This zipped file,, contains the following files: RedoTags.prg -- Stores index tag names and expressions to an array, deletes the tags, and rebuilds them. Helpful to reduce the size of 'bloated' mdx files. PrntTags.prg -- Stores index tag names and expressions to an array and directs the info to a printer. Could be modified to direct the info to a file. ListDbfs.prg -- Creates a database file with the names of the current directory's .dbf files. Can be used for various purposes. Samples.prg -- A sample program that invokes the ListDbfs and PrntTags procedures. Readme.txt -- This file. The Samples procedure demonstrates how you can run either the PrntTags or the RedoTags procedures on all database files in the current directory. You might want to revise the PrntTags procedure to direct the output to a text file. Then you could archive this file, or import the information into your application code so that you could 'hard code' the index on ... commands. I hope that these utilities are helpful. The usual disclaimer accompanies them ... use at your own risk. (They seem to work properly in the situations in which I have used them.) The only obligation of the user is one or more of the following: 1. A 'Thank you' if you like the utility procedures. 2. Tell me about modifications of the code that you have found beneficial. 3. A tolerant attitude if unforeseen problems crop up. David DAVIDLOVE on the Borland Support BBS