It's here!! D'Bridge Gamma v.1.31g!! Immediatly Available @fidonet 1:3601/14.0 & 1:1/168.0 ** Request GAMMA or request: DB-131G.Zip ** Come and get it! Please Note: The tag line for the Beta Echo in this series is DBRIDGE_BETA. The BETA echo is available only to/thru authorized Beta Sites. DB_TECH is available to/thru any Registered D'Bridge User - DBRIDGE is available to ALL. ** YOU MUST RE-COMPILE YOUR NODELIST ** There is a new "special attribute" in this version - this is a continuation of the "Sneak Preview" and will run with any valid D'Bridge Key - untill January 31st, 1992, when THIS public gamma will "Drop-Dead" except for holders of authorized beta keys. The general release will be out prior to that time/date, but, if this is a condition you can not live with, you may wish to stay with 1.30. The price increase from $99.00`US to $139.00`US will become effective on: 1 Jan., 1992 - for ordering information, please read ORDER-DB.USA (in your DB directory) There is NO TERMINAL in the Gamma - the Terminal will return very soon! Almost nothing has changed/been fixed in the EDITOR or for support of monochrome. Both should be addresses in the next interation of the gamma. Although the screens in the Basic Config area indicate that F1 will produce Help/Doc screens, the screens have not yet been enabled. They will be enabled prior to the General Release of v1.31. FSC-0039 is now implimented in our packet headers - this means that those DB's having problems with FrontDoor's running in Secure Mode may again communicate with them in Secure Mode. The previous beta required some larger systems to use the environment set command of: SET DBFREEMEM=## - this version has a feature that will provide a solution to those folks and an added feature for the rest... The primary reason that the SET command was needed was because of the extra memory required for the SESSION PassWords and AreaFix information. With the release of this gamma you may now send those two "memory hogs" to a text file. You do NOT have to do this, but if you wish to, it is now avaialble to you. From inside the Security Screen, with your cursor on the first line of the session password "box" hit Ctl-N (this will insert a single free line under your cursor) then type @SESSION.TXT and do NOT hit enter, but rather hit Ctl-W and the session passwords will be sent to the file SESSION.TXT in your DB directory. The same may be done in the Packet Mail Control window - with your cursor on the first line of the AreaFix information line, hit Ctl-N to create a free line under your cursor, then type @AREAFIX.TXT and again hit Ctl-W to write the information to a text file called AREAFIX.TXT which will be in your DB directory. Please note that in the AreaFix case, only those lines that do NOT specify a specific AREAS.BBS (like FidoNet.NA) will be placed in the file - the lines with a specified areas.bbs will be left in the "box." There is also one additional "glitch" associated with AreaFix in this gamma release - if you specify a specific for ANY node, then if anyone requests a -L (list), they will get the on-line list plus the information. LASTCALL now places all L-*.* files in a Zip file and extracts only the single file "called" by LASTCALL - LASTCALL may also be totally disabled with the use of the environment variable SET LASTCALL=NO. There is now the ability to "disable" "DimeSaver" and "Collision Control" also available in this SINGLE LINE version is the ability to out-dial by FLAG Dial/Specific Dial by specific modem on specific port... the directions for this and other yet "un-documented" features is available in the file DBG131AG.ZIP (DBPREV) here and at 2:280/280 and 201:300/301. This series of echo-messages, which were originally posted in the DBRIDGE echo are available as a single file which is updated each time a new "page" is published. This file is also included with the gamma release allong with a copy of this release message as DBG131AG.DOC. This Gamma does NOT contain the TERMINAL program - it is being revised and will be back prior to the General Release. The Gamma is available here ONLY AT HST9600+ speed. (That means HST and NOT V32!). Individual 2400 baud netmail requests may be honored on a case by case basis, but not within the first 18 hours of release. The GAMMA will also be available from 1:2202/1 (HST/DS ONLY) & 1:2202/100 & 1:108/68 & 1:110/40 & 1:105/2 1:105/3(PEP TB2500 & V32) & in Europe from 2:280/280 (Tom Ordelman) & in "Oz" from 201:300/301 (Gordon Castle) and other fine Sales/Support Sites WorldWide!! Latest DBNET is: DBNET.Z54 - included with the release as DBNET.354. Thank you for your continued interest in D'Bridge, Arthur Greenberg * D'Bridge Help/Information * Co-Moderator DB_TECH "Have you linked to DB_TECH yet?" DB_TECH, the echo for Registered Users! rev:12/25/91ang