RULES FOR WIZARDS ON PYROTO MOUNTAIN -- Compiled by The Servant of TSOTL -- Last update at Pyroto Time 484:1400 TSOTL does not demand that the wizards memorize a long list of rules, but there are some basic ideas that you must absorb. Repeated failure to ob- serve these principles may result in the permanent banishment of your cur- rent and future characters. DUPLICATION ----------- No wizard may ever control another wizard by means other than are available online, or use the pass- word of another character, or let some- body else use his password. ZOMBIE ------ An exception to the rule above: if you are unable to connect because of some kind of offensive action by some other wizard which does not entirely eradicate your wizard (e.g. negative Manna) you may create one (1) ZOMBIE character. "Legal" zombies must follow these rules: (A) The zombie must contain the word ZOMBIE in its name. (B) The zombie must be named after its owner. Thus, if your wizard is named FRED, your zombie would be named FRED'S ZOMBIE. (C) The zombie must not rise beyond level fifteen (15). (D) If the zombie is banished or inca- pacitated, you may create another zombie, named appropriately. (For example: FRED'S ZOMBIE #2) (E) As preceding characters come "back to life", they must IMMEDIATELY request (via BESEECH) the removal of their succeeding zombies. APPEAL ------ TSOTL has decreed that his Ser- vant will be the final court of appeal in matters related to Pyroto. PROTECTION ---------- No wizard may be punished for the breaking of a rule that has not been announced by the Servant of TSOTL via the SCROLLS messages or the sign-on messages and subsequently included in this RULES list. META-RULES ---------- Exceptions to the PROTEC- TION rule include any situations which the Servant of TSOTL has determined lie "outside the context of Pyrotian life". Examples include phone tapping or in- terference, exploitation of major pro- gram bugs, system-crashing, physical violence between participants, subter- fuges for gaining illegal zombies and so forth. SUGGESTIONS Wizards who use the SUG- ----------- GEST spell are expected to present well-punctuated questions in the form of a sentence. They must also avoid dwelling too much upon a single line of questioning. The Servant of TSOTL may penalize repeat offenders by single demotions, or by asking TSOTL to lower his Esteem. Also, the answer provided MUST be cor- rect. The Servant of TSOTL is permit- ted to demote a wizard 10 times the first time that the wizard provides an incorrect answer. For the second off- ense, the Servant may demote him 25 times. Disciplinary action for further incidents is entirely up to the dis- cretion of the Servant of TSOTL.