These files include all files necessary to compile a vxBase sample application in Borland's Turbo c++ 3.0. Create a directory named \borlandc\vxbase and copy these files to the new location. vx.ico vxbase icon for resource file vxb.h c header file includes all vxbase function prototypes and definitions required to write a c program using vxbase routines vxbase.lib vxbase import library vxsamp.c sample c application vxsamp.def windows definitions file vxsamp.dsk ide desktop vxsamp.exe compiled sample uses standard dbf and ntx files accessed by Visual Basic sample app vxbtest. These files must be in directory \vb\vxbtest. vxsamp.h header file for vxsamp.c vxsamp.prj turbo c++ project vxsamp.rc vxsamp resource script vxsamp.res compiled resource file Turbo c++ 3.0 ------------- Compile from within the Windows IDE.