536 files found in Library "BBS Apps/Utils"

Return to this Disc's Index
Name Extracted Size Date Description
145MENU3.ZIP No 18034 03-15-92
Revision 3 of the famous extended prompt and
text file replacements for PCBoard 14.5.
Customize your PCBoard prompt to help your
callers better understand how to use your BBS
Includes several prompt files both
(novice) and expert, along with several text
files that complement the prompt files.
Complete instructions are included to help
you install them in your PCBTEXT file.
1BY1_1.ZIP Yes 114666 02-18-92
This program separates the master file and
separates it into individual files with the
file descriptions under each individual
category. It will handle up to 750
categories and each category is selected
from a menu. When selected the file
descriptions are printed to the screen
and/or printer. This eliminates the need to
print out the entire master list to see just
a few categories. The program is fast and
easy to use. A must for BBS's no matter
their size.
1EDRA310.ZIP Yes 67078 02-12-92 1edit-Ra V3.10 User/Menu Editor For ra.
286FRE26.ZIP Yes 73709 07-26-92 PCBFRE v2.6 .EXEs compiled for 286+ CPU's.
ACNFN14.ZIP Yes 22727 06-25-92
Automated Network/Conference
Listing v1.4. ** From Sunrise
Door/Utility Software ** Create
a conference listing automatically
based on the CNAMES file, by
Network. Make a conference change
or add a whole network and this
utility will generate the listing.
Colors and verbage are
configurable; 9999 conferences.
For PCBoard 14.5/14.5a only.
ACTV332.ZIP Yes 96305 08-21-92
Actview 3.32 for Wildcat!
Activity log manager / viewer /
search util for Wildcat BBS's.
Supports 100+ nodes! Search for
all invalid logon attempts, new
users, downloads, uploads, system
errors and more with one
keystroke! Extremely fast!
Search for any date! View all
nodes at once. A MUST!
ACTVP232.ZIP Yes 89390 08-21-92
Actview PCB 2.32 Activity log
(CALLER*.) manager for PCBoard
Sysops! Supports 100+ nodes!
Search for all invalid logon
attempts, new users, downloads,
uploads, and more with one
keystroke fast! Extremely fast
and simple to use! View all nodes
at once in 6 different sorts! A
*MUST* for any PCBoard Sysop!
ADLG200.ZIP Yes 93149 03-22-92
AdLogo v2.00 Enhanced Version
�� Move files from CD
to HD and/or from File Server to
Local Node for faster transfers &
reduce Network traffic �� Insert
files (Yes we said GIF) located on
CDROM or Hard Drive!! �� Gains of
1-20megs of HD space! �� Replace
old BBS LOGOs automatically ��
Fully Compatable under Networking
and Multi-tasking environments ��
Full support of NS16550 FIFO UARTs
�� Supports baud rates.
AGE27U.ZIP Yes 9367 01-20-92 Creates a User List Bulletin for Telegard 2.7
AICNF111.ZIP Yes 80620 06-15-92
AICONFIG 1.11 GREAT Util for
PCB 14.5 conference configuration
changes! Allows GLOBAL field
updates and much more! A must for
SYSOPs with many conferences!
ANALV21.ZIP Yes 76074 12-17-91 Exechost bbs log file analyser.
ANSC174.ZIP Yes 14320 07-13-92 Split Screen ANSI Chat for RBBS 17.4
ANTIB102.ZIP Yes 37883 03-21-92
Antibody 1.02 upload checker
for slbbs 2.25+.
APOST11.ZIP Yes 25089 03-30-92
VBBS utility to delete posts in
autopost.msg file.
APUP232.ZIP Yes 131782 08-21-92
Upgrade Actview PCB 2.31
Registered to version 2.32
Registered (PCBoard Only)
ARCID100.ZIP Yes 19356 09-18-92
Archive Identifier 1.00 A
drop-in replacement for PCBoard's
TESTFILE.EXE, capable of
automatically identifying ARC ARJ
SIGNATURE, not extension,
including self-extracting
archives! Other files can be
filtered based on file extensions.
For use in customized PCBTEST.BAT
and similar upload testing
ARCLOGS.ZIP Yes 37011 08-10-92 Store logs in master archive, generic.
ARENAWEL.ZIP Yes 84211 08-11-92
Arena Welcome-G Screen Swapper
Configurable for day of week or
day of month, Supports insertion
of ansi music into your welcome
screens. Sample event.sys
included in this ZIP file.
ATB110.ZIP Yes 43214 05-05-92
Full-scrolling ANSI, PCBoard and WildCat
colour and music code browser. Supports
CGA/EGA/VGA video modes up to 66 lines.
ATOSUB21.ZIP Yes 31705 07-17-92
SUBJECTS v2.1 Lists contents of
incoming or saved messages. Shows
quick-indexed view.
AUTODESC.ZIP Yes 25536 02-13-92
Auto-add descrips to uploads. Now supports
ZIP, ARJ, LZH 2/9/92. For Wildcat!
AUTOVAL4.ZIP Yes 13666 02-29-92 Callback verification mod for VBBS.
AUTOVI.ZIP Yes 16808 09-07-91 Checks for viruses when get u/l!
AWUP332.ZIP Yes 144202 08-21-92
Upgrade Actview 3.31 Registered
to version 3.32 Registered
(Wildcat only).
BAD200.ZIP Yes 100150 03-11-92 Buy A Door Door Program V2.00.
BADBBS.ZIP Yes 987 01-30-92 A List of BBS add's found in uploaded files.
BATTLE3.ZIP Yes 53871 04-17-92
Battle Ship game for TBBS v 2.2
TDBS application.
BBSB102.ZIP Yes 21199 03-04-92 BBS system booter great tool for sysops!
BBSBKUP.ZIP Yes 31080 07-03-92
Backup Program For Sysops.
Highly Configurable. Now You Can
Safely Back up Your Precious
Userlog in Your Event.
BBSEE22A.ZIP Yes 241815 07-21-92
BBSee file catalog system
documentation file. Also BBSee's
IMPORT PCBoard BBS conversion file program.
BBSEE22B.ZIP Yes 115222 07-21-92
BBSee file catalog system
documentation file. Also BBSee's
IMPORT PCBoard BBS conversion file program.
BBSEE22C.ZIP Yes 63741 07-18-92
BBSee v2.2: file mgmt pgm that
allows you to easily find the
files you have access to, in your
catalogs or on BBSes or other
source; file import, search,
floppy catalog function, fill
floppy w/best fit & an interface
to many automated BBS pgms/scripts
(QMM, Liberator, CatCalls, Telix,
Intellicomm, Robocomm etc.),
allowing you to tag files for up/download.
BBSEE22X.ZIP Yes 157280 07-18-92
BBSee file catalog system
utilities. These files are not
required for BBSee operation, but
will enhance its performance.
Programs include a packing utility
for the databases, the 'deleted'
file database manager, a utility
to rearrange delete, and insert
BBS's in the database, and a
PCBoard output file utility.
BBSFIND1.ZIP Yes 65810 04-26-92
BBSFIND, The file finder
PCBoard forgot to include!. Now
Sysops can find duplicate files
with ANY extention during the file
upload checking routine under
PCBoard. Prevents same file
existing under different archive
formats. Returns Standardized DOS
errorlevel 1/0 for file found /
not found. Shareware files WHEREIS
4.0 and WHATEXT are also included
for compatibility only. FREEWARE!
BBSLOAD2.ARJ No 4994 09-14-92
BBSLoad 1.02, a GREAT Startup Menu for
SysOps, Maybe Small but worth the Download,
if your a SysOp check this out!
BBSQUO10.ZIP Yes 36818 06-16-92
Multiline Quote Generator.
Works With Any BBS! Visually
Separates Author From Quote. Can
be Run as in Your Between.BAT
Event. Fully Configurable!
BBS_ADS.ZIP Yes 37535 09-02-92
BBS-ADS v. 1.0 -- Automatically insert your
BBS advertisement into an archive file.
Handles up to 99 different filenames! Never
insert the same advertisement twice!
Flexible and easy to install. BBS-ADS works
with any compression utility and most BBS
systems. SHAREWARE RELEASE. From Main
Street Programming Services.
BBS_PAK1.ZIP Yes 254709 08-08-92
Collection of utils from M.
BGUTIB04.ZIP Yes 23876 02-26-92 B.J. Guillot's GT<=>UTI mail interface.
BM_V11.ZIP Yes 20618 05-13-92
BulletMaster v 1.1 Bulletin
Generation Utility.
BNP120.ARJ No 31513 07-29-92
Bink/OPUS Netmailer w/ 4D
support and built in GMS
BNU_TMDV.ZIP Yes 7080 04-19-91
Bnu.Sys Patched to Make it Work
Better Under Desqview. For Sysops
Needing A Good Fossil.
BONK_174.ZIP Yes 122183 01-27-92 Binkley outbound & Nodelist Keeper
BOPDAT05.ZIP Yes 22302 02-25-92
Bop-Date v0.05 - corrects Fido MSG header
and date problems.
BS200.ZIP Yes 39269 04-16-92 Bisearch 2.00 Bimodem interface for SLBBS
BSHOW10.ZIP Yes 51320 05-09-92
BBS compressed file viewer for
RBBS with pgup, pgdn, search and more.
BULLMK20.ZIP Yes 17290 08-05-92 Bulletin Maker V2.0 Non-Beta release.
CALDROP2.ZIP Yes 54365 06-11-92 Carrier drop counter/reporter for max 2.0x.
CALLKILL.ZIP Yes 11088 01-01-92
HOF For PCB Sysops. This deletes the caller
log after it gets to big for you. Works on
any file, fast, runs in event.
CALL_33.ZIP Yes 50778 06-26-92
Callers V3.3 Maintance Release.
A Pcboard Recent Callers Bulletin
Generator. Callers Uses Pcboards
@X0 Color Codes To Add Ansi Color
To The Bulletin. Logs Date, Time,
Callers Name, Location, Baud Rate,
And Node#. Read Docs And History
File For Upgrade Information.
CALL_IN.ZIP Yes 35224 02-16-92
This Device will allow you to REMOTELY turn
your computer ON/OFF via a phone call !
Excellent for BBS Sysops and on the road
travellers. Complete ordering info, GIF
Picture of unit and description is in this
file. Outstanding and inexpensive way to
remotely reboot your computer when your away
from the BIG RED BUTTON !
CALPRO3R.ZIP Yes 88902 06-13-92 Caller profile for spitfire v3.22.
CALRZ11.ZIP Yes 35613 05-22-92 Off-Line Callers File Reader for RBBS-PC
CAMSUDR3.ZIP Yes 35849 03-19-92
Cams Upload/Download Ratio program. Very
FAST!! If you run a contributing board and
want to get your users to upload more or get
more contributions, then this is the program
for you. This version will leave a message
to the user. Be sure to d/l Robert Vostreys
TXT2MSG.EXE program. A PCBoard Utility.
CANET001.ZIP Yes 3880 08-04-92
Updated information on how to
offer a true public service and
at the sametime support your
local, state and national government.
CARSCONV.ZIP Yes 33322 05-07-92
Converts the PCBoard style DIRxx files on
Night Owl's CD Rom Disks to single line ASCII
files like that found on Wildcat! BBS and
CAT2D200.ZIP Yes 11241 09-15-92
CAT2DIR v2.0 Make ASCII file of
CATDISK.DTA file, and optionally a
0 byte file directory. Useful for
PCB BBS to list off-line files tha
were never on-line so are not in
any BBS file directory. Can block
dup uploads. Freeware from Scott
Johnson for the Freeware Hall of
Fame BBS. CATDISK 3.6 or later format.
CATN025.ZIP Yes 77461 07-29-92 Catnode nodelist processor for Wildcat!
CATSCAN1.ZIP Yes 164250 07-29-92
Catscan V 1.1 the ultimate file
scanner and m catscan will
litterly let the user upload any file
and it will check it for
integrity, the date the archive,
td0 files, imbedded archives, re
directories, unwanted files in the
archive an newly uploaded file is
not in the form of you archive it
will change it to that form.
CCIT117H.ZIP Yes 151674 11-24-91 Citadel BBS program files.
CCRC32.ZIP Yes 3556 08-13-92
This File Contains The Routine
That I Use For Calculating 32-Bit
Crcs For Strings in Tribbs And
Related Utilities.
CD2BIX31.ZIP Yes 62364 01-02-92
CD2BIBL v3.1: produces a BIX (BIBL import/
export) file from CD-ROM downloads, enabling
you to move CD-ROM data directly into a BIBL
database; supports ERIC, PsychInfo and
ABIInform CD-ROM systems; supports
conversion of MEDLINE data.
CDCHECK.ZIP Yes 102712 07-16-92
Cd-Checker; For Bulletin Board
Systems With A CD-ROM Drive, And
Several Cd's That Are Rotated.
Lets User Know What cd is in The
Drive, And Shows Rotation Schedule
Too. Also Can be Placed in Batch
Files to Check That.
CDS222.ZIP Yes 35110 05-29-92
CD Share Ver. 2.22. Allows use of multidisk
CD-ROM minichangers with multinode bulletin
boards without the use of doors. Fully
transparent to caller. Also speeds up large
bulletin boards that operate over busy LAN's,
eliminates LAN traffic from downloads. Good
DOCs, fully functional program.
CDS251.ZIP Yes 35422 09-08-92
CD-Share v2.51 'Ready' message
wasn't being sent.
CEL141.ZIP Yes 1352595 10-04-92 Celerity BBS Package ver 1.41.
CHARON34.ZIP Yes 357193 08-14-91 SMTP <--> PEGASUS MAIL GATEWAY.
CHATS020.ZIP Yes 88362 05-08-92
Time-chat v0.20 excellent
multiline-chat for RA111.
CHECKDIR.ZIP Yes 14733 10-04-92
Checkdir v1.0 will check text files and
binary files inside ZIP format programs
with words to search for hacked versions
and other words that you key in to the TXT
search file
CHIN006.ZIP Yes 27352 04-17-92 BT CHINESE language file for Maximus CBCS
CHNG1_6.ZIP Yes 40457 08-16-92
Security level change program,
also allows conference RXSCL
options set. Released to public domain.
CKBUSY14.ZIP Yes 10240 04-02-92
Put dummy entries of your choice into PCB
14.5 USERNET.DAT (so WHO shows, e.g., Node 5
CKMSG10.ZIP Yes 29432 12-31-91
CKWare file to message import utility.
(Requires UTI Drivers to function). Fully
functional. Allows you to define addressee,
author, subject, network echo status,
public/private status. Most versatile
message import facility available.
CL14S23B.ZIP Yes 71643 04-15-92
CALLS 14S23B Statistic Bulletin generator.
This is a modified version of Sam Smith's
great program. (Get CAL14S23.ZIP for Docs)
It fixes a few problems with features added
to PCBoard 14.5a, adds several new features
& reports. This includes only new CALLS.EXE,
CALLS.CNF & CALLS.MOD (documentation on
changes made by Gary Meeker)
CLDRP300.ARJ No 114803 08-08-92
Tracks users who drop carrier,
keeps cumulative stats for BBS display.
CLIST101.ZIP Yes 9703 12-06-91 Confrence lister for Ultra BBS.
CLPRNT23.ZIP Yes 21062 03-12-92
CL-Print v2.30 Send comments to CALLER.LOG
Small 2K program written in assembly allows
any text to be sent to log. Several useful
/Variables allow current Time & Date stamps
and standard PCBoard type entries. Now with
Substitute @Variables from PCBOARD.SYS &
USERS Files to log data for current user.
Improved Error reporting. PCBoard /D & /S
versions have limited use of @ variables.
CNET110.ZIP Yes 66710 12-14-91
QWK and REPNet mail procssor for Ultra BBS.
Will now handle host system Sysop and tags.
CNFLST12.ZIP Yes 11269 05-07-92
CONFLIST v1.2, makes complete
conference listings from your
CNFUSERS.ZIP Yes 17089 05-12-92
Want to know how many users are
registered via MarkMail or QMail4
in each conference on your BBS?
This program will do it for you!
This is an initial release so if
you want other info, I will need feedback.
COMPR300.ZIP Yes 37337 08-10-92 Compress Any BBS/Mailer Log by # of days.
CONFFIX.ZIP Yes 18922 07-25-92
Globally rearrange conferences
on wildcat 3.x bbs's.
COWQUOTE.ZIP Yes 13044 11-07-91 Infamous "Cows" for Wildcat quote.bbs file.
CRASH100.ZIP Yes 4510 06-24-92
RK-Ware's Crasher 1.00 updates
GT's UPSINCE.BBS file with node
who crashed you last. Runs in the
GTCRASH.BAT file. Works only with
GT Power systems.
CRCADS8.ZIP Yes 2728 09-16-92
CRCADS8 contains a collection
of BBS ads that can be placed in
your ZIPLAB config file and used
to delete unwanted BBS ads from
your archived files. Feel free to
edit the file CRC.ADS as you see fit.
CSCLS102.ZIP Yes 35061 04-20-92
CSCALLS is a simple program that
will generate a PCBoard 14.5a or
greater display file, showing the
last group of callers to your system.
Many options are available to configure
the program to your specifications.
Best of all it's *FREEWARE*.
See History file for changes or fixes.
CSF10.ZIP Yes 13546 07-18-92 For Wildcat! v3.xx & catscan
CSIP.ZIP Yes 3177 12-28-91
CS: IP - From Sam Smith - TSR to display CS:
IP (same vein as FATAL, DERMON, etc.)
CSP117.ZIP Yes 71588 07-10-92
CSProfile is a PCBoard 14.5x
utility that allows your users to
get information about a particular
file from your download.txt file,
like when uploaded/by whom, when
was it last downloaded, and how
many times. Includes Zippy scan
features based on security level
and allows gathering of personal
xfer data. Displays Synopsis of
activity along with detailed
activity. Runs as a seamless
Shell. Best of all it's
*FREEWARE*! See History file for
Changes or Fixes.
CSVER116.ZIP Yes 77191 07-25-92
CSVerify is a callback
verification DOOR for PCBoard 14.5
or greater. Many SysOp options for
configuration. Modifies users
record upon successful
verification with security levels
you provide. *FREEWARE* See
history file for changes or fixes.
CYB02PDC.ZIP Yes 54616 07-23-92
CYBERPDC 2.00112� PCBoard
(File) Description compressor.
Parses short lines, blank space in
directory listings into a
consistent and shorter format.
v2.0 is a MAJOR BUG FIX. Written
in 2 languages: Microsoft
QuickBASIC 4.0 and FoxPro 2.0
RDBMS. Full source code for both
included. Public Domain! Not
share- ware, not crippled.
C_HLP001.ZIP Yes 15622 01-08-92 BT Chinese help files for Maximus v2.0.
DATAV22C.ZIP Yes 84404 01-03-92
Dataview 2.2c, Fantastic Online
Archive Viewer For Wildcat! 3.0
DATEKILL.ZIP Yes 9129 01-01-92
HOF For PCB Sysops, this deletes the caller
log (or any file) after a certain Date Runs
fast & runs in event.
DATELOG.ZIP Yes 52802 01-29-92
TCS! Takes any BBS log and
dates it. Then archives it.
DAYSTATS.ZIP Yes 42649 09-17-92
DAYSTATS 1.0 DayStats is a simple to use
and setup utility which will create a
bulletin with an ongoing listing of your
day's BBS usage. DayStats is unique in that
it list only your calls,
msgs, upld's and dnld's, but
gives you a continuous
history of your board's activity!
DBASE107.ZIP Yes 55590 02-06-92 WWIV 4.x, Dating Dbase v. 1.078
DBUSER03.ZIP Yes 19252 05-03-92 Convert USER.BBS file into USER.DBF
DB_131G.ZIP Yes 714738 12-25-91
D'Bridge v1.31 Gamma. This is a pre-release
of The D'Bridge EMAIL System. All Registered
and Demo Key users may use this program. It
can be used as a first-time installation or
as an upgrade.
DB_PCB.ZIP Yes 13617 06-21-92
Configuring D'Bridge and PCBoard
How to set-up the D'Bridge 1.31 front-end
mailer with PCBoard 14.5a. Samples of all
batch files have been included. Complete
set-up instructions for B'Bridge, InterPCB
and PCBoard. Will get you on your way to
echo conferences via FidoNet and similiar
networks that use the *.msg format.
DECMOD91.ZIP Yes 122030 01-04-92 Lots of mods for WWIV 4.20.
DEDUPE.ZIP Yes 32122 02-29-92
VBBS utility to remove duplicate posts/file
DEEN095.ZIP Yes 12287 03-03-92 Deen Message Encryptor For PCB14.5 V0.95.
DFQBX12.ZIP Yes 158271 02-22-92
DOORFRAME v1.2: BASCOM 7.x subroutine
library for developing online BBS Doors for
systems that are compatible w/either PCB14.5
or use the standard DOOR.SYS file for
interfacing to the BBS.
DFRAME32.ZIP Yes 182519 05-12-92
Doorframe V3.2 Doors Dev Lib
For Bascom/Pds
DIDTST11.ZIP Yes 27469 02-04-92
DidTest v1.1 Freeware utility that keeps
Prodoor from accessing an upload 2x - PCB.
DIRSRT14.ZIP Yes 3090 08-10-92
Sort AUNTIE or PCBoard
DIRectory files by filename, date,
or category. Version 1.4, by Vern Buerg
DIZCAT10.ZIP Yes 45439 07-27-92
Dizzycat! Diz importer v 1.0,
Imports file_id.diz and
desc.sdi from an upload to
wildcat!'s file description.
(wildcat! version 3.50 or higher
required.) -av by author,
affordable computer services.
Shareware, $10 registration.
DLC_223.ZIP Yes 14697 02-15-92
Download Counter For Max. Adds Mailer
Support For Binkley & Frodo.
DLF06.ZIP Yes 11219 01-17-92 Daves List Files directory lister v0.6
DLOG303.ZIP Yes 64025 08-01-92
Gives file descriptions for
files when do a DIR type command.
DLTRIM9B.ZIP Yes 37570 07-26-92
DLTrim version .9b� **** BETA
**** FINALLY! DLTrim trims the
DOWNLOAD.TXT file in PCBoard
v14.5a! Uses the IDX file to trim
DOWNLOAD.TXT of files that are no
longer available for download.
Other programs that use
DOWNLOAD.TXT will then give a more
accurate picture of current UL/DLs
on your BBS!
DMM120.ZIP Yes 29105 01-01-92
PCBoard Door Menu Maker. Makes PCBoard Door
menus with statistics of the number of uses,
who used it last and on what date. SysOps
may customize the menu colors.
DMS35A.ZIP Yes 63996 05-26-92
WGM-DMS v.3.5a - PCBoard 14.x Utility This
utility does the following: - Create
directory headers. - Create conference
directory files. - Create up to 99 bulletin
files. - Create up to 99 master file
listings. Written by Wayne G. Maas ******
This is a bug fix release ******
DOVE0902.ZIP Yes 340512 10-04-92
Convert UUCP mail to Maximus
message base.
DROPMSG3.ZIP Yes 14755 07-27-92
Dropmsg3 is a wildcat 3.x+
utility similar to my dropmsg2,
except it uses dave cody's ex-
cellent postmstr utility to create
a message to users who drop
carrier, as opposed to the
'display file' usernn.bbs. see
the .doc file for a comparison of
the two and full infor- mation.
DRUPR102.ZIP Yes 47635 08-07-92
Dirupper V1.02 Utility to Map
The First Letter of Each Word in
The DirXX File to Uppercase. May
Also be Called From PCBtest.BAT to
Process The Updesc.x File on The
Fly. Freeware!
DS_101A.ZIP Yes 17031 01-19-92 Track Door usage/generate bulletins.
DUPER141.ZIP Yes 27519 04-15-92 Duper V1.41 Check For Duplicate Messgaes
DUPLICAT.ZIP Yes 31505 02-10-92
VBBS utility to show where duplicate posts
are coming from.
DUPMSG21.ZIP Yes 65447 08-07-92 Wildcat Sysop Message Base Utility 3.x
ECH.ZIP Yes 39807 07-26-92 Create custom logs on printer disk
ECHOTRIM.ZIP Yes 10013 03-11-92
Removes Duplicate Area Entries From
EDEVENT.ZIP Yes 26286 03-07-92 Event editor for WC! 3.x BBS.
ELM311.ZIP Yes 462631 04-14-91 A new email system with C source. (VG).
EMRGCHAT.ZIP Yes 26751 05-21-92 Emergency Chat for Telegard 2.7
ESC150.ZIP Yes 194577 08-02-92
EchoMail SetUp
Configurator/System Controller.
EVENTDRV.ZIP Yes 95868 02-29-92
When in EVENT.SYS, call any batch file you
want depending on the current day number
Great every day or weekly operations.
EVTMGR22.ZIP Yes 9880 01-29-92
Event Manager version 2.2. This
program will add event notes to your caller
log file. Now includes printer support and
node number as command line switches. Allows
you to have a complete record of all of your
event activities within your callers log.
Some minor fixes from 2.1 Release: Will now
work properly with caller log viewers such
EXPIRLST.ZIP Yes 11381 05-29-92
Shows expiration dates of
users, for slbbs 2.25+.
EXP_411.ZIP Yes 33185 02-23-92 New Export For PCBrelay Software.
EXT2TM16.ZIP Yes 21404 03-06-92
Upload/download info in TeleMate's logfile
for MPt/PUMA, DSZ, BiModem.
EZ_DIZ12.ZIP Yes 44708 02-17-92
EZ-DIZ v1.2 - Process archived FILE_ID.DIZ
or DESC.SDI descriptions from the *COMMAND*
line and place them into your PCBoard 14.5+
directory list automatically without doing
"local uploads". Now with automatic support
for ZIP/ARC/ARJ/PAK/LZH. Complete Re-write
to improve speed. May be used in an event.
ShareWare. $10.00 registration fee.
F2RGRG2F.ZIP Yes 14989 05-10-92
Files 2 Renegade/Renegade 2
Files Convert to and from Renegade
& Files.bbs format.
F3MAPS31.ZIP Yes 95323 09-05-92
Edit Falcon 3.01 Operation Flying Tiger Red
Flag areas, supplies etc...
FALCNR31.ZIP Yes 125569 09-13-92
Falconer Is a manager program for Falcon
3.01 and 3.0d
FALKV63.ZIP Yes 185719 01-29-92 Version 6.3 of Falken multiline bbs
FAN_110.ZIP Yes 56669 05-29-92
Makes echomail msgs from
files.bbs or tic. OS/2 & DOS.
FASTE120.ZIP Yes 270264 07-24-92
FastECHO, tosser/scanner for
QBBS/RA and FrontDoor mailers.
FBRAIN.ZIP Yes 369816 02-14-92
File brain upload virus zip checker
Use this to check uploads for virus and
bad zip, arj, lzh, arc, and gif files.
Will also extract FILE_ID.DIZ, and check
your CDROM for duplicate files. Used in
FDH60.ZIP Yes 83412 06-28-92
File directory header ver6.0
Creates a Graphic Header for your
File Directories. PCBoard 14.5a
Only. Display the Date, No. of
Files & No. of K-Bytes Contained
in Each Directory. Uses PCB "@X"
Codes for Color. Includes
Provisions to Change Five Colors
in Header File. Now Handles 150
DIR Files. Fixes Problem of
Cut-Off Header when Using PCBFILER
to Make ALLFILES.LST. Eliminates
the Hokie "VCR" in the Checkerboard.
FDSEC200.ZIP Yes 43880 03-01-92
Fdsecure V2.00 Update Release Frontdoor
Security System.
FDSFMAIN.ZIP Yes 17627 01-31-92 Frontdoor/Spitfire maintenance shell.
FEUD15.ZIP Yes 62647 06-08-92
Ver 1.5 Feud, Game similiar to
TV's Family Feud. Allows players
only 3 strikes to be out. You set
how many times they play etc..
Multi-bbs/node and handles baud
rates to 115K. Fixed error on lost
of carrier plus must have
brt71efr.exe for this version.
FFAL100.ARJ No 35698 07-06-92
Read FILES.BBS, remove entries
where file is no longer present
FFGRA103.ZIP Yes 27208 03-28-92
Fast Configurable Allfiles List
Generator For ra.
FIDOGT13.ZIP Yes 36680 07-16-92 Fidogate Fidonet<->MHS gating program.
FIDOHELP.ZIP Yes 11920 06-18-92
This is a HELP file for new
PCBoard Sysops looking at getting
into the FIDO world. This
contains information that usually
isn't givin out in your manuals,
and it is pretty simple to
understand. There are examples,
FIDO definitions, and Batch
routines included in the document
to try and make this as smooth of
transition as possible.
FIDOPCB2.ZIP Yes 4443 01-17-92
Text file, explains the programs and batch
files needed to run PCBoard in a FidoNet
Technology environment. This version has
some subtle changes, including the change
from TosScan to Squish as the
FIDOQ105.ZIP Yes 74387 08-01-92
FidoQWK 1.05: FidoNet *.MSG <=> QWK echomail
processor. Allows FidoNet type BBS systems
to echo messages with QWK/REP type networks.
FIDOQWK1.ZIP Yes 66601 06-26-92
FidoQWK - FidoNet(tm) <=> QWK echomail
processor. Allows any FidoNet(tm) compatible
BBS systems to transfer mail with any QWK
host systems. v1.00
FILEFI06.ZIP Yes 34439 05-23-92
Scans filelists. A SYSOP MUST
!!! Includes HACK REPORT 'May 92.
FILEFX15.ZIP Yes 15780 03-13-92 Fix File Points/Sizes for Renegade BBS.
FINFO12.ZIP Yes 181379 07-28-92
FInfo v1.2 for PCBoard 14.5 or
14.5a allows users to get
information on when a file was
uploaded, who by, when d/l'ed and
how many times. Big feature is
that it almost *instant* no more
waiting while the download.txt
file is scanned. Also cuts down on
download.txt file size drastically!
FIXV5.ZIP Yes 25033 11-01-91 Latest version of user fix for WWIV.
FLAMET11.ZIP Yes 30080 07-21-92
Users FLAME each other, a real
hoot n' hollar for the SysOp!
FLPRO403.ZIP Yes 53165 11-27-91 Files.bbs manager.
FLST20.ZIP Yes 20782 08-05-92
FILESLST 2.0 - This handy utility is used to
append new files onto a TriBBS file list.
This latest version now provides support for
FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI files and can now
optionally sort the file list either
alphabetically or by date.
FNMAIL20.ZIP Yes 84500 03-01-92
FNETMAIL - Version 2.0 QWK Mail Door for
FeatherNet BBS. Supports up to 25 external
protocols including any Bi-Directional
protocol. Produces .QWK packets and exports
.REP packets to facilitate reading and
editing of messages offline using any
popular program designed for that purpose
such as SLMR or EZ-Reader. Excellent!
FNPACK.ZIP Yes 28045 01-02-92 The best message packer for Spitfire!
FONWATCH.ZIP Yes 13045 12-21-91
Watch for Users who give phone numbers that
match a Data Base you create and assign them
a New Security Level if found. Requires use
of USERS.SYS and can be run after another
Door (like PCB-Verify, or InstaReg).
FORUM11J.ARJ No 29525 06-24-92
SYSOPS! Tired of having to creat 30-day
message bases for Special Interest Groups
that lose interest in the msg base after a
month or so? BBS FORUM allows callers to
create and maintain their own msg bases!
Inactive msg bases auto-delete after 30 days,
active ones will run FOREVER! No more BBS
reconfiguration for SIGS...let the Callers do
FOXCUT20.ZIP Yes 105085 01-14-92
Focke's-Cut v2.0: use w/dcbbs
list to extract nums that are a
local call for you.
FP067.ZIP Yes 41064 08-21-92
F-Probe 0.67a // FREEWARE
Version .. Automated Upload File
Testing for use with PCBoard
BBS's. Automatically tests for
file integrity, viruses and valid
file dates. Tests embedded ZIPs,
displays progress messages to
user, low memory requirements,
highly configurable, and more!
This is a bug-fix release which
now allows Sysops to upload from "local".
FP10S.ZIP Yes 65664 01-01-92
FidoPcb v1.0 shareware. New Fidonet and
PCBoard compatible tosser and mailer.
Suports AreaFix, Net_mail, message flags.
Easy to install, very fast (doesn't use MSG
to import packets).
FPOINTS3.ZIP Yes 72327 07-23-92
Fpoints v3.0 Auto-credits
User/File with File Points at upload.
FRET_100.ZIP Yes 31236 04-20-92
Utility for SysOps
using PCBoard with BinkleyTerm or
FrontDoor. Credit callers for
their File Requests! Session p/w's
may be assigned and removed
automatically based on several
criteria, including security
level. Control F'Req privileges
just as you would control
downloads on your BBS! Can be
up and running within minutes.
Multi-node support. A must for
systems with Point setups!
FRME5.ZIP Yes 42464 12-07-91
French menus/ANSI screens/prompts. Updated
for hidden commands.
FUPDAT11.ZIP Yes 8352 05-18-92
Add New Files And Delete
Nonexistent Files From Files.BBS
FWKCS118.ZIP Yes 434918 09-11-92
FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature
System, 1.18. 1992 Sep 11.
Powerful Platform: Contents_
Signature functions. Sorting.
Automatic Text Interpretation
(registered only). Block dupes.
Remote cs search. Very Fast.
Typical Pairwise Statistical Error
Rate Less Than One Part Per
Trillion. Zipped paths. Keep/test
AV stamps. Valuable Initial
Cleanup. Many other features. To
install, unzip whole .ZIP, run INSTALL.
FWKCT117.ZIP Yes 63890 02-12-92
FWKCT Content_Signature Test Program v1.17:
powerful set of quality-control test
procedures used for FWKCS; demonstrates the
variety & complexity of tests available for
automatic processing of ULs to a BBS.
FWKLU117.ZIP Yes 73475 02-12-92
FWKCS Content_Signature LookUp Kit v1.17:
for users who only wish to use the Lookup
and and remote cross_reference functions,
find files on remote BBS's, avoid uploading
duplicate files regardless of filenames.
F_TEXT.ZIP Yes 22676 04-21-92 PCB14: Text Display dr W/Sample
GAPNEWS.ZIP Yes 98437 06-18-92
Daily news generator for GAP BBS's. Supports
all Forums and/or bulletins. Older file, but
is still in use by many GAP sysops.
GAPNOWL.ZIP Yes 272721 06-18-92
Modified dirs for NightOwl pds0006 CD-ROM
disk and GAP BBS's
GAP_ATI.ZIP Yes 1918 09-09-92
Configuration for ATI2400etc (v.42) internal
or external with GAP BBS - for GAP sysops
GCHAT140.ZIP Yes 35679 02-12-92 Gchat 1.40 - Split-screen Chat Program.
GE10002G.ZIP Yes 47019 03-16-92
Gedit 1.00.02g Full-Screen Message Editor
For QBBS/Ra (Bug Fix).
GE2RA20B.ZIP Yes 47913 03-19-92 GEcho to RA to FD configuration file convertr
GETMAIL.ZIP Yes 9275 12-20-91
GetMail Search and extract to
an ASCII file all the messages
adressed to a particular user in a
PCBoard message base. Freeware C
source included.
GIFRES14.ZIP Yes 38824 06-16-92
Put .GIF file resolutions into your TriBBS
and SpitFire file listing. Faster file
handling. Minor bug fixes. Now with -AV in
zip file!
GIFT4B10.ZIP Yes 99057 01-22-92
GIFtest 4.0�10
Command line GIF util for PCBoard
14.5a and ProDoor sysops to test
uploaded GIF files for errors
and insert resolution into the
file descriptions where the sysop
GMS100B5.ZIP Yes 41298 03-01-92 Gecho Fido mail tosser statistical program.
GOVTEXT.ZIP Yes 11239 01-08-92
Government-ese PCBText -something different
for your callers!
GTDCE11.ZIP Yes 8799 04-04-92
GTdce V1.1 - Grabs Caller's Dce Bbaud Rate
From GTuser.Bbs on gt Power BBSs And Returns
GTMAINT3.ZIP Yes 27758 08-31-91 Gt Host Scheduler/Maintainence utility.
GTMORE11.ZIP Yes 13374 08-31-91
GT More v1.1 .Utility to paginate ansi or
ascii text files for GT. Looks at your
GTuser.bbs to determine if ansi is selected
Now monitors carrier detect and aborts if
carrier is lost.
GTT112.ZIP Yes 106161 08-31-91
GT Tools Beta version for GT. Once you try
this you'll nevr go back to sysop tools.
GTUSRD11.ZIP Yes 10122 04-08-92
GT User Dump V1.1 - Exports gt Power V17.00
User.Ctl to A Basic Format, Comma-Delimited
ASCII File For Database Importation.
GUEST10.ZIP Yes 6915 07-01-92
Guest 1.00 Allows multiple
GUEST accounts with RA
HAL2002.ZIP Yes 50845 12-07-91 TradeWars 2002 USER utility.
HANGUP35.ZIP Yes 23990 07-27-92
Send A Nasty Note to Users Who
Hang in Tg2.7.
HDMENUS.ZIP Yes 7583 12-19-91 Some really nice ANSI menus for Wildcat 3.
HEAD308B.ZIP Yes 75564 08-31-91
Header v3.08b. This well create a header in
all your gt files.bbs /cbs to show use how
many file are in each directory on your gt
bbs board. Tells the total kb and date when
uploaded and a lot more very handy for the
GT Sysop.
HLIST110.ZIP Yes 17607 05-04-92 File list compiler for files.bbs systems.
HLP145AN.ZIP Yes 133825 02-07-92
Pcboard Helpfiles For New
V14.5a Englisch And German
Versions. You May Choose Between
Ascii And Graphics Version (PCBoard)
HNR121.ZIP Yes 81866 06-13-92 Headline Newsroom News Util For BBS. V1.21
HOST22.ZIP Yes 31177 04-04-92
Miniature BBS (only 27K!). Configurable, yet
runnable 'right out of the box'. File
transfer, Mail, Chat, Userlog, Shell, more.
Adds new options: Selectable file directory,
ringback, answer rings. Now has prompt wipe
and noise rejection at low speeds. Fixes
bugs in HOST 2.1.
HOTDL10.ZIP Yes 19327 08-10-92
Hottest Downloads 1.0 Generates
A Hottest Downloads Bulletin For
Tribbs. Hottest Downloads Extracts
All Necessary Information From The
Callers Log And is Run as A
Between.BAT Task.
HOW_MUCH.ZIP Yes 19584 02-29-92 Generate Max File System Report as a bulletin
HSLDR21B.ZIP Yes 92767 12-24-91
Third Party program that allows for the use
of HSLINK.EXE with Spitfire BBS.
HSLDR32B.ZIP Yes 102202 03-11-92 Beta HS/Link Bi-Directional Door For Spitfire
HST4UBBS.ZIP Yes 7823 03-28-91 HST modem settings for Ultra BBS.
HS_421.ZIP Yes 1391 08-07-92 Hs/Link Installation For Wwiv v4.21
ICVERIFY.ZIP Yes 2559 03-11-92
Credit Card real time
authorization, ATM/Debit card,
Check Guarantee Software. Can be
eaily interfaced to BBS for
unattended opperation or used in
POS applications. Text file with
ICVerify product overview.
IDXUTIL2.ZIP Yes 45135 06-01-92
IDX-Util v2.0
PCB 14.5a Utilities List files in .IDX
File using wildcards. List
Duplicate files in an .IDX File.
Also can cross-reference two .IDX
files and list Dups or create a
3rd Index containing Dups or you
can Kill the Dups. Change Drive
Letters in .IDX files quickly,
Edit Paths & FileNames, Detect
which CD-Rom is in drive and
change DLPATH.LST files to
appropriate .IDX files.
ILQ20.ZIP Yes 49740 05-11-92
Ultimate ANSI Quotes Generator!
401 Quotes From St: tos Included.
IMLOG102.ZIP Yes 28272 03-21-92 Mail Delivery Report Generator.
IM_0592.ZIP Yes 10401 05-14-92
InterMail 2.01 from InterZone
Software, Inc. and Scandinavian PC
Systems. Brief History, Specs,
Price List and Order form for the
best Fidonet type front end mailer
around. By the author of InterPCB!
INTERCOM.ZIP Yes 326365 01-12-92
The INTERCOM Frontend Mail and file transfer
program for Use with the PCBoard 14.5+ BBSs.
Written in Clipper 5.01 & Telepathy. This
program will allow you to do all your mail
reading and writting offline therefore
saving you lots of money on long distance
$$$. This is a functional demo of a
commercial product which can only be used to
call the Omicron BBS. Each purchasing SYSOP
will receive a version customized to his/her
BBS. NOTE: Terminal.exe the Interactive
ISYSOP.ZIP Yes 2782 05-28-92
ISYSOP.COM: "Is The Current
User the SysOp?" A PCBoard utility
for PCBTEST,PCBVIEW, etc, that
returns an ERRORLEVEL of 1 if the
current user is the SysOp; else
returns 0. Works with all single-
and multiple-node versions of
PCBoard v14.5x. Public Domain.
JDLOG63.ZIP Yes 96475 08-31-91
JD LOG . Utility to keep your GT log file in
JKLIB23.ZIP Yes 57533 08-31-91
JK LIB v2.3 . This well make a very nice
logon bulletin for all you gt sysop. You may
add colour and all the text you want in one
bulletin file.work with gt 1550/1700.
JLBA475.ZIP Yes 146895 03-25-92
Jlbank - Utility to Manage GT Power Pay
System - From West Germany.
JLUT500.ZIP Yes 296058 08-07-92 Jurgen Lorenz' GT Power sysop utility package
JTFOX35C.ZIP Yes 49298 03-12-92 Jt Fox Version 3.5c.
J_SEND.ZIP Yes 7189 08-11-92 Send text files through com1 or 2 for BBS's.
KBSEM216.ZIP Yes 160669 04-09-92 KBS-EMail sys V2.16 bug fix.
KDBKUP.ZIP Yes 75091 05-09-91 Front End Backup Command For Ms Dos.
KGB_105C.ZIP Yes 26420 06-08-92
Kgb V1.05 Hudson-Base Foul
Language Remover.
KILLCALL.ZIP Yes 32988 07-26-92
CALL KILL v 1.0 --
Automatically delete your system's
caller log according to a
user-defined length of time.
Flexible and easy to install.
Works with most BBS systems. Best
of all its FREEWARE! From Main
Street Programming Services.
KPROT12.ZIP Yes 13080 02-08-92 Killprot - marks GT messages kill protected.
LAST106.ZIP Yes 69519 02-28-92
Last 10 callers for GAP 6.0 only. New!
Great utility. Put in GAP.BAT
LAST1210.ZIP Yes 10620 04-07-92
A Better, New Last 12 Caller Util For
Spitfire. Much More Info.
LAST50A.ZIP Yes 6856 08-02-92 Lists last 50 callers via type 45 menu
LASTTIME.ZIP Yes 6916 12-30-91 Generate Bulleting For Last PCrelay Mail.
LCALL10.ZIP Yes 29529 07-26-92
Logcall V1.0 Maximus Cbcs
Today's Caller List Generator.
LCDTY200.ZIP Yes 35353 07-26-92 Lucidity v2.00 RA log file utility.
LDOG102.ZIP Yes 300996 05-02-92
Laughing Dog Screen Maker v1.0 - Screen
design program with mouse support & on-line
help. Makes ANSI, Wildcat! BBS, PCBoard BBS
screens or will output to .COM file. Many
more features.
LGNP9C.ZIP Yes 101090 05-13-92
Logger Generic is a data
collector & uses the dBase file
format. Works great as a viewer
too! It uses doorway quite nicely.
Grabs '8' items from the door.sys
Logger has: add/del/
import/un-delete/etc Search builds
a really nice pick list. Its
desqview aware! Network ready!
Non-crippled! .Last changes are to
the search pick view.
LISTEM31.ZIP Yes 24871 05-19-92
Listem 3.1 alternative to SLdir
for SLBBS 2.25+ compiles all files lists.
LISTPCBB.ZIP Yes 76934 01-02-92 An ALLFILES.LST file creator for PCB 14.5a
LOCALCAM.ZIP Yes 17775 03-04-92 Qwk Utility to Insert .Rep Packet.
LOGBRAIN.ZIP Yes 57620 03-04-92
Last caller logon.bat grafitti program
Here's a program you can run with the
LOGON.BAT option found in GAP. This program
will create a spiffy last caller file and an
optional Grafitti Comment Wall. Creates a
plain text ASCII and a fancy ANSI file.
Sysop can configure how many last calls to.
LOGGER14.ZIP Yes 45769 04-27-92
Logger v1.4 last callers bulletin generator.
Sysop configurable. Shows Time,Date, Name,
City, State, Speed, and Node. Has the option
to use a Super User Select where you can tag
users that meet certain criteria like
security level, uploaded files and bytes,
downloaded files and bytes. You can exempt
users like Co-sysop(s), or testers. See
History file for latest changes and bug
LOGLIM.ZIP Yes 10038 07-09-92
Logon limit changer -- changes
the maximum logon time limit in
tribbs. you can now set up
scheduled hours with different max
logon times. good for managing
peak traffic hours. game players
can have special hours for in and
out logons. early morning hours
for extra long logons? tribbs only!
LOGSTATS.ZIP Yes 32621 02-22-92
VBBS utility to give statistics on
VirtualNet network log.
LOOK100.ZIP Yes 13015 04-01-92 WWIV 4.x, Type WWIV Ansi Files from DOS.
LOSER.ZIP Yes 21783 11-06-91 Text describing bbs 'loser' users....
LOSTMU22.ZIP Yes 10987 05-21-92
Kleinbauer Now you can add a Menu
system that will allow you to call
up your Sysop utilities for
PCBoard without dropping to
DOS.This is a replacement program
for PCBMONI that will allow you to
use your favorite Menu program or
use the one supplied. This version
shows how to add more utilities to
the Menu System. FREEWARE.
LSTFL103.ZIP Yes 11065 06-29-92
Zak Smith's Listfile 1.03
alternative to sldir for slbbs
2.25+ compile "all files" listings
LSTRUN17.ZIP Yes 26245 02-01-92 Last Mail Run Utility V1.7.
LU_100.ZIP Yes 7987 01-17-92 Truncate growing log files automatically.
MAILTIME.ZIP Yes 31704 07-23-92
MailTime is a simple program to
put what time your last mail run
was into a log-on security file,
to let your users know when your
last mail run was. For PCBoard
14.5a ONLY! Best reason to use
this, it's FREE! NO
MAPINFO.ZIP Yes 3084 12-22-91
A PCBoard sysop's guide to using the uucp
maps to find a usenet feed.
MAXBNK28.ZIP Yes 121117 04-09-92 Maximus Time Bank.
MAXLG132.ZIP Yes 49545 06-10-92 Maxlog V1.32 Pete Norloff's Maximus Log Util
MAXSRT10.ZIP Yes 45636 12-19-91 Maximus 2.0 user.bbs utility sort etc.
MA_104.ZIP Yes 54105 01-09-92
Message Alert scans incoming Net Mail for
Key Phrases.
MBBS11.ZIP Yes 69627 04-26-92
A Small BBS Program Written
*entirely* in {commo}'s Macro
Language! You Gotta See This to Beleave it!!!
MBREWARD.ZIP Yes 11419 09-18-92
Message base reward
program...give credit to people that post!
MBULL219.ZIP Yes 130402 06-24-92
Makebull 2.19 ansi/ascii/wc!
codes supported. bulletin
generator for bbs' supports
command line event mode in reg'd
version. libraries of headers and
footers to use for consistancy.
MC100G.ZIP Yes 73343 02-28-92
MultiChat is a split-screen
multi-line online chat system for
the RA based BBS. It works as a
keyboard to keyboard chat, works
very fast, and supports up to 4
nodes simultaneously. * Many
Unique and exciting features *
MENU0ANS.ZIP Yes 5849 05-29-92 ANSI Menus of Menu0 For Rbbs
MENUDEF1.ZIP Yes 41209 12-18-91
Sysops Definable Menu Editor Utility for
PCBWatch v4.0. For PCBoard.
MERGE130.ZIP Yes 18192 03-30-91
Utility for merging a FTSC nodediff and
nodelist for Fidonet. Very fast.
MEZZ100.ZIP Yes 72491 03-13-92
Let your users access more then one
BBS program on your system. Has
many other uses, too, like DOOR
monitor, program downloading
front-end, pre-BBS screening, etc.
MFIX0709.ZIP Yes 10859 07-28-92 Updates to RBBS 17.4
MHST1_1.ZIP Yes 264919 02-15-92 Latest version of Don Mankin's Megahost BBS.
MKR006.ARJ No 38497 08-20-92
MkRoute Region router for
MKSFFBBS.ZIP Yes 16649 08-02-92
New version of mksffbbs for
spitfire bbs.
MM20B27.ZIP Yes 127370 12-28-91
MarkMail for PCBoard � Beta vers.27 1 of 2
The "Ultimate in Speed" for QWK Mail Doors!
Now Distributed Under the Shareware Concept!
Full Functional and Not Crippled in Any Way!
Intelec Online Shareware. Registration $25!
MM20B27D.ZIP Yes 13138 12-31-91 DOC File for MM20B27.ZIP. 2 of 2
MMAKER16.ZIP Yes 115254 02-05-92
MATCH MAKER - BBS Door v1.6 ** Part of the
Sunrise Door Collection ** Allows for the
matching of callers with like interests
based upon answers given to the questions
designed by the Sysop. Door allows for up to
50 questions, sending/receiving of private
messages, amongst other options. RUNS ON ALL
MONILOG.ZIP Yes 9453 07-21-92
Replacement PCBMONI.EXE program
to view your caller log offline
from the Call Waiting Menu in PCBoard 14.5
MON_OFF.ZIP Yes 16290 10-04-92
MON-OFF A program to force
computer monitors off on a PC
Board BBS.
MOVE320.ZIP Yes 28474 02-16-92
This is a great file mover for TBBS version
2.x. This program moves files, sorts pseudo
directories, cross references DOS dirs, and
much more. This is a fully functional demo
program restricted to 10 file areas max.
MQM.ZIP Yes 34727 03-30-92
Mistic Questionairre Maker Use basic-like
commands to create powerful questionairres
for your BBS. Very extensive!
MSGCAT28.ZIP Yes 89393 07-18-92
MsgCat Version 2.8 For Wildcat 3.02 and 3.50
If you have used the scanfile.bat feature in
Wildcat, you know what a powerful feature it
is. I thought it would be nice though if when
a file failed the scan that the sysop would
be notified via a message that the file did
fail, what the file's name is, and who the
uploader was. Plus a message to the uploader
that the uploaded file failed. I also thought
it would be nice if the file passed the scan
that the uploader get a.
MSGCOMP.ZIP Yes 20694 08-10-92
Allows users to gain 'upload
credits' by posting messages.
discourages 'junk' uploads and
encourages messaging. lets
wildcat limit downloads via the
normal 'ratio' set up in makewild.
new release Can now skip
any specified user(s) or security level(s)!
MSTRBV10.ZIP Yes 19674 07-16-92
ThunderStorm Software Presents
Master-B, THE bulletin-menu
manager. This program will
create both/either ANSI and
ASCII displays for your bulletins.
MULTIBBS.ARJ No 10220 09-10-92
MultiBBS Vr 0.02.. Lets you run Multiple BBS
Programs straight from FrontDoor, runs on an
Errorlevel Bases, very Good if you run
Robo-Board (VGA/EGA ONLY) and want to use an
ANSII/ANSI BBS Program Also, Very
Configurable and very small.
MV2CALL.ZIP Yes 37762 01-29-92
This little sysop **Toolkit Utility**
will copy a file into a CALLER file
and format it to PCB spec of 62 char
per line. Handy for adding log info
at appropriate times or during an
event. Deletes file after copy to
eliminate dup info storage.
NDCMP110.ZIP Yes 12603 02-23-92
WWIV 4.x, Decompress Z*.NET files to S*.NET,
v. 1.1
NDT_101.ARJ No 3870 08-23-92
NoDupeTags v1.01 Delete
Duplicate Echotoss Entries
NET28.ZIP Yes 171458 01-04-92 Network software for WWIVNet v2.8.
NETINF21.ZIP Yes 38577 02-25-92
Create/Maintain Sysop Information List
Remotely Via Netmail.
NETSTAT1.ZIP Yes 7878 06-23-92
PCBoard USERNET.DAT utility. Add certain
info to nodes doing events and other tasks to
be displayed when the WHO, NODE, or CHAT
command is used in PCBoard.
NET_TREE.ZIP Yes 33791 02-16-92
VBBS utility to give a tree representation
of the VirtualNet layout and any error
conditions which might exist.
NEWKEY.ZIP Yes 12771 07-29-92
New KEY file for CatScan, one
of the best upload processors for
Wildcat! BBS systems.
NEWLST.ZIP Yes 15910 01-09-92 Mail Run Update Works With Pcrelay Software.
NEWUSER1.ZIP Yes 40865 08-28-92
A PCBoard automessage facility for
sending un-attended welcome messages to
new users of the BBS. Fast, Simple to
use. This program "Requires" the use of
TXT2MSG to complete its processing.
NEXT201.ARJ No 8451 06-11-92
This will toggle the status of the "Sysop On
Next" Flag in Remoteaccess while the user is
in a door. Requires a multi-tasker, as the
programs modifies the flag in EXITINFO.BBS
and needs to be run from a separate window.
This is one of the DeAdZonE utilities written
by Victor Magdic. Released as Cardware.
Just send a postcard to register.
NG_PCB_.ZIP Yes 6055 01-27-92
Norton Guide for PCBoard 14.x @-codes. Also
includes ASCII chart, box-character chart,
and a special characters chart.
NLISTX26.ZIP Yes 14814 05-23-92 User listing utility for TAG 2.6C
NN01.ZIP Yes 62759 08-10-92
Node/News v1.0 � This is a
fully functional Nodelist/Diff &
FidoNews Detection utility. Use
this to tell your batch files how
to behave when you receive a new
No more outrageous batch file
manipulation. Small program, all
command line driven. From the
Author of Tic-2-PCB. *** FREEWARE
NN258.ZIP Yes 170298 08-11-92
Replacement news reader v2.58
for Waffle
NODELK10.ZIP Yes 13713 04-08-92
NODELOCK v1.0: A pair of utilities that
allow a PCBoard v14.5 system that is set up
on a network to "float" between node numbers
without requiring the use of the /FLOAT
switch. Can be useful if the network cannot
guarantee an unused subdirectory for the
user. Automatically resets locks on nodes
that are hung after a specified period of
NR205.ZIP Yes 127982 01-09-92
NewsRoom version 2.05. BBS News generating
software. Create news files using ANSI, or
PCBoard color codes. Changes include
addition of a new format for news files,
options to print or supress the BBS and
SysOp names in the news.
NUMSG.ZIP Yes 1956 01-29-92 Modification for new message search for VBBS
NUVOTE14.ZIP Yes 12895 06-18-92
New User Voting Utility For
RenEGAde BBS Allows Other Users to
Decide Whether or Not A New User Gets Access
OFFDISK1.ZIP Yes 38175 03-13-92
Really Called OFFLINE1.ZIP... Keeps track of
your files stored off line on BBS's.
OFREE11.ARJ No 12206 07-21-92 Opus Online Diskspace Monitor
OHSLK20B.ARJ No 12752 07-21-92 Opus 1.7x HSLink Interface v2.0b
OMAN173A.ZIP Yes 284165 12-24-91 Oman for Opus 1.7+.
OPDSZ20B.ARJ No 18321 07-21-92 Opus 1.7x DSZ/GSZ Interface v2.0b
ORDER5.ZIP Yes 79339 02-21-92
Gap credit card subscription door let your
callers upgrade their accounts online by
credit card. Instantly changes level and
expiration date to sysop determined levels.
Stores ordering information in sysop defined
file. Very configurable. DEMO VERSION (No
Orders Processed).
P2F100.ZIP Yes 18372 08-02-92
P2F V1.00 s/w =FAST=
Utility for PCBoard SysOps needing Fidonet
file directory compatibility. Converts
PCBoard's file listings into FILES.BBS
format (Opus, RA, QBBS, Maximus, etc).
'No-Hassle' command line parameters
designed for daily use. Install FREQ doors,
Netmail command processors, filelist and
bulletin compilers, etc.
PACKP201.ZIP Yes 22079 01-02-92 "Packpeek" Fidonet *.PKT disassembler v2.01.
PAGSCRN.ZIP Yes 11343 07-09-92
Page Bell Screen -- From
Logon.BAT Checks The Users Name
Against A List. Then it Turns on
or Off The Page Bell Access. Good
For Allowing Only Special Callers
to Page, or Just Screening Out
Abusers. You Choose!
PBCLL097.ZIP Yes 31373 08-01-92
Cut your CALLER log file(s) down
to size. Specify how many line or
how many days you want to keep in
the file. You also have the
ability to remove log entries left
by any user(s). Perfect to run in
your event. Another * FREEWARE
PBMR132S.ZIP Yes 14853 04-25-92
Files.bbs utility designed for
power board. the output file is in
a standard format so that any bbs
can use it ie spitfire, pc-board.
PCBDBAS1.ZIP Yes 60837 02-01-92
Pcboard Vrs 14.5 User
Database Program. This Will Create
A Report To Screen, File, Or
Printer. Select Up To 3 User
Variables Based On Your Criteria
Of Information. Up To 6 User
Variables Can Be Outputted. Very
Handy For Checking On User
Records. Now Allows Exclusion
Of Any Variable. Multi-Node
(Share) Capable.
PCBDR1_3.ZIP Yes 40195 09-17-92
PCBoard Utility to DISPLAY
DOOR Statistics This will create
a graph that displays the Door
usages of all or selected doors
used. You can use it to display
the graph to your screen, or use
it to be redirected to a
bulletin. Multi-Node capable
(file-sharing) {added handling
over 100 nodes} (vrs 1.3) <<
System Support BBS Original>>
PCBEVN25.ZIP Yes 175121 06-24-92
PCBEvent v2.5 � (For PCB14.5x)
The ultimate In PCBoard Event
Managers! MANY features that
the others do not have! Keeps
your events in sync! Run an Event
on any day of the week. Easy to
set up. Menu driven w/MOUSE.
Holds node(s) down until
another reloads. * Maintenance
Release * -> FREE KEY FOR 30
Of Month Event & LAN Wait Options
PCBFV30.ZIP Yes 131130 07-31-92
PCBFV 3.0: PCBoard F V
Compressed File View. Online\local
reading & extraction of files
within ZIP, ARJ, LZH, PAK, and ARC
files. Displays GIF dimensions.
(F)ind text while (R)eading.
Seamless. Sysop configurable.
DESQview aware. Non-standard com
support. FVMM utility for use with
PCBFiler ALT-V. * Version 3.0
contains many new features. *
PCBLIM20.ZIP Yes 78539 02-17-92
PCBLimit Version 2.0
PCBLimit is a DOOR that will allow or deny*
users access to your system between the ***
specified times. Great for Mail Networks *
and those LEECH visiting SysOps that keep *
your nodes busy and your subscribers out **
in the cold during the peak times. : -) **
Easy to set up and configure. *************
A lot of SysOp options and uses. **********
PCBMAC10.ZIP Yes 24954 05-31-92
PCB Macro's V1.0.0
A Terminate And Stay
Resident Utility to List All
Available Color Codes And @
Variables Available in PCBoard
14.5a And Above. Uses on 6k of
Memory And A 48k Swap
PCBRE100.ZIP Yes 7380 05-18-92
PCBReset v1.00, This runs in batch to
test PCBOARD.SYS to see if a caller is
logged in before loading a front-end
mailer program. After a system crash,
it can be used to stop the next caller
from getting in without being asked
his name and password. Freeware
PCBSCM3.ZIP Yes 24430 02-24-92
Set environment variables with data from
USERS.SYS file (i.e. Name, node, com port,
baud rate, language extension, etc).
Designed to be used by database
applications. Released to public domain.
PCBTECAT.ZIP Yes 8487 03-16-92 Pcbtext In Catalan !
PCBURM11.ZIP Yes 89969 09-02-92
PCBoard User Ratio Monitor v1.1
SIMPLE to setup. Will monitor the file and/or
byte ratios of your callers at each call,
selectable by security level. Prevent users
who are outside your prescribed ratio limits
from downloading. Up to 115,200 baud support,
COM1-4. Option now to exclude security levels
from ratio check. NOT CRIPPLED!
PCBUSU1.ZIP Yes 45580 12-27-91
PCB User Search Utility Ver. 1.0.
By a PCBoard SysOp. Small utility for
PCBoard SysOps to read the Download.txt file
and create it's own data file. Find out
what files a user has downloaded. We use it
to find out if a problem user has
downloaded too many files and what they
were. It can send a report to the screen,
file, or a printer. Even has command line
switches for use in an event.
PCB_KDIR.ZIP Yes 2537 06-30-92
KEDIT 4.0 KEX macros to convert
DOS 5.0 DIR list into PCBoard DIR
list format.
PCHAT3B2.ZIP Yes 78626 04-30-92
some bug fixes as well as some
nice additions. this new series is
a total rewrite of the program.
prochat is a chat replacement
facility for multinode
pcboard/prodoor systems. ci$ style
cb chat, handles, different chat
channels and more. a must for any
medium to large pcboard multinode
system and a must for prodoor
multinode systems. shareware,
fully uncrippled!
PCRLG111.ZIP Yes 33621 03-09-92
PCRLOG v1.11 The ultimate utility for the
PCRelay HUB SysOp. Analyze your PCRelay log
and display statistics for the HUB and each
node. Use the info to divide up your LD
bill. Very configurable. NOT crippled. Now
supports HUBs with alphanumeric names.
Process multiple log files at once.
Shareware $10.
PCRL_701.ZIP Yes 75218 06-20-92
PCRelay List door for PCBoard
14+. View the worldwide Rime
nodes, many options.
PDDFX100.ZIP Yes 18170 08-03-92
PDDFIX V1.00 s/w released TICK
utility to "fix" your PCBoard file dir
descriptions, adding pipe (|) characters
where necessary. PDDFIX was written in
Turbo-C, using Binary file access for an
EXTREMELY fast execution time! 'No-Hassle'
command line parameters designed for batch
file operation. Quick & Easy installation.
Adapts to any changes in PCBoard or Tick's
configuration files.
PDFMPREV.ZIP Yes 133820 09-16-92
PCBoard Deluxe File Manager
This file manager is similar in
function to the PCBFiler program
distributed with PCBoard. This
version of PDFM is a preview
version. Basically, it is a
stand-alone demonstration version
that includes its own mini-BBS.
The preview operates similarly to
what I expect the finished version
to operate.
PGSCAN04.ZIP Yes 39194 04-30-92 Pgscanner V0.4 PCB Util to Scan Archive.
PKTHDR2.ZIP Yes 39586 12-27-91 Fidonet Type 2 Packet Inspector w/ C Source
PKT_SZ11.ZIP Yes 11043 12-22-91
Packet size v1.1. Limits size of packets
to toss.
PNODEBBS.ZIP Yes 73428 07-16-92
ProNode Monitor BBS; A command
replacement for PCBoard's WHO
command. Let's users see what
doors others are in just like
PCBoard versions /X199 and above
do. Seamless inter- face design.
Gets all information from callers
log. Easy to use and install. Not
crippled. By Todd Miller; ver 1.0
PROCESS.ZIP Yes 13306 06-16-92
Process files based on its age
(in days). All files in the
default directory older than the
specified days will be processed
by the specified batch file or
.EXE/.COM file. TC 2.0 source
code included. Released to PD
PRODZ18B.ZIP Yes 36968 02-22-92
ProDIZ 1.8b, ProDoor 3.44 utility to scan
ZIP, LZH, and ARJ files for FILE_ID.DIZ and
insert the description if found w/many opts.
This only works with ProDoor 3.44 dated
12/31/91 or later!
PROFND20.ZIP Yes 21853 01-20-92 Prodoor's Dlpath.Lst Find Utility V2.0.
PSYS051.ZIP Yes 483958 08-05-92 PEGAsys BBS V0.43 Standard.
PT11.ZIP Yes 14757 05-30-92
TAG 2.6+ Protocol Transfer
Makes protocol configuration
easier, let's you transfer someone
else's command lines to your bbs
PVERT.ZIP Yes 96177 01-01-92
Public Domain Fidonet .PKT <-> .QWK
Translator w/C Source
PWPLWARN.ZIP Yes 30015 08-05-92
File for Password Plus. Reads log file
and warns if there have been any recent
failed password attempts. Run this file
from your autoexec.bat file. Not a
release by the Password Plus author.
PWRLST15.ZIP Yes 81691 09-01-92
-------- Power List version 1.5 -----------
Power List is a PCBoard 14.x utility that
allows a user to create his/her own personal
files list based on interests. Rather than
download a very large complete files list, he
/she can choose those directories that are of
interest. This release fixes a problem of
requiring CAPS LOCK on to exit door.
P_ECHO21.ZIP Yes 72101 05-26-92
PowerEcho, Fido .MSG
import/export for PowerBBS.
QAC112.ZIP Yes 16963 01-01-92
Quote access controller v1.12 for sl 2.x.
Control who gets to leave a logoff quote.
QBBED263.ZIP Yes 291989 07-28-92
Editor & Maintenance Tool For
Hudson Message Base
QBFBST10.ZIP Yes 37430 11-29-91
Generates ASCII, ANSI bulletin statistics
for QBBS.
QENFORCE.ZIP Yes 57323 07-04-92
QEnforce v1.15 is a utility for use with
PCBoard 14.5 systems that allows you to
maintain file and/or byte and/or message
ratios for your users, as well as allowing
you to force password changes after every
set number of days. Easy to set up and
VERY powerful and configurable.
Written by Rob Kittredge. SHAREWARE $20.
QHOST43A.ZIP Yes 218488 01-06-92
Qhost43a is a great little
script bbs. single node with
message system, many protocols and
great ansi graphics. menus and
all. must see.
QM100A.ZIP Yes 46280 08-01-92
QUESTMATIC logon questionnare
for pcb14 fully configureable and
not crippled.
QM4_NOR.ZIP Yes 32106 08-05-92
QMail4 Norwegian Translation
Text Files from EuroNet
Information System, Norway
QOFDV507.ZIP Yes 118811 05-15-92
Quote o' The Day v5.07 random
quotes for any bbs!
QPACK100.ZIP Yes 80692 07-01-92
On-Demand Qmail prepack door for use with
PCBoard and Qmail4. Cuts long distance bills
for users and echomail sysops using Qmail4
door. Easy initial setup, no intervention or
maintenance required. v1.00 (01-July-1992)
QRFM36.ZIP Yes 239664 08-02-92 BBS File Manager For QBbs/Ra and others.
QUOTEIT.ZIP Yes 8332 01-26-92 Make new bulletins each day from a list.
QUOTER3.ZIP Yes 16929 02-04-92 A quote of the Day BBS utility.
QV101.ZIP Yes 66366 05-19-92
Quesview 1.01 questionnaire
manager for wildcat sysops. this
is a must if you have
questionnaires on your bbs.
supports 100+ nodes with 100+
questionnaires! extremely fast!
overlay questions on answers and
much more!
QWK2FD10.ZIP Yes 41322 08-06-92
QWK2FD v1.0b (-: Guiltware
:-) For users of Front Door or
InterMail who also "do" .QWK msg
networks. Extracts file xfer stats
from DSZlog after making .QWK net
transfers, then updates mailer
system log, LASTCALL and
OUTBOUND.HIS accounting files.
QWKCHK10.ZIP Yes 562365 07-13-92
QuickCheck check uploads while
caller is still online.
R2DBF121.ZIP Yes 32328 05-31-92 Writes A .Dbf From Rbbs Users
RACAL140.ZIP Yes 64161 01-03-92 Complete stats reporter for RA 1.10.
RACE160E.ZIP Yes 191858 04-28-92
Race 1.60e Public Beta Release
Remoteaccess User
Editor/Validator! Easy to Use.
RADD1_5.ZIP Yes 223257 06-18-92
Remote Access Direct Dial V1.5
Call-Back Verifier For Use With Qbbs/Sbbbs/RA
RAHDR13.ZIP Yes 59193 05-03-92
RA utility for FILES.BBS
headers, allfiles list, bulletins.
RAHELP11.ZIP Yes 36146 04-02-92
RAHelp v1.10 Help/Textfile
Full-Screen Driver for Remote Access BBS.
RALSTON.ZIP Yes 9658 05-29-92
Patch Ra's Last Caller Into
Frontdoor's Lastcall.Fd.
RAP100B.ZIP Yes 158907 03-09-92
EXCELENT MultiLine Chat for RemoteAccess.
Much like teleconference for The Major
BBS! Has Actions and more!
RAQ101.ZIP Yes 13857 01-14-92 Quote of The Day program for many BBSs.
RATP23.ZIP Yes 25567 12-21-91 Remote Access bbs top user bulletin maker.
RB174BAS.ZIP Yes 277660 06-20-92 RBBS-PC 17.4 Source code in QuickBAsic.
RB174DOC.ZIP Yes 259657 06-20-92
RBBS-PC 17.4 Documentation
Highly Recommeded
RB174EXE.ZIP Yes 338417 06-21-92
RBBS-PC 17.4 Executables
Required! If you have
Questions/Comments about RBBS
please Join Conf #13 (RBBSCONF)
and I will try to help in anyway
that I can!
RB174UTL.ZIP Yes 259845 06-20-92 RBBS-Pc 17.4 Utilites new and improved.
RBQ403.ZIP Yes 146760 07-25-92
RBBS quote of the day for any
bbs program version 4.03 fully working vers.
RBZCH176.ZIP Yes 125742 06-18-92
RBBS PC Batch uploading,
HS-Link and Bi Modem interface. v1.76
REGTM.ZIP Yes 1926 07-09-92 Telemate Generic Serial # Generator.
RELOCK20.ZIP Yes 44536 07-30-92
Lock hst, mailer, x00 at fast
bps then relock to slower rate for bbs
RENEGADE.ZIP Yes 424755 07-09-92
Renegade BBS Software
MultiNode, Internal
.QWK support, GAC colors,
Bi-directional protocol flag, and more!
RENEMAIL.ZIP Yes 16584 07-11-92
Renemail message -> *.MSG
converter for echos.
REQBETA6.ZIP Yes 73559 09-18-91 File Request Door for PcBoard.
REWARD12.ZIP Yes 22275 03-13-92 Reward Your Users Upload/Download Util V1.2.
RFIX0704.ZIP Yes 26557 07-05-92 Merges to upgrade rbbs 17.4 to 17.4a
RGFPU10.ZIP Yes 15032 07-02-92 Renegade File Point Award Util
RGWEEDER.ZIP Yes 19535 06-27-92
Renegade BBS User weeder Delete
Inactive Users
RIDDANCE.ZIP Yes 32402 02-02-92
Sysops utility to delete users who haven't
called for a specified number of days.
RLOG_143.ZIP Yes 65761 05-29-92 Log File Analyzer For ra & fd.
RMAIL616.ZIP Yes 16411 05-13-92
Renemail Renegade Echomail
Processor This version needed with
6-16 update.
RNET108U.ZIP Yes 170720 07-27-92
Release version of RNET Sysop
utility for PCB &
QMail/Markmail/compatible echo network
ROBQUO.ZIP Yes 6667 02-03-92 Quote Of The Day For Any BBS!
RPOST101.ZIP Yes 26056 07-26-91 Rnet post message processor.
RSCRN20.ZIP Yes 43933 05-24-92
BBS / Autoexec Screen Rotator;
Cycles Through Unlimited Screens,
For BBS Hello/Goodbye Screens, or
Local PC Screens; Now Desqview aware.
RTMBP150.ZIP Yes 43119 03-07-92
RBBS Turbo Message Base Packer Ver 1.50
Packs/Purges/Renumbers RBBS Message Bases.
Recovers disk space. Many exclude switches
to chose from. Works with Relaynet and FIDO
Net message bases. Purge by day or # of
messages. Completly configurable.
Informative Logging. And it's FAST!!
RWCSX10.ZIP Yes 30685 02-24-92
Free add-on utility for use with the RWcnf
Conferences Menuing system by Richware. This
program strips the summary info out of your
CNFN(s) and creates a separate file which
you can use to add to your Welcome screen, a
BLt or whatever. RWCnf is required.
RWDIR22.ZIP Yes 281220 03-29-92 RWDIR for PCBoard
RWDLST1C.ZIP Yes 31675 03-25-92
RWDList 1.0C. Freebie add-on
utility to RWDir for making File
Download Listings. Options to add
page-breaks, RWDir HEADERS,
stripping of the "Uploaded by"
records, page numbers etc.. Use to
produce custom file listings for
your BBS callers. Remove chars and
merge any text files (anywhere).
Just about the final beta release.
RWWARN11.ZIP Yes 20184 03-24-92
BEEN SCANNED � Warn your callers
that the newly uploaded file has
not been fully checked by your
system. Your callers will love not
having to wait for real time
upload checking. Version 1.1
Requires PCBoard 14.5a.
S2A150.ZIP Yes 93698 01-23-92 Users & Sysop Bulletin Generator V1.50.
S2FD100.ZIP Yes 10016 03-01-92
S2FD V1.00 - convert Super/QuickBBS msg
areas to FD's FOLDER.SYS.
SBBS_116.ZIP Yes 746665 05-07-92 Super BBS (Version 1.16)
SCALLS12.ZIP Yes 50877 07-29-92
Supercalls 1.2 The Ultimate Who
Called Today Bulletin/Hello Screen
Generator For PCBoard. Completly
Sysop Configurable! Shows Your
Daily Callers Names Only Once in
The Display Screen! Also Has Many
Informative Features
SDATESET.ZIP Yes 30573 05-14-92
Set ra User Subscription
Expiration Date From DOS.
SE401A.ZIP Yes 341055 05-12-92
OISRIS BBS manager v4.01 Great
and fully functional BBS package,
tons of docs ! Really complete
SETARC10.ZIP Yes 43970 01-16-92
SetArc v1.0 Will easily transpose the date
stamps in your upload DIR with those posted
by the popular new file handlers. Changes
are date sensitive. Fast & Easy to use.
SETCONF.ZIP Yes 14893 12-26-91 Reset WC3 callers to selected conferences.
SET_USER.ZIP Yes 13340 06-07-92
Set-User V1.00. Utility
to set Users Security Level to
that matching a Password in PWRD
File. Also sets USERS & USERS.SYS
security level to the higher (or
lower if desired) of the two,
allowing the chaining of Doors
that don't use the same method of
updating the Users level.
SF32_1.ZIP Yes 200619 03-20-92
Spitfire 3.2 [1/2]
A cool BBS, check it out. V.
tagging, & MORE....
SF32_2.ZIP Yes 308942 08-23-92 Spitfire Bbs Version 3.2 [2/2]
SFMGR13.ZIP Yes 199955 06-01-92
Total Spitfire BBS v3.2
Management From DOS.
SFQSET.ZIP Yes 13475 03-23-91
Set &/or add/delete all user's conference
queues program for Spitfire BBS.
SFUED106.ZIP Yes 47929 01-18-92 Storm Front User Editor for the Opus CBCS.
SHAMPGE2.ZIP Yes 35496 06-02-92
Answers Pages Whether Sysop is
There or Not!
SHUFLE10.ZIP Yes 7148 08-08-92
Program that lets sysops
randomly change goodbye/logon/etc
screens after every logoff. give's
bbs fresher more updated look.
SKILL14.ZIP Yes 19589 02-08-92 Spotkill - GT netmail maintenance utility.
SLAM18.ZIP Yes 29729 04-17-92 Searchlight Alias maker (SLAM) 1.8
SLBLTN.ZIP Yes 5325 04-17-92
Force users to read a bulletin
message, for SLBBS 2.
SLC110.ZIP Yes 30516 06-22-92
Searchlight Upload Processer
(Slbbs 2.25+) Scans New Uploads
And Sends Email Report to Sysop.
SLGIF200.ZIP Yes 30742 12-28-91
Searchlight GIF categorizer V2.0.
Add gif monitor type and gif dimensions to
SlBBS 2.X file directory descriptions.
SLURP100.ZIP Yes 27710 07-14-92 Log Truncator And Packer V1.00.
SMAST305.ZIP Yes 100568 01-25-92
SMASTER, makes NICE BBS file lists, for use
with any BBS that uses the FILES.BBS format,
supports DISP utilities like QFV, and also
RemoteAccess extended descriptions. This is
a minor Bug fix, and re-arranges a few things
SOPMSG.ZIP Yes 21601 08-02-92 Dummy Cosysop Will Respond to Mail
SQAEM120.ZIP Yes 83066 06-07-92
Squish Automatic Echo Manager
Areafix Clone That Works With
Squish's One Configuration File.
SQREP103.ZIP Yes 41021 03-11-92 Sqreport, Squish Log Analyzer/Reporter.
SSM105.ZIP Yes 20524 04-01-92 WWIV 4.x, Short Message Editor v1.05
STAT300A.ZIP Yes 58544 07-29-92
User Statistics V3.0a
*** Another Great Vampyre
Doorware! *** File/Byte Ratio
Enforcing Utility For PCBoard 14.5x
SUBSCRIB.ZIP Yes 31589 02-05-92
VBBS utility to allow you to see who is
posting on certain message bases
SWIFT45I.LZH No 333013 07-28-92
SwiftBBS Computer Based Message
System; BBS package
SYSIS255.ZIP Yes 33051 03-24-92
SysOpIs(+) Vers. 2.55 Creates
ASCII and ANSI files showing the
current availability of the SysOp,
plus other pertinent info.
Supports both PCBoard- ProDoor &
SpitFire BBS's. Also can be run
from an "Event". Shareware $5.00
SYSMKR21.ZIP Yes 131406 07-18-92
"SysOpMaker" will allow you to
have an on going list of BBS's in
your area.
SYSPG52B.ZIP Yes 74317 07-12-92
[thp] Syspage V.52 Beta
Sysop Page/Chat Utility
For PCB/Prod Boards Chat Reason,
Emergency Password And Much More
Split Screen Chat, .Mod
Soundblaster Paging!
TAM103.ZIP Yes 199712 02-21-92
WWIV 4.x, Complete dos file
directory maintenence by the
author of UEDIT. Great! Sorting,
Adding, Deleting, from an
attractive menu system, or from
command line. Also resizes WWIV
dir kb field. $20 Shareware
TB211A.ZIP Yes 312899 04-19-92
New Version of "tritel", Now
Tribbs Software. Name Changed to
Avoid Trademark Infringement.
Tritel is no More; Tribbs Will be
TBANK31.ZIP Yes 33358 06-29-92
Tribank v3.1 the tribbs
timebank door this version will
only work with tribbs version 3.0
(beta 7) and up new features: will
not allow users to withdraw time
from the bank before an event.
TBLT09B.ZIP Yes 44173 03-29-92
TOPBLT v0.9b. Complete PCBoard User
Bulletin Statistics Generator - Best/Worst
Posters,Callers,Msg Readers,UL/DL/PCR's. All
in one one program. Completely cmd line
driven. New: Ability to Exclude selected
bulletins,internal generation of headers,
time/date stamp. v0.9b is a *BUGFIX* & now
implements file sharing.
TBUTI30.ZIP Yes 130467 06-29-92
Tribbs uti 3.0 universal text
interface for tribbs. let's tribbs
systems use pcrelay and megamail.
TDOWN10.ZIP Yes 17787 08-11-92
Takedown 1.0 This Handy Little
Utility Can be Used to Take Down
an Entire Multinode BBS System. By
The Author of Tribbs, But Will
Work With Any Other BBS Software
That Allows Each Node to Run Its
Own Events.
TELEVIEW.ZIP Yes 19278 05-21-92
Telegard archived text file
viewer for 2.7, v1.0
TESTF21D.ZIP Yes 6679 03-19-92
What to expect in Testfile 2.1
? Are you a Sysop ? Do you call
yourself a Sysop and you don't
have TESTFile 2.1 ? Shame on you
!! Take a look at what Testfile 2.1 offers!
TG2RG121.ZIP Yes 18358 06-20-92 Telegard v2.7 -> Renegade converter.
TGFP4MSG.ZIP Yes 15898 05-21-92 Telegard filepoints for messages posted v1.0
TGMLHELP.ZIP Yes 28542 12-28-91
This is a little packet to help those who
have been having troubles with the New
Telemail that comes with Telegard 2.7. This
file contains the dat file which should help.
See TXT file for other details inside.
TGNEWS20.ZIP Yes 47026 01-11-92
A News Bulletin/Manager For Telegard, But
Should Work With Other Bbs's As Long As The
Bbs Can Shell And Support Some Information.
THOST300.ZIP Yes 79404 04-29-92
Tinyhost V3.00 A Small, Simple
Host / BBS Program. Internal
Xmodem, External Protocols,
Messaging, Operator Chat,
Shell-To-DOS, Log Support, & Much More!
TIC2SL.ZIP Yes 8929 08-11-92
Zak Smith's Tic2sl Allows Slbbs
Boards to Use Tick/Hatch.
TM1_304.LZH No 69083 07-26-92
TMail 1.30.4 Various buglet
fixes and netmail trace
TMAIL150.ZIP Yes 68739 12-15-91
Telemail 1.5. fido msg
converter for tg2.7
TNLT10.ZIP Yes 11389 06-27-92 Tnet log trim util for wildcat BBS
TOPBLT09.ZIP Yes 40845 03-20-92
TOPBLT v0.9. Complete PCBoard User Bulletin
Statistics Generator - Best/Worst Posters,
Callers, Msg Readers, UL/DL/PCR's. All in one
one program. Completely cmd line driven.
New: Ability to Exclude selected users from
bulletins, internal generation of headers,
time/date stamp. FREEWARE
TOPED10E.ZIP Yes 75268 10-06-91
Top-ED Full screen message editor for FIDO
type BBS's. Version 10e.
TOPP10Q.ZIP Yes 7728 12-02-91 Top ten posters generator for telegard 2.5q+
TOPUSER1.ZIP Yes 54658 02-02-92
This program will allow the SysOp of a
Telegard 2.7 board to rank his/her users on
various criteria, and generate and overall
'Quality Factor' for them. It can run as a
door, or event, and can create colour
bulletins and such. ** REQUIRES ALLDOOR.ZIP
TOPX_111.LZH No 86122 09-19-92 TopicX v1.11 DOS release version
TPMC_12.ZIP Yes 43036 08-14-92
Run PCBoard doors from
dorinfo1.def chain.txt or
door.sys. this will convert these
files to the pcboard format.
TQM110.ZIP Yes 120054 04-27-92 Tqm V1.10 Fast Rbbs Qwk Mail Door.
TQOTD465.ZIP Yes 203020 08-18-92 The Quote of The Day V4.65.
TRAC192B.ZIP Yes 126797 01-07-92 Tracker logon program for gt
TRIDOG40.ZIP Yes 40673 06-29-92
Tridog 4.0 tribbs<->fido msg
converter. this utility let's
tribbs boards join any
fidonet-technology network. this
latest version supports netmail as
well as echomail.
TRIEDT09.ZIP Yes 54359 04-17-92 User Editor For Tribbs 2.X.
TRIMAL50.ZIP Yes 82333 06-29-92
Trimail 5.0 qwk mail door for
tribbs. let's your callers use a
qwk mail reader like slmr, olx,
session manager, ez-reader, etc.
to read and enter mail offline.
TRIMDL13.ZIP Yes 15872 04-23-91 Trim download.txt to minimum size
TRIMEM20.ZIP Yes 43714 08-16-92
Trimem 2.0 What You've All Been
Waiting For! Trimem, is a TOTAL
Membership tool For Tribbs 3.0x.
Features include, Internal and
user Prepared Ansi and Ascii User
Specific Logon Screens. Internal
Ratios Program for both
files/kbytes/messages. Offers Free
File areas, Exempt from Ratios.
Full Membership Roster Handling
with Editor/Printer. Membership
portion operates on a "Number of
days" remaining in their
"Subscription". Now able to Change
Security Levels for All users
TRISTA11.ZIP Yes 51535 08-03-92
TRISTAT (V 1.10) A program for
use with TriBBS Bulletin Board
Systems, which will analyze the
and generate both ANSI and ASCII
bulletins which contain various
statistics concerning the
operation of your TriBBS Bulletin
Board. Statistics include Total
Calls, # Calls per baud rate, #
Calls by Time of Day, and much more!
TRIUTIL3.ZIP Yes 35256 07-07-92
Put Your Own Message on Your
Tribbs 3.X Wfc Screen.
TSCN236.ZIP Yes 88238 03-23-92
Transcan 2.36 The Complet
Upload Processing System For
Wildcat! BBSs or People Who Need
to Maintain A Lot of Archives.
Will Not Only Scan For Viruses But
Will Convert From Any Archive
Format to Any Other. Will Process
For X Minutes And Remember Where
it Left Off so it Can Continue. It
Will Also Read And Add Desc.Sdi
And File_id.diz Files to And From
Archives And Update All The
Appropriate Keywords And
Descriptions. It is Great--if You
Are A wc Sysop Check This Out!
TSTAMP12.ZIP Yes 12575 06-21-92
T r i S t a m p V e r s i o n 1 . 2
A Archive Comment Utility For The TriBBS Bull
Board System. Allows you to add comments to a
uploaded ZIP + ARJ archives on your TriBBS sy
Easy installation and zero maintnance make th
perfect choice for all archive comment needs.
Small, fast and extremely easy to install.
Comments can be up to 20,000 K in size!
Designed specially for the TriBBS Bulletin
Board System. All done automatically from
UPLOAD.BAT! From Lightning Software - quality
computer software products. Shareware, try
TriStamp today!
TSUB01.ZIP Yes 12864 07-15-92
TSUB -- A utility to make a door (subboard)
out of TRIBBS. Will work with most BBS's
that can create a DOOR.SYS file. Passes
Callers baud, time left and error correcting
connection status.
TTCBN100.ZIP Yes 31723 12-23-91
Tritel Color-By-Numbers utility, lets you see
what colors the BBS-generated menus will use.
TTDELU10.ZIP Yes 44736 01-09-92 Tritel 2.x user deletion utility.
TTDNLD20.ZIP Yes 12661 04-01-92 Tribbs/Tritel File Download Tracker Utility
TTN0492.ZIP Yes 7552 04-04-92
Tritel Support Network Application &
Conference List. Open to All Tritel BBS's
Running Qnet & Trimail Doors.
TTP14A.ZIP Yes 47260 07-30-92
Tic-2-PCB v1.4a � This is a
fully functional .TIC file
processor for PCBoard systems
running FIDO. This will get the
file description from the .TIC
file, append it to a directory
listing of your choice and then
move or copy the file to the file
directory. Small program, easy to
configure, and a 5 page manual.
It gets the job done! Now supports
FEcho .TIC files! *** FREEWARE ***
TTQUOTE2.ZIP Yes 8296 12-12-91 Makes logon screen with quote for Tritel 2.0
TTSN21.ZIP Yes 27941 01-20-92
Tritel Send Note 2.1. Sends private messages
to users of a Tritel 2.x bbs.
TVBM200A.ZIP Yes 35612 07-29-92
TVbmail V2.0a Creates A Nicely
Formatted News File For Use With
_any_ BBS Program on The Last
Date/Time of Any Network Mailrun
TXT2M20.ZIP Yes 28866 01-12-92 TXT2MSG v2.0 for Remote Access.
UBBSDIZ.ZIP Yes 46762 03-01-92
UBBSDIZ v1.0 Will scan new uploads for
file FILE_ID.DIZ. If it exists UBBSDIZ will
import the comment into the FILEBASE file.
Written by Robert Neal - CHQBBS.
UBBSLA33.ZIP Yes 59387 12-18-91 Caller Analizer For Ultra BBS. Latest version
UBDATE.ZIP Yes 8283 12-23-91
Ultra BBS utility to insert the date of the
line of the file description.
UDBSV541.ZIP Yes 245166 05-14-92
The User Database System (UDBS)
Version 5.41 Uses Callers log to
create a database of your users
activity. Generates detailed stats
on every user Who
uploaded/downloaded (by user name
or file name), security
violations, bulletins read,
daily/weekly/monthly useage stats,
etc. Much more. Minor revisions
and updating of 5.40 version. For
PCBoard 14.5a
UFB2PCB2.ZIP Yes 24773 05-15-92
UFB2PCB version 2.0 Converts
UltraBBS file database file to
PCBoard 14.x compatible directory
files quickly and easily.
UFO11.ZIP Yes 56334 07-12-92
Save HD Space by searching &
listing non-downloaded files (For FILES.BBS)
UGATE.ZIP Yes 40936 01-22-92 UUCP/MHS gateway software.
UGLY174.ZIP Yes 88402 07-05-92 Ugly merges for RBBS 17.4a
ULIST10B.ZIP Yes 37190 01-29-92
UList v1.0b - UBBS utility that brings
individual users statistics to screen.
ULP096B.ZIP Yes 156070 09-06-92
UpLoadProcessor 0.96� - A complete PCBoard
upload processor; processes ARC ARJ HYP LZH
Handles uncompressed files. Removes BBS ads.
Full recursive testing of nested archives.
Integrated CRC-32 duplication system. Adds
archive info line. Inserts description
files. Performs event and online modes, with
or without unpacking. NOTE: Review the docs!
This is not a drop-in replacement for 0.95�.
ULP286.ZIP Yes 93236 05-31-92 PCBoard 286+ Upload Test files
ULPCRC.ZIP Yes 8619 02-01-92
ULPCRC, a utility to help the
UpLoadProcessor developer generate a
database of BBS ad CRCs.
ULPDBFIX.ZIP Yes 29877 06-29-92
A bug fix for the UpLoadProcessor 0.94�
database processor ULPDB.EXE. This corrects
a bug where the index file may be generated
with incorrect data, resulting in validation
errors. This bug is not data-damaging, but
this executable will correct this
UPCHK_1.ZIP Yes 24397 03-10-92 Automatically scan uploads. For BBS's.
UPDBIN.ZIP Yes 38904 03-28-92
Update Patch for users of TBBS v2.2 direct
from eSoft's BBS.
UPLONAME.ZIP Yes 39923 02-23-92
Scans Maximum UL.LOG and identifies new
U/L's and sender.
UPNAME.ZIP Yes 7673 11-15-91 Add uploaders name to FILES.BBS.
URESET10.ZIP Yes 9648 01-29-92
Ultra BBS: Reset message pointers for Ultra
BBS messages in user records.
URWRD11.ZIP Yes 14023 03-23-92
U-Reward v1.1 for Telegard 2.7
Rewards uploaders of downloaded
USERAGES.ZIP Yes 28904 03-19-91 Prints a graph of user ages for VBBS.
USERS100.ZIP Yes 19807 06-29-92
This is a simple little program that
will show you just about everything
that is shown to you in your PCB
UUPCB2.ZIP Yes 18634 02-20-92
GATEWAY for PC Board 14.5a! Finally, PC
Board BBSs can have access to the wide
variety of Usenet newsgroups. UuPCB also
provides worldwide uucp and Internet mail
capability. Boardwatch calls uuPCB
"Delightful". Now orderable by credit card.
VBBS2PCB.ZIP Yes 13230 08-12-92
Convert VBBS Master file
listings to PCBoard DIR format.
Fast, easy, and free.
VBBS550.ZIP Yes 675320 06-03-92
Virtual BBS v5.50 ultimate
networking BBS system for IBM
compatibles. Built-in interface
handles ALL major mail nets,
extremely configurable, MUCH more.
VBBSNODE.ZIP Yes 32046 01-27-92
VBBS utility to change your Network node
number throughout all message bases, file
areas, etc.
VDIAGS54.ZIP Yes 22905 01-02-92 Diagnostic for use with virtual bbs system.
VKILL100.ZIP Yes 25570 04-26-92
VKill v1.00: upload integrity
tester for Maximus bbs.
VMS122.ZIP Yes 102063 05-13-92 V-Mail Server v1.22 Excellent
VPBLT100.ZIP Yes 51282 09-05-92
VPlusBLT 1.00 - Bulletin Generator For Use
With The Voter Plus Door. Generates a PCB
Style Bulletin File Of The Voting Results.
Simple To Set-Up. From The Author Of The
Voter Plus Door. FREEWARE !
VWLCRS12.ZIP Yes 19026 06-12-92 Superbbs View Last 15 Callers Util v1.2
VWW4_531.ZIP Yes 83404 11-29-91 Converts WWIV files to VBBS files.
WAF165.ZIP Yes 545609 08-03-92 Waffle v.1.65 (at last!)
WATCH111.ZIP Yes 43859 05-31-92
Node Watch V1.11. Times each node.
For Pcb Systems up to /e9. Displays
Callers, Callers Log Sample, Runs External
Batch Files, And Reviews Callers Logs.
Shareware $10 From D&d Software
WBULL16.ZIP Yes 57959 07-29-92
WildBull.. Version 1.6 bulletin
creator for Wildcat 3.x.
WC2PCB_2.ZIP Yes 20417 09-02-92
A utility to convert Wildcat! 3.5 user and
message files to PCBoard 14.5a format.
Version 1.01. Fixes problem converting
kilobytes to bytes and reduces memory
requirements. Freeware. Copyright (C)
1992, Clark Development Company.
WC3COLOR.ZIP Yes 3401 07-18-92
WC3COLOR is a .COM file to
change the color of the prompts,
file names and descriptions, and
messages in Wildcat! 3.x.
WC3_10UT.ZIP Yes 149845 04-26-92 10 Great utils for Wildcat 3.0.
WCA3XV1.ZIP Yes 14359 02-14-92
Caller Statistics analyzer for WC 3.xx.
Creates 4 @color bulletins listing top
callers, top message writters, top d/l'ers,
and top u/l'ers. Nice looking output.
WCHSLINK.ZIP Yes 27439 01-12-92
Set up BIdirectional transfers with HS/Link
& Wildcat v.3.xx.
WCP11.ZIP Yes 23558 08-04-92
The waffle cookie press
version 1.1 a replacement cookie
command for waffle with support
for multiline and anonymous
cookies. yummy!
WCQMTC.ZIP Yes 2342 01-21-92 Wildcat Qmodem script for Tomcat mail door.
WED24B_A.ZIP Yes 280661 08-10-92
WWIVedit 2.4�, latest version
of the full screen editor for WWIV
WEDIT200.ZIP Yes 166230 12-04-91
Window Editor v2.0 Fido/Remote Access/QBBS.
Windowed message editor. FTS compliant.
WELC101.ZIP Yes 37890 04-11-92 WELCOME v1.01
WGMMAK12.ZIP Yes 18406 08-03-92
WGM-MAKE v.1.2 PCBoard utility
that will scan a DOS directory and
create a PCBoard directory text
file from it. Will also add
description files to the directory
file. ****FREEWARE **** Added
the ability to add/delete ARJ/ZIP comments
WHO29.ZIP Yes 43116 08-12-92
Who Called? Version 2.91a For
PCB14.5a This Utility Tracks Your
Previous XX Callers And Posts The
Info Into A Bulletin You Want. It
Tracks & Posts The Users DateOn,
Name, Speed, TimeUsed, Msgs
Posted, Files U/L, Files D/L And
Average CPS On File Xfers. 3
Extremely EASY Steps For
Installation. MUCH Faster & Better
Looking Than V1.0! Tested Better
Than Before! This Version Takes
Care Of Excluding Up TO FIVE
Callers Name.
WHTSN332.ZIP Yes 21658 07-03-92
David Sward's Whatsnew 3.32,
for slbbs 2.25+ shows new
messages/files and more.
WIXFIX.ZIP Yes 4533 05-06-92 Fix For Netrunner Under Remote Access.
WMLOG12.ZIP Yes 14039 06-09-92 A mustang software mailsystem log v1.2.
WRTPCB11.ZIP Yes 17479 01-21-92
WritePCB Version 1.1 This is a PCBoard Text
file to message base importer. Added network
file locking and various errorlevels for
batch file use.
WRTRYB11.ZIP Yes 14629 01-27-92
WriteRYB Version 1.1 This is a RYBBS 7.x
Text to Message Base Importer. Shareware
WTCHDG.ZIP Yes 10488 07-27-92
WatchDog v1.20 reboots computer
on carrier loss or hang; new
feature monitors ringcount.
WWFNET21.ZIP Yes 93524 11-09-91
Let's you send files through WWIVnet Any
Size ! Lots of configurability !
WWIV2PCB.ZIP Yes 13233 08-12-92
Convert WWIV Master file
listings to PCBoard DIR format.
Fast, easy, and free.
WWIV421.ZIP Yes 376527 03-15-92
WWIV BBS system version 4.21
complete w/ user/sysop docs, etc.
WWIVED23.ZIP Yes 278272 04-19-92
WWIV 4.x, WWIVEdit v. 2.3
Fabulous FSED for WWIV BBS
Systems. Spell Check, plus more.
WWIVVBBS.ZIP Yes 42834 01-15-92
VBBS utility to convert all WWIV sections to
VBBS format
WWMAIL4B.ZIP Yes 96014 03-22-92
Offline Mail System for WWIV
Generates QWK packets
WWREAD30.ZIP Yes 51152 01-30-92 WWIVREAD v3.0 Offline reader for WWIV.
XFERDR7K.ZIP Yes 60865 06-21-92 Run Bi-Modem on Remote Acesss & Quick BBS
XGRP_003.ZIP Yes 98647 07-02-92 Group Mail Handler for XBBS
XR501INS.ZIP Yes 129230 04-30-92 Express Response mail system v5.01
XUC43.ZIP Yes 56468 03-14-92 Express userlist compiler utility for XRS.
YOURINFO.ZIP Yes 14523 03-08-92
YourInfo for Telegard 2.7
Display current caller stats in a bulletin.
YTCOLOR.ZIP Yes 33333 02-08-92
Yankee Trader Color v.1.1U by Mark Kenney
TRy it out Wildcat 3.0 SYSOPS!
Z4UBBS30.ZIP Yes 82840 03-06-92
ZIPLab Converter v3.0 For
UltraBBS v2.09 + Allows You To Use
ZIPLab Plus (PCB Version) With UltraBBS!
ZDCS164.ZIP Yes 293937 12-31-91
ZDCS 1.64, Zipfile Duplicate Checking System
Detect dupe files in zipfiles U/L'ed to a
BBS. Options to delete dupes/BBS ads, allow
certain dupes, merge databases, much more.
Sample bulletin to explain easy pre-testing
method to callers. Simple to install, needs
no external utils. Correctly handles files
made with PKZip 1.93, too. Very fast, LAN &
Desqview friendly. Can keep AV stamps. Only
needs 384K free RAM. Fully functional s/w.
ZDCSAT02.ZIP Yes 45627 08-19-91 Utilities for ZDCS Database CRC's.
ZIPS12.ZIP Yes 8369 05-15-92
Z I P S T A M P V E R 1 . 2
stamp allows you to add comments
to all uploaded zip archives up to
20,000 kb in size! supports many
major bbbs packages.ansi.
ZIP_18A_.ZIP Yes 19836 12-19-91
Zippy v1.8A. Complete PCBoard DIR
maintenance utility. Will add Last Revision
Date to all DIR file lists, will import the
File_id.Diz into the descriptions, and will
add the pipe character to the beginning of
all secondary lines.
ZLAB_RA3.ZIP Yes 5849 02-08-92 Info running "ZIP LAB" with RA3 BBS's.
ZLPGEN11.ZIP Yes 220244 11-04-91 Archive test program for Pcboard/Prodoor