41 files found in Library "Health/Medicine"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
1STAID33.ZIP No 72227 11-20-91
First Aid Tutorial 3.3: A certified CPR
instructor presents basic treatment for
common medical emergencies including
bleeding, shock, poisoning, seizures,
stroke, fractures, heart attack, and
more. Shareware ($10 & up)
AGORA.ZIP Yes 2673 09-30-90 Text file about Agoraphobia
ALZHEIM.ZIP Yes 3243 12-13-90 Q & A about Alzheimer's disease.
ALZHIMRS.ZIP Yes 3989 10-23-91
Text file describing syptoms and treatment
of Alzheimer's disease.
BDA301A.ZIP Yes 179849 11-24-91
OF 2
BDADX.ZIP Yes 127493 11-24-91
FILES. 2 of 2
BIO991.ZIP Yes 36964 09-17-91 Updated Bio-Rythm generator.
BIOG100.ZIP Yes 47167 11-23-91
Biorhythm program for Dos, VGA, very good
BIORYM.ZIP Yes 35163 12-01-91 A colorful biorythm charting program.
BRLM0991.ZIP Yes 136034 09-05-91
Braille Monitor Sept 91. Includes articles
on adaptive devices for blind publication.
CALORIES.ZIP Yes 46005 10-18-91
Calories contained in over 4,000 different
foods. From the U.S.D.A.
CALWATCH.ZIP Yes 220947 03-06-92
Calorie counter. 4,000 food items & 10 sample
fast food establisments. Includes printout of
each meal, exercize charts, etc.
CONSLT.ZIP Yes 82427 11-25-91
Medical Consultant for Windows 3: Generates a
personal medical history, write a living will
and create a durable power of attornet.
Medical histories can be saved for future
reference, updated as needed and printed in
either pocket or full-sized format. VBasic
CVRISK10.ZIP Yes 35409 11-12-91 Cardiovascular Heart Risk calculations
DCARDIAC.ZIP Yes 65740 08-30-91
Cardiac Arrest Demo: Interactive tutorial for
health care professionals on how to manage a
cardiac arrest situation. ACLS approved.
DEPRESS.ZIP Yes 43371 09-01-91 Self-administered test. Are you depressed?
DIETDISK.ARC No 118528 05-07-92 Diet manager.
DRUGWAR.ZIP Yes 15101 08-17-91 Interesting article on abuses in Anti-Drug
FASTHINK.ZIP Yes 13344 11-18-91
Text file on cognitive enhancement drugs and
their effects
FTESTV1.ZIP Yes 77816 11-10-91
THE FITNESS TESTS v1.0. Tests strength,
endurance, flexibility, and body
composition. Establishes a baseline upon
which you can improve. If you have ever
wondered if you are just wasting your time
in the gym then THE FITNESS TESTS are for
you. IBM or compatible, 256k, DOS 2.xx or
higher, mouse optional
HIVNOV91.ZIP Yes 15734 12-05-91 HIV/AIDS surveillance report.
KEYB102.ZIP Yes 20852 10-02-91
Keybind v1.02: util that allows you to bind
charaters or strings to keys on your keyboard
LEAN101A.ZIP Yes 134032 04-01-91 Based on current health research (1 of 2)
LEAN101B.ZIP Yes 88893 05-09-91 Not a traditional calorie count (2 of 2)
LEGALHI.ZIP Yes 30085 07-24-90
Legal Highs - a concise encyclopedia of
legal psychoactive substances and their
properties. Ascii text file.
MAGNIFY1.ZIP Yes 23742 09-04-91
Double size of characters on all or part of
the screen, for visually impaired users etc.
NDBFCS4A.ZIP Yes 292419 08-23-91
Survey Nutrient Database from Department of
Agriculture BBS (1 of 3)
NDBFCS4B.ZIP Yes 249060 08-23-91 Nutrient Database (2 of 3)
NDBFCS4C.ZIP Yes 218798 08-23-91 Nutrient Database (3 of 3)
PERTRAIN.ZIP Yes 16530 01-24-92
Final Regulations for training programs for
individuals with disabilities 34 CFR Part 318
RIN 1820-AA95.
RFB_CBFB.ZIP Yes 11791 10-07-91
List of computer oriented titles available on
disk from Recording For The Blind. You must
be registered with them in order to use the
SIGN.ZIP Yes 61511 09-14-91 Sign language program
SOBER.ZIP Yes 3907 10-26-91 Sobriety & blood alcohol level ASCII charts
SUICID.ZIP Yes 3150 12-28-91 What to say to someone who is suicidal.
SUROGATE.ZIP Yes 4289 10-11-91
Surrogate motherhood-is it recommended or
USDA_NDB.ZIP Yes 339054 11-17-91
USDA Nutrient Database for almost every food
Contains over 1400 foods.
VITALITY.ZIP Yes 27585 10-07-91
Health program calculates risk of heart
attack, proper caloric intake according to
data you enter about yourself, diet
suggestions, plus more. All in a one file
VITD.ZIP Yes 3832 06-29-91
Vitamin D Database from the Department of
Agriculture BBS
WTLOSS.ZIP Yes 48635 09-23-91 Weight loss program.