3-D Picture Button for Visual Basic by Mark Gamber March, 1992 Similar to the picture button VBPICBTN.VBX, this control provides a button to Visual Basic with 3-D shading drawn automatically depending on if the button is pressed or not. Bitmaps and icons may be display in the button and a separate picture may be defined for the "up" and "down" states. To use this control, copy VBPIC3D.VBX to your Visual Basic directory and select the file from the listbox displayed by selecting "Add file..." from the "File" menu. Captions may be set including the "hotkey" which has a line drawn under the letter selected. The caption appears below the 3-D shaded section of the button and may not be moved. The shaded portion of the button adjusts it size when the caption font size is changed. Pictures in the form of bitmaps or icons may be set using the "PictUp" and "PictDown" methods. To achive a good effect, you should move the "down" picture down and to the right of the "up" picture when drawing the bitmaps, the amount of movement depending on the border width of the button. If an "Up" picture is defined but no "down" picture, the "up" picture is offset by the border width and displayed. In this manner, only one bitmap is used and the 3-D effect still works. "BorderWidth" selects the number of lines that make up 3-D shading. Larger numbers display a thicker border, lower numbers display a thinner border. The black button outline may not be altered. "Stretch" determines how to display the bitmap. If TRUE, the bitmap is sized to fit the 3-D section of the button. Otherwise, the bitmap does not change sizes. FALSE displays the picture as drawn with no distortion but it may cause the bitmap to overwrite the border and caption if larger than the 3-D portion of the control. This software is free for any and all to use given two conditions: 1. Credit is credit where credit is due. 2. I'm not liable. Period. Questions, bugs and suggestions may be sent E-Mail to PCA MarkG on America Online. Internet mail address pcamarkg@aol.com is now available, as well.