MLOGOUT/WMLOGOUT MLOGOUT - The TSR Auto-Logout Utility for DOS is located in the \MLOGOUT directory located on this diskette. Please refer to the READ.ME file located in that directory for more information. WMLOGOUT - The Auto-Logout Utility for Windows 3.0 is located in the root directory located of this diskette. Please refer to the WINREAD.ME file located on the disk for more information. DEMO Versions ============= MLOGOUT - Works only in seconds. Up to 60 seconds. WMLOGOUT - Works only in seconds. Up to 30 seconds. Windows Installation ==================== Place the WMLOGOUT.EXE, WMLOGOUT.INI, and SB-DLL.DLL files in the WINDOWS directory. The Registered Version comes with an Installation program. Diskless Workstations --------------------- Diskless Workstations now can use the reboot option to have the machine perform a reboot. This will prevent Windows from locking up when it cannot locate the Windows files that were located on the network. ************ IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR DISKLESS USERS !!! **************** For the LOGOUT to work you MUST use the "Batch=0" so that WMLOGOUT will perform the LOGOUT internally. In order for this to work you MUST be running in ENHANSED MODE! *********************************************************************** After Installation ------------------ * Modify your PATH statement to include the directory which contains the WMLOGOUT and MLOGOUT programs: PATH=C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\MLOGOUT This will ensure that MLOGOUT and WMLOGOUT are available during DOS and Windows sessions. Installation of MLOGOUT for DOS Only Systems ============================================ MLOGOUT is the DOS TSR that monitors keyboard and disk activity. When a peroid of time has elapsed, then MLOGOUT will log the user out from the network. All pending writes will be flushed, all open files will be closed, and the user will be logged out from the system. Hard disk Installation ---------------------- * Copy the MLOGOUT.COM file into a direcotry in your PATH. (eg: C:\DOS) * Modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to contain the following line: MLOGOUT 30 This will install MLOGOUT with a logout time of 30 minutes. You may also use the hour format: MLOGOUT 01 /h This will install MLOGOUT each time the computer is booted. Server Installation ------------------- * Copy the MLOGOUT.COM file into the direcotry PUBLIC. * You may then add this to install on workstations the following ways: 1) Modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT file(s) to include the MLOGOUT command AFTER the LOGIN command. Only after the user is logged into the network will he be able to access MLOGOUT. 2) Modify the Login Script to include MLOGOUT as an EXIT routinue. This is important because if you were to execute MLOGOUT as a menu command, memory on the workstation would be fragmented and take at least another 30-40K away from you. This is a side effect of the Login Script. An example of the command would be: EXIT "MLOGOUT.COM" Remember, when you use the EXIT command User Login Scripts are NOT performed. Thank you for you purchase from Dana Consultants. Please refer to the license agreements and warrenty information located in both read me files in the directories. WARNING ======= The user is warned that users being logged out from a network may lose data that they have not "saved". While WMLOGOUT and MLOGOUT flush any pending writes to disk, any changes made since the last save may be lost. Please take precautions to prevent loss of data (such as timed backups) as Dana Consultants is NOT responsible for any data loss attributed to its products. LICENSE ======= You are authorized to use MLOGOUT/WMLOGOUT on any single server. Any work- station that is connection to that server as it's PRIMARY server may use the program(s). You may not reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to gain the source to these files. Dana Consultants PO Box 2953 Reston, VA 22091 (703) 620-3554