FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System, Ver. 1.18, 1992 Sep 11. (C)Copyright Frederick W. Kantor 1989-1992. All rights reserved. New in FWKCS118.ZIP: FWKCS(TM) is now provided on a two step test_before_you_decide basis. You can test the first step for up to 30 days before you decide whether to register. The first step contains all the functions previously available in FWKCS (some have been enhanced), together with the new sorting functions and some other new features. If you are pleased with what you have in step 1, then you should register as described in REGISTER.DOC, using the form REGISTER.FRM. The second step is available only for registered FWKCS, and uses a key. The second step contains procedures for interpreting file descriptions, so powerful that they warranted writing the assembly_language code for the new FWKCS sorting functions. In the second step, test the additional features for up to 30 more days. If you are pleased with what you find in the second step, you should make the further registration specified (1/5 of the corresponding first step registration). In both steps, test before you make your decision. In both steps, the program is not free -- if you do not register, you should discontinue using that functionality. Changes in FWKCS.EXE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. It's now .EXE rather than .COM. 2. FWKCS now contains its own sorting function. This is externally available (see /s* for help). All .BAT programs in the FWKCS package which use sorting call FWKCS for this function. 3. Added ability to enable selected functionality under key. 4. New family of functions to assist in deciding where to put files, on the basis of description (using the same file listing format found in Clark Development Company's PCBoard). This family of functions is available only in registered FWKCS. 5. Added code re insufficient space, with new exit errorlevel = 100 (see FWKCS /e). 6. To keep FWKCS.EXE relatively small, some help is provided via text files, FWKCS118.H0n, n = 0...5. FWKCS.EXE can search for them in the current directory and on your path. So, if you put FWKCS.EXE on your path, preferably keep these text files in the same directory with it, or elsewhere on your path. FWKCS now brings up a list of commands for further help. 7. The extended help (new option /** ) uses FWKCS118.REF, which has a detailed Table of Contents. Please keep FWKCS118.REF on your path. 8. FWKCS.EXE now provides internal space for 26 macros, each a contiguous string up to 73 bytes long (see /d and /d!). This gives a total of 1898 bytes in macros. /revert resets all entries on both /d and /d! screens. 9. The internal command line interpreter can now accept a total expanded command line of up to 3072 bytes. 10.Added &r,names; This lets you specify up to 64 reserved (system) names which, if they are found in an uploaded zipfile, might cause trouble if unzipped; e.g., LPT1, etc. These are automatically searched for whether or not the filename has path information zipped with it. Added kr,d:\path\rsn; target directory into which zipfiles containing files with reserved system names can be automatically put. Added ability for options /a3 and /a4 to rename zipfiles to have the extension ".RSN" if they contain file(s) with reserved system names. (See also ADD_RSN.BAT, below.) 11.Added ability to recognize 'ESC[' inserted into filename in a zipfile. FWKCS rejects such an uploaded zipfile as failing the zipfile test, without calling Phil Katz's PKUNZIP(R). 12.Modified &j and /1j options (strip GIF tail, e.g., such as added by a communications protocol) so that when write access is denied, FWKCS proceeds, generating the contents_signature using only the part of the GIF file up to the beginning of the tail; e.g., for processing CD_ROMs which contain GIF file(s) which had not been stripped clean. 13.Added code so that '@' in a filename does not lead to error message from McAfee's SCAN when called by FWKCS. 14.Added option to suppress message from McAfee's SCAN saying that the copy of SCAN is old. Changes in FWKDG.COM: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Added time_mark option /m, to send year-mo-dy hr:mn:sc.nn to "standard output", and suppress all screen messages. This was added to FWKDG rather than FWKCS, because FWKDG is shorter and is loaded faster. 2. Added option /w When, which is like /m, but without the CRLF (carriage_ return line_feed). This can be used to build approximately time_stamped lines of text which can be sent to the screen or to a file. For example, these two lines can be used in a .BAT program: @fwkdg/w>>timelog @echo this text becomes part of the time_stamped line.>>timelog Such files can later be combined and sorted by date and time. 3. Modified help screen to include new option, refer user to FWKCS118.REF, show new version number 1.10, and show new copyright date. New or Changed in .BAT and .BAS programs: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. New: GET_DFLT.BAT, for advanced users. It captures the current default settings (FWKCS /d and /d!), and makes a new program, PUT_DFLT.BAT, which contains a template for automatically inserting default settings into FWKCS.EXE -- with the current default settings already entered for you. This is normally used in a separate subdirectory, with a temporary copy of FWKCS.EXE. You can then use a word processor (with wordwrap off) to make changes in the default settings in PUT_DFLT.BAT. After you make the changes, set ATTRIB -r FWKCS.EXE, then type PUT_DFLT . The results are displayed for you to check. You can make further changes by editing PUT_DFLT.BAT. When you have finished making changes, you can set ATTRIB -r on your working copy of FWKCS.EXE (in \CSA), overwrite it with your new copy, and then reset ATTRIB +r on your working copy of FWKCS.EXE. 2. New: ADD_RSN.BAT, to add a list of reserved (system) names for use in searching zipfiles under Auxiliary Functions 3, 4, 5, and 6, and to add a target subdirectory, \CSA\RSN , for sequestering RSN rejects found under Auxiliary Function 5 or 6 (e.g., in processing uploads, or when using FWKLOCAL to "upload" a batch of files locally). The RSN list installed by ADD_RSN is "AUX,CLOCK$,COM1,COM2,COM3,COM4,CON,LPT1,LPT2,LPT3,PRN". Space to expand this list is already provided in macros [w] and [x]. Longer lists can be added by using more macros, or by using [+d:\path\filename.ext] in the command line to incorporate a configuration file. ADD_RSN.BAT is for use in adding this feature to existing systems. For a new installation, this material is provided during automatic installation. 3. New: MAKESGST.BAT, to prepare data for use in interpreting text descriptions of files, in PCBoard format. For use with registered FWKCS only. 4. New: SUGGEST4.BAT, to interpret text descriptions in PCBoard format and suggest where to put them. For use with registered FWKCS only. 5. New: TOSUGEST.BAS, to preclean file descriptions and break a long list into shorter blocks compatible with high speed processing in RAMdisk. For use with registered FWKCS only. 6. Revised ACCESION.BAT, ACCESZIP.BAT, ADD_!3.BAT, ADD_G.BAT, ADD_Z_34.BAT, ADD_Z_56.BAT, CSAM.BAT, CSAMACS.BAT, DELCSA.BAT, DO_BLOG.BAT, FORCEUP.BAT, FWKCTEST.BAT, FWKDG110.BAT (was 109), KEEPDFLT.BAT, LUT.BAT, MSGS.BAT, REVERT.BAT, SETDRIVE.BAT, SETFWKCS.BAT, SPLITEST.BAT, S_SETUP.BAT. Note: The remote lookup functions are available in a relatively small kit, FWKLU118.ZIP, released 1992 Sep 11. If you run a BBS, you may wish to get the FWKLU118.ZIP kit for your users, especially if your BBS is a "feeder BBS" and many of your users are other BBS's. The kit comes with instructions, and contains a short bulletin, FWKLU118.BLT, suitable for posting.