Custom Listbox controls for Visual Basic Version 0.02 March 1992 by Mark Gamber This control provides three types of listbox new to Visual Basic. These three types aer Multiple Selection, Multiple Column and a combination of the two. All controls share the same property and event names. Some of the values have different meanings depending on the actual control in use. To use the control, copy VBLISTBX.VBX to your Visual Basic directory. Select the filename from the listbox displayed by "Add File..." in the "File" menu. Three new tools should appear in the toolbox and, if this is the case, you're ready to go. The control names selected are: "MultipleSel" - Multiple selection listbox. "MCMultSel" - Multiple column, multiple selection listbox. "MultCol" - Multiple column, single selection listbox. Standard listbox properties: ListCount: Number of items in a listbox. Read only. Items = MultipleSel.ListCount ListIndex: Sets or retrieves the select status of an item. Selected = MultipleSel.ListIndex( 1 ) or MultipleSel.ListIndex( index% ) = TRUE (FALSE) List: Retrieves text associated with item in a listbox. a$ = MultipleSel1.List( index% ) New items: CellWidth: Sets the pixel width of a multiple column listbox cell. MultCol.CellWidth = 60 or cw = MultCol.CellWidth Refresh: Enables and disables automatic listbox updates. MultipleSel.Refresh = FALSE (TRUE) New events supported by controls: Click: Called when a listbox item is clicked on. For the multiple selection listboxes, Item is the number of selected items. For the single selection multi-column listbox, Item is the number of the listbox item clicked on. DblClk: Called when a listbox item is double-clicked on. For multiple selection listboxes, Item is the number of selected items. For the single selection multi-column listbox, Item is the number of the listbox item double-clicked on. This software is free for all to use given two conditions: 1. Credit be given where credit is due. 2. I'm not liable. The software is dated March, 1992 and is currently owned by Mark Gamber. Bugs, suggestions and whatnot may be sent E-Mail to PCA MarkG on America Online or to through Internet.