This is some short test code that I put together to drive the Soundblaster's DAC in both DMA and direct mode. There are two programs: DACDMA.EXE Outputs a raw 8 bit sample file to the DAC in DMA mode. DACDIR.EXE Outputs a raw 8 bit sample file to the DAC in direct mode. Unfortunately DACDIR has seemed to have stopped working for some reason. If someone can tell me what has gone wrong, please send me some mail. The usage of bot programs is quite simple. DACDMA can take up to two arguments. The first is the name of the sample file. The second is an optional sample rate to play the sample back. The sample rate will default to 11KHz. DACDIR only takes one arguement, the name of the raw sample to play. The IO address and IRQ for the Soundblaster is set in the file SBP.ASM. It is fairly important that these are set correctly. I have it set up for port 0x220 and IRQ 5 (I sort of found a conflict with IRQ 7 under OS/2 2.0 8-(). Note also, that the samples are only played in mono on the SB Pro. I haven't yet worked out how to use it in stereo. As a bonus, I have included a program that will read the Soundblaster Pro's mixer chip and report what the current volume settings are. I have a little more documentation for it, but I haven't got around to writing it up properly yet. It is just some random scribblings. Any comments or suggestions (or especially more programming information) can be directed to Jeff Bird 9 Feb 92