Notes for Nodify ver 1.0: 08/26/91 Version 1.0 release. I have cleaned up the code a little bit and added a new option. You can now specify the name of a config file to be used in place of NODIFY.CFG. It came in handy while testing for me and I thought it would be of use to those who may need to process for different networks. Nodify also reports the number of messages written before a normal exit. I feel pretty good about this in general and am making this the full release. There are going to be future updates as time permits. Bill 07/21/91 Version 1.0c beta. I have been busy on other project for my (part-time ?) job, and barely had some time to work on this update. This update was done in a few hours time. The keywords in the config file are nolonger case sensitive. As a part of multi zone support, you can specify a ZONE keyword. It will change the default zone from the one given in your address. This will most likely be of use of a *C who blongs to an othernet (tm) and uses a different zone as primary. Example: ZONE 69 FLAG is the other optional keyword. You can add in your own kludge line with this flag. Note, it one adds one klude line. The main use of this is for making a message do direct via a FLAGS kludge line. Example: FLAG FLAGS DIR Bill ---- 6/19/91. Version 1.0b beta. Zone and point support is added in from what I could figure out in FTS-0001. The point addressing should not cause problems. Unfortunatly, the standard in the stored message has changed slightly from what I remember. FTS-0001 shows zone and point numbers (both orig and dest) where two date stamps used to be. Let me know if a reader or packer breaks on it.. Points are not parsed from the nodelist... yet. Point number assumes to be no point.. (not necessairly true..) Multi Zone support probabally will not work. Both the network and zone default to what is found in the config file. It should no longer be necessary to make sure a Host, Region, or Zone keyword appears in the nodelist segment. There was a slight glitch where I was trying to use addition to get the correct attribute value for a message. I had MsgPrivate listed twice and the message was written as crash. I've fixed it from my programming errors and added the local bit as was intended the first time out.. The required fields in the config file are checked for now. Errorlevel 2 indicates a fatal error in the config file. I.e., not there, or missing required parameter. Bill ---------- 6/9/91. Lines in the config file: NODE 1:369/11.0 node address, needs to be 4d for now. The segments: Again, it is not completely zone aware, but can handle within one zone. Also, you should let it process the host statment in the segment. It is not defaulting a network address right now, and needs to find it from the segment for the destination addresses. The config file: The program reports bad lines, but not missing lines. If your config file is missing a control line, I don't know what will happen. To get a hold of me: (for bugs and comments, etc.) Fidonet: W.C. Rothanburg, 1:369/11 (and 1:369/0) Internet: -or-