ShowLog is a program, written in Clipper (c), a product of Nantucket Corp., that maintains a database of your video tapes. The following information is maintained and reports can be brought up either on screen, to an ascii file on your hard-disk, or to your printer: þ Title þ Date Recorded þ Category þ Producer þ Star þ CO-Star þ Rating þ Tape Address þ Speed þ Show Time þ Tape Type All information is well maintained and quickly retrieved in a variety of report formats using 7 indexes. Among ShowLogs' features are: þ Re-Load information previously entered into specific fields to reduce keystrokes. þ Menu driven with easy entering, retrieval and changes of data. þ A variety of report formats is available with output being directed to the screen, an ascii file on your hard-disk or to your printer. þ Supports a variety of printers {except postscript} through user adjustable printer setup strings. þ When several shows are being entered with common fields such as Producer, Star, CO-Star or Category, the previously entered information may be re-loaded and used to reduce keystrokes and errors. þ Frequently used names for the fields of: Category, Star, CO-Star and Producer may be stored into data files. These files may be edited by the user and used to re-load commonly referenced information to reduce keystrokes and errors. þ Global help facility available in several key areas. þ Active user support to respond to requests for modifications to suit a particular requirement. ShowLog has undergone several changes with most being the direct result of user suggestions. Roy Mickelsen Author