RealFun: Real & Complex Math Libraries for QuickBASIC README.TXT This package should contain the following files: REALFUN LIB Stand-alone library of routines for real numbers REALFUN QLB Quick-library of routines for real numbers COMPFUN LIB Stand-alone library of routines for complex numbers COMPFUN QLB Quick-library of routines for complex numbers REALTOP TXT Topical listing of REALFUN routines REALLIST TXT Alphabetical listing of contents of REALFUN COMPTOP TXT Topical listing of goodies in COMPFUN COMPLIST TXT Alphabetical listing of stuff in COMPFUN MANUAL TXT How to use these libraries DEMO TXT Short blurb on the demo programs DEMONEWT BAS Newton's method demo: source DEMONEWT EXE Newton's method demo: executable DEMOJUL BAS Julia set demo: source DEMOJUL EXE Julia set demo: executable DEMOATAN BAS Arctangent demo: source DEMOATAN EXE Arctangent demo: executable DEMOTRIG BAS Trigonometric functions demo: source DEMOTRIG EXE Trigonometric functions demo: executable PASTEL MAP 256 color palette for DEMONEWT and DEMOJUL NEWTON GIF Output gif from DEMONEWT, 320 x 200 x 256 JULIA GIF Output gif from DEMOJUL, 320 x 200 x 256 REGISTER TXT Registration information README TXT This file PRINTDOC BAT Batch file to print documentation