============================================================= I converted this public domain Type 3 font to PC True Type format using AllType v.2. This is the original read.me file, included for decency's sake. The True Type font can be installed in Windows 3.1 using the Fonts tool in the System toolkit. The original author of this font should not be held responsible for any problems you might encounter while using this converted version. --Meg Hamel ============================================================= Flemish was developed by Richard Mitchell (publisher of the Underground Grammarian), using all of the previous versions of Fontographer. Richard has put this font into the public domain, but would appreciate your writing him a note telling him where you have used Flemish. His address is: Richard Mitchell The Underground Grammarian P.O. Box 203 Glassboro, NJ 08028 The version of Flemish that accompanies this file has been updated to use the hints available in Fontographer 3.0. Installing Flemish: You can use the font without modifications if you will install the bitmaps (in the Flemish.bmap file) into your System file using the Font/DA Mover. You must also drop the PostScript file (Flemi) into your System Folder. You can ignore the Flemish.AFM file or throw it out if you do not intend to put this font on any computer other than a Macintosh. Modifiying Flemish: The Flemish file with the big black F on it is the Fontographer 3.0 outline source file. It cannot be opened with any previous version of Fontographer, so if you wish to modify Flemish directly, you must have Fontographer 3.0 or later. If you have any further questions, contact Earl Allen, Altsys Technical Support at CIS 76004,2071 or MCI Mail ALTSYS.