the Watchtower organization.
AWAKEN2.TXT No 12672 12-04-91
A Jehovah's Witness presents the Watchtower
Bible and Tract Society's views about other
religions. This will be a real eye opener
for many. Also in this file is a direct
quote from the Watchtower where they state
that in the past they have slanted Holy
Scriptures or adjusted Holy Scriptures to
their ideas.
AWAKEN3.TXT No 9984 12-05-91
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (better
known as Jehovah's Witnesses) teaching about
the Great Pryamid of Gizeh in Egypt. Actual
Watchtower quotes state that the Great
Pryamid of Gizeh was designed by GOD and
other quotes prove that the Watchtower
stretched the dimensions of the Great
Pyramid to fit their preaching.
BHS001.ZIP Yes 362084 10-10-91
Hebrew Old Testament for OLB [1/3]
OLB install program with option 'd'.
BHS002.ZIP Yes 362084 10-10-91 Hebrew Old Testament for OLB [2/3]
BHS003.ZIP Yes 306952 10-10-91 Hebrew Old Testament for OLB [3/3]
BIBL591B.ZIP Yes 196032 01-24-92
L*BIBL v5.91b: Create/search database of your
library of books. GMU Software. Some features
BIBLEAID.ZIP Yes 136559 08-27-90
A Bible Companion v2.2; aid to assist
bible studies.
BIBLEQ2.ZIP Yes 147668 03-12-91 Bible quiz program
BIBLES.ZIP Yes 502198 12-22-92 New Testament with word search. FREE
BTR14.ZIP Yes 17598 10-25-91 Biblical Truth Review May/June 91.
BTR15.ZIP Yes 15063 10-25-91 Biblical Truth Review July/August 91.
CANDLE_L.ZIP Yes 1479 12-18-91
Jewish Candle Lighting times 1992 for NY for
Calendar Creator Plus.
CCSK.ZIP Yes 115214 11-21-90 `Christian Computer Survival Kit.
CHAOS10.ZIP Yes 25069 11-05-91
Charismatic Chaos (part 10) "speaking in
CHAOS110.ZIP Yes 173249 11-04-91 Charismatic Chaos 1-10
CHAOS8.ZIP Yes 19760 10-20-91
Charismatic Chaos (part 8) tongues & early
CHAP14.ZIP Yes 15004 12-01-91
A Bible study on Evangelism. Part of a
CHURCH1.ZIP Yes 80181 07-03-90 Wp5.x church graphics.
CSS30.ZIP Yes 285471 08-12-91
Church Shareware Software program. Same
author as previous. Extensive, powerful
program for managing/tracking church
memberships. Keeps names, addresses, skills,
talents, etc. Also keeps track of church
contributions. Must be properly installed.
See file -README.1ST
DEFENSES.ZIP Yes 5794 10-11-91
Indefensible Defenses. Defending the
Christian Faith.
ELECTED.ZIP Yes 20992 10-02-91 Are some elected to go to heaven-and others
GNT001.ZIP Yes 362084 08-05-91
Greek New Testament for OLB. [1/2]
contains 4 texts. Install with OLB install
program, option 'd'. Get gnt002.
GNT002.ZIP Yes 345016 10-10-91
Greek New Testament for OLB. [2/2]
Dated 10/10/91. Use OLB Install option 'd'.
GOLDBOW.ZIP Yes 9668 08-15-91
What does the Rainbow, gold, etc symbolize
in the bible?
GW4WIN.ZIP Yes 435943 11-09-91 Gods word for Windows, a bible searcher.
JD254A.ZIP Yes 10511 06-29-91 Jeepes Bibliographic reference system v2.0
JESUSTRI.ZIP Yes 16660 09-12-91 The illegal trial of Jesus Christ
KJV.ZIP Yes 18315 08-25-91 Is the King James Bible valid for the '90s?
LEX001.ZIP Yes 362092 09-15-90 Greek/Hebrew Lexicon for OLB901 1 of 4
LEX002.ZIP Yes 362092 09-15-90 Greek/Hebrew Lexicon for OLB901 2 of 4
LEX003.ZIP Yes 362092 09-15-90 Greek/Hebrew Lexicon for OLB901 3 of 4
LEX004.ZIP Yes 343573 09-15-90 Greek/Hebrew Lexicon for OLB901 4 of 4
LUKEACTS.ZIP Yes 7603 11-20-91
The Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts is a topical
overview of the companion books of Luke;
gives reader a quick comprehension of the
history in both books; good for new
christians studying the Holy Spirit of the
NASCB.ZIP Yes 146242 08-10-91
New American Standard Computer Bible program
demo. Book of Romans only.
OLB511IN.ZIP Yes 302052 08-10-91
ONLINE Bible programme latest program file.
Version 5.00.11. Supports MOUSE, Fixes TSR,
Better MINI MENU, Needed to recieve the
Greek and Hebrew (with actual fonts)
versions. Will work with files from version
4.0 on.
OLB901C.ZIP Yes 303425 10-10-91
Online Bible v5.00.12. Dated 10/10/91.
Get the AV or ASV texts, Cross Refs,
Lexicons. Also see the Hebrew/Greel texts.
Unzip all OLB zips to floppy and 'install'
with this.
OVERCOME.ZIP Yes 6394 09-30-91 How to overcome sin in your life, by John
PCBIBLE.ZIP Yes 178517 12-18-89 On-line Bible reference program
POPV.ZIP Yes 40651 10-22-91
Pop Verse v2.0 places 1 of 40 scripture
verses on your screen. Used in connection
with your Autoexec.bat file, PlP Verse v2.0
palces it on your screen on boot up. Bible
translations used are King James Version,
New World Translation, and New American
BIble. No registration fee..
REVAID.ZIP Yes 310152 10-30-91
Revelation Study Aid: A study aid to the
King James Version of the Book of Revelation.
Provides KJV text window with parallel window
displays of Old & New Testament parallel/
reference Scriptures and comments. Also has
provision for user-added comments,
concordance, references, & search capability.
Shareware ($50) from H. Daily.
SABBATH.ZIP Yes 26139 10-27-91 Are Christians required to keep the Sabbath?
SCO001.ZIP Yes 362094 10-28-91
1913 Scofield notes for OLB disk 1 of 2
install with 'w' and start olb with av
SCO002.ZIP Yes 64187 12-02-91 1913 Scofield notes disk 2 of 2
SCRIP_QZ.ZIP Yes 69742 12-05-91
Scripture Quiz v2.1: quiz pgm that generates
a completely random multiple choice quiz of
up to 20 scriptures from a possible 100;
allows you to add more scriptures as well.
SCRPTQST.ZIP Yes 180549 09-22-89
Excellent Bible quiz program. Not Trivia
PD I give it 2 thumbs up. *****
SQ435.ZIP Yes 254560 12-22-92
Scripture Quest v4.35: Quiz on
over 1600 Bible questions.
Shareware, so if you don't
contribute, God help you.
STSJOHN.ZIP Yes 1476 09-12-91 St. John The Baptist.
STUDY.ZIP Yes 297488 09-17-91 Bible Study in question and answer format
TEXTUSR1.ZIP Yes 217826 03-19-91 Greek Textus Receptus New Testament #1
TEXTUSR2.ZIP Yes 256962 05-05-92 Greek Textus Receptus New Testament #2
THEBEAST.ZIP Yes 26883 01-03-90
Enter names of people or countries. This
program will give you the numeric
equivalent. See if any equal 666--- the
number of the Beast of Revelation. (Only one
country does-- try to find it.
TURNBURN.ZIP Yes 16478 09-26-91 Turn from your sins or burn for your sins.