Picture Button for Visual Basic by Mark Gamber 1992 One way to create a picture button is to create an array of picture controls in Visual Basic and apply a different bitmap for each state. The problem with that method is that it's slow and takes lots of space to implement each button. This control presents a second method in which a single control contains two bitmaps or icons, one for each state. In addition, hotkeys are recognized. To use the control, copy VBPICBTN.VBX to your Visual Basic directory and select "Add File" from Visual Basic's "File" menu. Select "VBPICBTN.VBX" from the list of files presented. You should see a "picture" appear in your toolbox, in which case you're ready to go. Most events, properties and methods are the same as a normal pushbutton. Using the "PicUp" and "PicDown" properties, you may apply a bitmap or icon for the button, giving a "pressed" and "raised" appearance. The "Stretch" property determines if a bitmap retains it's original size (default) or is stretched or compressed to match the control size. Although a caption is not displayed, you may enter a caption in order to set a "hotkey" for the button. An actual caption for the control must be part of the bitmap or icon applied. This is free software for any and all given two conditions: 1. Info pertaining to the author (me!) may NOT be changed. 2. I'm not liable. Bugs, questions and suggestions may be sent E-Mail to PCA MarkG on America Online. I don't answer the phone, letters or BBS mail of any sort.