Cognition-Enhancement Drugs This text has been excerpted from MEGABRAIN REPORT: THE PSYCHOTECHNOLOGY NEWSLETTER. Included here are dosages, precautions, and mail-order sources for three intelligence and memory enhancing substances. Please feel free to duplicate this excerpt and put it onto other bulletin boards or conference systems. For a copy of the full length article, including references, contact MEGABRAIN REPORT, POB 2744, Sausalito, CA 94965, Phone: (415) 332-8323, FAX: (415) 332-8327. The authors of this article are Michael Hutchison and John Morgenthaler. Michael Hutchison is the editor and publisher of MEGABRAIN REPORT and can be contacted there (see the address above). He is also the author of the books, MegaBrain: New Tools and Techniques For Brain Growth and Mind Expansion, The Book of Floating, and the recently published Anatomy of Sex and Power: An Investigation of Mind Body Politics. John Morgenthaler is the co-author with Ward Dean, MD, of a full length book on over thirty cognition enhancing compounds. The book includes an index, references, and sources of compounds. John can be contacted at POB 483 Santa Cruz, CA 95061, Phone: (800) 669-2030, MCI mail address: 3144541. A free copy of the book goes to anyone who posts this article to another bulletin board or conference system. COGNITION-ENHANCEMENT DRUGS by Michael Hutchison and John Morgenthaler Picture this: You have a business meeting tomorrow with your Japanese distributor. This meeting requires that you be in top form for some critical negotiations. You have several reports to go over, many facts to memorize, and above all you have to get some rest. Your first step? A trip to the drug store, of course. A meeting like this is much too important to take on without fine-tuning your biochemistry. You must create the optimal neurochemical conditions for learning and creativity. You ask the druggist, who then points you towards the shelf of cognitive enhancement compounds. You load up your basket with bottles of piracetam, vasopressin, hydergine, choline, DMAE, and maybe a little centrophenoxine. After arriving home, and taking the appropriate doses of each of these you go into your study to slip on your cranial electric stimulator along with your light and sound device. You know from your experience and that of many pioneers in the consciousness revolution that this particular combination of chemicals and brain machines has a synergistic effect that will create the optimal psychobiological state for the tasks that lie ahead. You can be sure that your Japanese counterparts are engaged in a similar manner. After an hour in your study you feel very different. You are relaxed, yet alert and creative. Your brainwave activity has altered, and an EEG would show that it has become more regular and has increased in amplitude in certain frequencies, causing you to feel simultaneously profoundly relaxed yet in a state of intense concentration, loose and creative as well as mentally quick and alert. A brain-mapping device would show that the two hemispheres of your brain were in a state of "superconnection," with an enormous increase in the amount of information flowing between the hemispheres. At the same time, the rate of metabolism and the energy level of your brain cells has sharply increased. You are now in the optimal state to imprint new memories, to plan new and more creative strategies, to visually rehearse every detail of your upcoming meeting... Sound far-fetched? Well, both the brain machines and the cognitive enhancement compounds already exist. Megabrain described a variety of devices that show evidence of enhancing cognition (for a summary of several recent studies suggesting that CES devices can have clear cognition-boosting effects see the "Research Update" elsewhere in this issue); and the book also mentioned the cognition-enhancing effects of such neurochemicals as vasopressin and MSH-ACTH 4-10. Since then other mind- magnifying drugs have emerged as well as even more astonishing evidence of their ability to amplify learning, memory and thinking. What we don't know is how to best use them together, or even whether they should be used together. That's what we want to find out. The problem, as many of you are aware, is that it is extremely difficult for those interested in performing research into the effects of brain machines to obtain the necessary funding and support. Mainstream science, particularly those elements in control of doling out grants and funds to support research, and many of the universities and institutions engaged in research, seem to have little interest in investigating these machines. What research is done usually involves the therapeutic applications of the devices rather that the induction of peak performance brain states. On the other hand, huge amounts of money are being spent for research into cognition enhancing drugs. But much of the research is being done by the big pharmaceutical companies, who are racing with each other to develop patentable memory enhancement drugs and to obtain FDA approval for these compounds. Since the FDA is primarily oriented toward treating diseases in a medical context, and has not shown much interest in giving its approval to drugs that simply improve people's memories or boost intelligence, the pharmaceutical companies are directing their efforts toward gaining approval for their cognition-enhancement drugs as treatments for medical problems such as Alzheimer's disease, multiple-infarct dementia and senility. Since financial analysts estimate that such cognitive drugs could quickly produce sales of well over a billion dollars a year in the U.S. alone, and ultimately outsell antibiotics and tranquilizers, the competition is fierce, and these companies are in no mood to investigate ways their substances might work synergistically or in combination with other substances or other mechanisms such as mind machines. Also, since their efforts are directed toward drugs that are patentable, these companies have little interest in exploring the cognition enhancement properties of substances that cannot be patented. Vitamin C is a good example: in a controlled study in which healthy individuals were tested both for levels of vitamin C and IQ, those with higher levels of the vitamin averaged 5 points higher in IQ; when those with the lower levels of the vitamin were given vitamin C supplements, their IQ scores increased by over 3.5 points. In some way, Vitamin C is a cognition-enhancing substance. But, of course no one can patent vitamin C, which is cheap and readily available. In another example, one widely available and unpatentable substance (DHEA) is rumored to have demonstrated in a recent study some success in, among other things, treating AIDS, as well as cognition enhancement; however, the drug company involved in the experiments is now apparently trying to conceal the discoveries about DHEA until it can develop some variant that is patentable (i.e. has commercial value), and has obtained a court order forbidding the scientist in charge of the study to even speak with anyone about the matter. WE HAVE MET THE GUINEA PIG AND IT IS US And so, MEGABRAIN REPORT has concluded that if we really want more research into mind-machine mind-food interactions we'd better start doing it ourselves. Thus we ask you to join us in a series of surveys, tests and assessments designed to explore the interactions between brain machines and cognitive enhancement compounds. This is not to say we are advising you to take any of the cognition- enhancement substances we describe. No! We do not advise you to take these compounds, just as we do not advise you to use mind machines or do anything to enhance your mental functioning. High level mental functioning can be exceedingly dangerous and have frightening and unpredictable side effects, as individuals from Socrates to Jesus to Galileo have discovered. However, we do have reason to believe that many of you are by nature curious, given to exploration and even experimentation-- that, in fact, many of you are already making use of some of these cognition-boosting nutrients. This being so, it seems clear to us that you have information that would be of interest and value to the rest of us. It's also clear that if there are hundreds or even thousands of you with such information, then by gathering it together, we can synthesize it, analyze it, begin to search for trends, tendencies, proclivities, and perhaps even make some important connections. The first part of the survey is intended to be an open-ended exploration rather that a rigorous scientific study or an attempt to confirm an existing hypotheses. We hope not for solid conclusions or hard data, but rather to discover and delineate some interesting avenues for future research. In a later issue, we will report on the early survey results. It's possible--though we cannot guarantee it--that in investigating the subjective responses we hope to receive from MEGABRAIN REPORT readers we will discover some trends. We can use this information to guide us in designing a more focused study for part two of the survey. For example, we might receive many reports that the effects of piracetam are amplified when used with the light and sound devices. Then we could plan to focus more deeply on the particular machine/compound interaction, investigating the interactive effects over differing periods of time, using different sound and light frequencies and modes, and in various areas, such as memory, reaction speed, creativity and so on. In this issue, we will introduce some of the more interesting compounds for cognitive enhancement, provide information about how to obtain each of them, present some methods for assessing and evaluating your own brain state and tracing your progress, and present a simple questionnaire. These self-assessment methods and our initial survey appear at the end of this article. First we will describe a few of the most promising cognition enhancing substances. NOOTROPIC DRUGS PIRACETAM "Last year a friend took me to hear Sun Ra and his Intergalactic Arkestra as a birthday present. I had just received a bottle of 800 mg tablets of Piracetam. My friend and I each took nine of the tablets (an "attack dose" they call it in the literature) before entering the hall. The music began 30 minutes later. I found myself able to concentrate as never before. I was completely lucid with absolutely no sense of intoxication. For the first time in my life I could hear each individuals horn's timbre (Sun Ra has about 10 horn players, often all playing massed harmonies.) My friend has worked as a professional saxophone player. He, too, reported extraordinary hearing and concentration abilities. My ears felt as though the were being stimulated from all directions at once, but the feeling was entirely pleasant. I was enthralled." Piracetam has been the subject of intensive research for over 15 years, and has not only proven to be a powerful intelligence booster and cerebral stimulant, but also, even in massive acute and chronic dosages, appears to be nontoxic and to produce no side effects (it's so nontoxic one FDA employee reportedly claimed that since huge doses produce no toxic effects, it can't possibly have any pharmacological effects and must be physiologically inert). It is so remarkable in its effects and safety that its discovery by UCB Laboratories in Belgium sent virtually every other major pharmaceutical company scrambling to develop its own cerebral stimulant. This "Smart pill race" has resulted in the creation of a new drug category called the nootropics, from the Greek words noos (mind) and tropein (turn), meaning "acting on the mind". Some of the nootropic drugs being tested now on humans include vinpocetine (being developed by Ayerst Laboratories), which speeds up learning, improves memory and recall and seems to block the action of substances that disrupt memory; aniracetam (Hoffman-La Roche), which appears to be about ten times more potent in improving and protecting memory than piracetam, pramiracetam (Warner-Lambert/Parke Davis), which seems to improve learning and memory by enhancing the firing of neurons in the hippocampus (a key to the formation of long-term memories), and oxiracetam (Ciba-Geigy), apparently two to three times as powerful as piracetam (intriguingly, research shows that when oxiracetam is given to pregnant rats their offspring proved more intelligent that control groups--similar findings have been reported for the offspring of pregnant rats kept in "enriched environments," as described in the "Research Update" elsewhere in this issue). All of these substances seem remarkably nontoxic and free of side effects. As yet, there is no nootropic drug that is approved by the FDA for sale in the US, but, keenly aware of the multi-billion dollar potential of nootropics, the drug companies are pouring big bucks into research that will satisfy FDA requirements by proving how they work (still not well understood), and by proving their effectiveness in treating medical problems such as Alzheimer's disease and senility. In this article we will focus on the most extensively tested and widely available nootropic compound, piracetam. Piracetam has been proven to boost learning and memory in normal subjects as well as those who suffer cognitive deficits, and is also a cognitive enhancer under conditions of hypoxia, or too little oxygen (recent expeditions to climb Mt. Everest have included piracetam as an "essential" medication to treat frostbite and memory lapses causes by altitude). A variety of clinical studies with human subjects, including studies of young healthy volunteers, healthy middle-aged subjects with some memory decline, elderly subjects, elderly subjects with senility, and alcoholics, have proven that piracetam enhances cortical vigilance, improves integration of information processing, improves attention span and concentration, and can produce dramatic improvements in both direct and delayed recall of verbal learning. It's effective in the treatment of dyslexia, stroke, alcoholism, vertigo, senile dementia, sickle-cell anemia, and many other conditions, enhances the brain's resistance to various injuries and boosts its ability to recover from injuries, protects the brain against chemicals such as barbiturates and cyanides, and is widely used throughout Europe and Latin America (where it is sold over the counter). The subjective effect described by a lot of people is that it "wakes up your brain". In fact, it selectively stimulates the anterior or frontal part of the forebrain--that part of the brain that has evolved most recently, rapidly and remarkably in the course of our evolution from ape to human, and which is the seat of our "higher functions." Piracetam works in a number of ways to increase energy within the brain. First, it steps up the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy storage and energy generating molecules within our cells. It also boosts cerebral metabolism by improving cerebral microcirculation (blood flow), increasing the brain's use of glucose, and increasing the brain's oxygen utilization. It also seems to enhance protein syntheses in the brain (it's been proven that protein synthesis is an essential step in laying down long-term memories). SUPERCONNECTING THE BRAIN. Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of piracetam is that it has been proven to increase the flow of information between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. As a result of experiments with human subjects one researcher concluded that piracetam causes the hemispheres to become "superconnected." Since there's increasing evidence that high level brain states--brilliance, insight, creativity, flow, peak performance, being "in the zone"--are a product of the integrated and synergistic functioning of both hemispheres simultaneously, we might suspect that piracetam enhances not only simple learning and memory but creative or syntheses thinking. Piracetam's capacity to superconnect the hemispheres becomes even more intriguing in light of the evidence indicating that many of the most widely used mind machines and techniques for brain enhancement (such as binaural beat frequencies and the sound and light machines) function in part by facilitating integrated hemispheric functioning. This raises the possibility that since both the machines and piracetam seem to facilitate interhemispheric communication, there might be a potentiating or synergistic effect when such mind machines are used in combination with piracetam, resulting in a quantum leap in brain- enhancement effects. PRECAUTIONS: Piracetam may increase the effects of certain drugs, such as amphetamines and psychotropics. Adverse effects are rare but include insomnia, psychomotor agitation, nausea, headaches and gastrointestinal distress. DOSAGE: Piracetam is supplied in 400mg or 800mg tablets. The usual dose is 2400-4800 mg per day in three divided doses. Some literature recommends that the first two days a high "attack" dose should be taken. We have noticed that when some people first take piracetam they do not notice any effect until they take a high dose. Thereafter, they may notice that a lower dosage is sufficient. The drug takes effect in 30 to 60 minutes. SOURCES: piracetam is not sold in the US. It can be purchased over the counter in Mexico or by mail order from the address below. ***************************************** Information on Legal Psychoactives A little-known FDA ruling now allows the importation af a 3 month personal supply of drugs as long as they are regarded as safe in other countries. INTERLAB a mail order pharmacy was established in response to this new FDA ruling. Interlab carries a wide range of drugs for cognitive enhancement, life extension, and treatment of AIDS not available in America. All of the drugs briefly discuussed here can be pruchased without a prescription fron them. You can request a price sheet by writing to INTERLAB PO Box 587 Newport Pagnell, Bucks, England You must include the following signed statement with your order: I hearby declare that the products I am purchasing are not for commercial resale. They are for my own personal use only. The supply ordered does not exceed 3 months usage and they are used with the consent of my physician. [signed] Some Highly regarded Chemicals include: HYDERGINE (Ergoloid Mesylates)- Improves mental function, prevents hypoxia and other damage to brain cells,increases blood supply to brain, enhances brain metabolism, slows deposit of aging pigment and other posistive effects PRECAUTIONS- Too large inital dose may cause nausea, gastric disturbance or headache. Non-toxic even at very high dosages. Contraindicated for individuals with acute or chronic psychosis. DOSE- 9-12 mg/Day COST- 100 x 5mg. oral tablets $39 SULBUTIAMINE (Arcalion)- Described as being like hydergine only better. Facilitates wakefullness, inproves long-term memory, speeds reaction time . decreases anxiety. PRECAUTIONS- Do not exceed 3 x 200mg tablets at any time as may cause severe headaches. Other than this has no other adverse affects. DOSE- 2 x 200mg. tablets for 20 days. COST- 20 X 200 mg. tablets $11 VASSOPRESSIN (Diapid)- A brain hormone released by the pituitary. Improve attention, concentration, memory and reacall. Cocaine, LSD, amphetamines, Ritalin, and Cylert(pemoline) cause depletion of vassopressin. Marijuana and alchohol inhibit the release of vassopressin. A Whiff of vassopressin can transform your experience in about 10 seconds when using these drugs as it is an application of the specific hormone being affected. PRECAUTIONS- Vassopressin occasionall produces the following side affects; runny nose, nasal congestion, itch or irritation of the nasal cavities, headache abdominal cramps and increased bowel movements. Safety during pregnancy unknown. DOSE- Comes in a nasal spray bottle. 2-4 whiffs 3-4 time2 a day will produce noticeable affects in seconds. COST- 12 ml. nasal spray $22 Send $6 with order for shipping, $10 for accelerated shiping These are just a small cross section of the Interlab product line, but they have found favor with me and mine. You may find the newletter of the Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute helpful. Send $1.00 to CERI PO Box 483 Santa Cruz, CA 96061 Good Luck! Excerpts from "Smart Drugs & Nutrients" by Ward Dean MD & John Morgenthaler Piracetam (Nootropyl) Piracetam is reported to be an intelligence booster and CNS (central nervous system) stimulant with no known toxicity or addictive properties. Piracetam is inexpensive (under $0.85 per day) and available by mail (see appendix A.) The subjective effect described by some people is that piracetam, "wakes up your brain." You'll find more personal accounts of the effects of this remarkable drug in the case histories and testimonials appendix. It's effects and safety are so impressive that piracetam prompted the creation of a new pharmaceutical category called nootropics. The term nootropic comes from a Greek word meaning "acting on the mind". Since the invention of piracetam by UCB Laboratories in Belgium, other pharmaceutical companies have been scrambling to develop their own nootropics. Some of them being researched now include; vinpocetine, aniracetam, pramiracetam, and oxiracetam. As yet, there is no nootropic compound that id FDA approved for sale in the US, but there is plenty of motivation on the part of pharmaceutical companies to get that approval. Financial analysts expect that the US market for these cognitive enhancers will soon be in excess of $1-billion per year (Pelton, 1989). Piracetam is very similar in molecular structure to the amino acid pyroglutamate (see Pyroglutamate). Piracetam and pyroglutamate have the same "base" chemical structure, the 2-oxo-pyrrolidine, but they differ by the side chain. Pyroglutamate is 2-oxo-pyrrolidine carboxylic acid, and piracetam is 2-oxo-pyrrolidine acetamide. Piracetam enhances cognition under conditions of hypoxia (too little oxygen), and also enhances memory and some kinds of learning in normal humans. Outside of the US, piracetam is used to treat alcoholism, stroke, vertigo, senile dementia, sickle cell anemia, dyslexia, and numerous other health problems (Pelton, 1989). The effect of piracetam can be increased if taken with DMAE, centrophenoxine, choline, or Hydergine. When choline and piracetam are taken together there is a synergistic effect that causes a greater improvement in memory than the sum of each when taken alone (Bartus, 1981). We know of one person who claims she feels slightly agitated and depressed if she takes piracetam for more than a week without a choline supplement. This feeling is alleviated for her with a single dose of choline. It may be that the piracetam causes acetylcholine to be used up more quickly and that the choline helps to replace this important neurotransmitter. Once fascinating study suggests that piracetam might increase the number of cholinergic receptors in the brain. Older mice were given piracetam for two weeks and then the density of muscarinic cholinergic receptors in their frontal cortexes was measured. The researchers found that these older mice had 30-40% higher density of these receptors than before. (Pilch, 1988). Piracetam, unlike many other drugs, appears to have a regenerative effect on the nervous system. One theory of Alzheimer's disease is that the decline of intellectual functions is partly caused by a decreased activity of the cholinergic system in the brain caused by cell death and cell degeneration. The researchers in the above study speculated that their findings could explain how piracetam works and could also explain the finding of Bartus, et. al. regarding a profound effect of combining choline with piracetam on memory enhancement of old rats. As mentioned previously the late drug researcher Arthur Cherkin related to us that he believed the combination of Hydergine and Piracetam potentiate each other by 5 times. This highlights the importance of adjusting the dosage when multiple substances are taken because, some of these substances will cause paradoxical effects when excessive amounts are taken. Although piracetam is a derivative of GABA (gamma amino butyric acid, a neurotransmitter), there is no evidence that piracetam works through the GABAergic system. Some research even suggests GABA may even inhibit memory and learning (Zhang, 1989). Precautions: Piracetam may increase the effects of certain drugs, such as amphetamines, psychotropics, and Hydergine, as stated. Adverse effects are rare but include insomnia, psychomotor agitation, nausea, gastrointestinal distress, and headaches. Piracetam has virtually no known toxicity or contraindications. Dosage: Piracetam is supplied in 400mg or 800mg capsules or tablets. The usual dose is 2400 to 4800 mg per day in three divided doses. Some literature recommends that the first two days a high "attack" dose should be taken. We have noticed that often when people first take piracetam they do not notice any effect at all until they take a high dose (approximately 4000 to 8000mg). Thereafter, they may notice that a lower dosage is sufficient. Piracetam takes effect within 30 to 60 minutes. Sources: Piracetam is not sold in the US. It can be purchased over the counter in Mexico or by mail form the sources listed in appendix A. Other names include: Avigilen, Cerebroforte, Cerebrospan, Cetam, Dinagen, Encefalux, Encetrop, Euvifor, gabacet, Genogris, Memo-Puren, Nootron, Nootrop, Nootropil, Nootropyl, Normabrain, Norzetam, Pirroxil, Psycotron, Stimucortex, and UCB-6215. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPENDIX D: Testimonials & Case Histories Testimonials and case histories are always suspect in scientific circles. This is because the human mind is so powerful at producing the placebo effect. Humans repeatedly experience powerful drug effects from taking inactive substances when they believe that the substances are drugs. That is why we rely on references to scientific research for the information we present. We include this appendix of testimonials and case histories so that you may orient yourself as to which substances you would like to try. If you would like to share your experiences with us, whether they are similar or different than the ones described here, please feel free to write to the authors c/o B&J Publications, PO Box 483, Santa Cruz, CA 95061-0483. Piracetam: "My secretary responded so well to piracetam (at doses of only 800mg) that I decided to give her a small raise so she could afford it. She takes piracetam instead of heading for the coffee machine. Every day she takes it she is decidedly more alert, and intelligent acting and she smiles more. She is overall a much better employee. She says it wakes up her brain." -JM "Piracetam keeps me alert when I am driving. It also helps me to formulate new and different ideas when I am taking essay tests in school." - DB "I liked piracetam so much that I decided to try it with vincamine and xanthinol nicotinate. I took standard doses of all three - 2400mg of piracetam, 20mg of vincamine, and 300mg of xanthinol nicotinate. I actually felt stupid! I had the "right on the tip of my tongue" response for hours. Recently a friend suggested that I combine Hydergine with piracetam, explaining that the two synergize each other, and that I should try a small dose of each. I had tried Hydergine years ago and liked it a lot, but found it prohibitively expensive. I decided to experiment with these two in combination with ginkgo biloba. I started with what I thought were very small quantities, 1/4mg of Hydergine, 200mg of piracetam, and 50mg of ginkgo, but found the combination to be extraordinary. I've tried many different cognitive enhancers, but this low-cost, low-dose combination is my favorite." -BP "I started taking piracetam with choline about a year ago and have found this combination to be one of the best things that ever happened to me. I no longer get extreme mood swings, I am much happier in general, and my concentration and speaking ability is better. I also found that my relationships with family and friends have improved, probably due to my increased self confidence." - HH "I took two grams of piracetam and, after 30 minutes, I began to find my boyfriend much more sexually attractive. I assumed this was as fluke since I had never heard of this effect from piracetam. Since this experience I have taken piracetam every day for two months and every time, without fail, it has the same effect. Piracetam has vastly improved my sex life." -DB "Intelligence is the ultimate aphrodisiac." - Tim Leary Interlab. INTERLAB BCM BOX 5890 LONDON WC1N 3XX ENGLAND U.K. The other suppliers (PI/InHome) have similar problems, apparently. Hydergine is also available from the Life Extension Pharmacy, 800-822-5388, for 1000 1mg tablets , $149.00