INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING IN SEPARATE SUB-DIRECTORIES AND NON REGISTERED AND NO CLONE & MERGE UTILITY FROM SPECIALTY MICROWARE 1. From the directory in which you have you ECB files make the following sub-directories: APPETIZ BREAKFAS DESSERT MEAT POULTRY SEAFOOD BEVERAGE CAKE EGGS PASTA SALAD SOUP BREAD CANNING GRAVIES PIZZA SANDWICH VEGETABL Suppose you have your ECB files in a directory named RECIPE. You would change to the RECIPE directory from the boot directory with the following command: CD RECIPE Then your prompt will be C:\RECIPE> Now you will make the sub-directories as follows: Type MD XXXXXXXXX (Where XXXXXXXX is one of the 18 names above) 2. From the 4 disks, copy the appropriate files with the ZIP extension to the appropriate sub-directories. Using the above example of RECIPE for a directory and you have the disk in the A: drive, and you are on the C: drive, type COPY A:XXXXXXXX.ZIP C:\RECIPE\XXXXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXXX's is one of the 18 names files above; i.e. COPY A:APPETIZ.ZIP C:\RECIPE\APPETIZ 3. Use must use the CATEGORY.DAT file on the disk with the ECB program because of new categories and sub-categories. If you want to keep your original CATEGORY.DAT file, rename it with something like CATEGORY.OLD with the rename command. Do it as follows from the prompt. REN CATEGORY.DAT CATEGORY.OLD. Now copy the CATEGORY.DAT file from the disks to your directory with the ECB files. 4. To make this easy you must have or copy PKUNZIP.EXE in your root directory for the following. You must do this eighteen times; once for each sub-directory you are in. PLEASE HAVE PATIENCE. YOU ARE GOING TO UNCOMPRESS A TOTAL OF 6 MEGS OF RECIPE FILES AND THIS WILL TAKE TIME. IT WAS COMPRESSED ON A 386 MACHINE AND TOOK QUITE A WHILE. Change to any one of the eighteen sub-directories, for example;. CD\RECIPE\APPETIZ Now while IN the subdirectory type PKUNZIP XXXXXXXX.ZIP where the XXXXXXXX is one of the eighteen sub-directories with the same name zip files; for example staying with the above PKUNZIP APPETIZ.ZIP - This will create four files in each sub- directory with the same names RECIPE.DAT RECIPE.IXC RECIPE.IXN RECIPE.NUM - When you are done you will have eighteen sub- directories with the same four file names in them but of different lengths. Now you can go and delete the files with the ZIP extensions from all eighteen subdirectories. 5. Now from within ECB you can select drive and change to any one of the eighteen sub-directories for the eighteen categories with the same names and have ALMOST 3500 RECIPES AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING IN ONE SUB-DIRECTORY AND REGISTERED AND HAVE THE CLONE & MERGE UTILITY FROM SPECIALTY MICROWARE 1. If you have the two utilities from being registered and want to make ONE HUGE 6 MEG FILE proceed as follows. If you have any recipes already and want to same them, YOU MUST TAKE THE EXISTING RECIPE.DAT RECIPE.IXC RECIPE.IXN RECIPE.NUM files and CATEGORY.DAT files and remname them to save them to make this work because there are new categories and sub-categoriues in this huge database. An example would be to rename all the recipe files as follows REN RECIPE.* OLD.* and you will have the following OLD.DAT OLD.IXN OLD.IXC OLD.NUM to go back to later. Or you could make a subdirectory called OLD under the recipe directory with MD OLD from the C:>\RECIPE directory. Just copy the files to the old directory then with the command COPY RECIPE.* \RECIPE\OLD - Also the CATEGORY.DAT file must be renamed as CATEGORY.OLD or copied to a subdirectory such as old to have for later. 2. Make a subdirectory caleed TEMP with the command MD TEMP from the root directory C:>. Change to this directory with the command CD TEMP. Find where you have the MERGE.EXE file and copy it to the temp directory using the standard DOS command. 3. Take one of the disks and copy any of the ZIP files to this directory. To make this easy you must have or copy PKUNZIP.EXE in your root directory for the following. From within the TEMP directory with the ZIP file type PKUNZIP XXXXXXXXX.ZIP where XXXXXXXXX is the name of one of the eighteeen zip files on the disks. You will get 4 files; RECIPE.DAT RECIPE.IXC RECIPE.IXN RECIPE.NUM - For the first time you must copy these files to the recipe directory with the command COPY RECIPE.* \RECIPE and the four files will copy to the recipe directory. Then erase all files in the temp directory with the command DEL RECIPE.* and DEL *.ZIP 4. Repeat step 3 for another zip file except when it is unzipped you must do the following. Type MERGE. At the first screen hit return. At the second screen for the TARGET file enter a N for No. At the third screen for the source type a Y. Then enter \TEMP and return. at the last screen hit any key any you will see a running count of the files merging. At the end then delete the zip file and the recipe files in the temp directory as shown in step three and repeat step three until you have un-zipped all eighteen files and merged them. PLEASE HAVE PATIENCE. YOU ARE GOING TO UNCOMPRESS A TOTAL OF 6 MEGS OF RECIPE FILES AND THIS WILL TAKE TIME. IT WAS COMPRESSED ON A 386 MACHINE AND TOOK QUITE A WHILE. When you are all done you can delete all files in the temp directory. return to the main directory and delete the temp directory with RD TEMP. Chaneg to the recipe directory and type ECB. After the opening screen select the utility menu and select A. DISPLAY # of Recipes and you will get ~ 3400.