RACIAL BONUSES AND MODIFIERS RACE HP MODIFIER ABILITY BONUSES AND PENALTIES GREY ELF - 25% +1 DEX, +2 INT, -2 WIS, -1 CON, +1 COM, -1 PER WOOD ELF - 25% +1 DEX, +1 WIS, -2 INT, -1 CON, +1 COM, +1 PER WILD ELF -10% +2 DEX, +1 STR, -1 CON, -2 INT, +2 PER HALF-ELF +1 DEX, -1 CON DWARF *1.5 +2 CON, +1 STR, -1 DEX, -2 CHR HALFLING -25% +1 DEX, +1 CHR, -1 WIS, -1 CON, +1 PER GNOME +1 INT, -1 WIS, -1 PER HALF-OGRE *1.2 +2 STR, +2 CON, -1 WIS, -2 CHR, -4 COM HALF-GIANT *2 +4 STR, +2 CON, -2 WIS, -2 INT, -2 CHR, -4 PER GREY ELF +1 +1 WOOD ELF +1 +1 WILD ELF +1 +1 HALF-ELF +1 +1 DWARF +1 +1 HALFLING +1 +1 GNOME +1 +1 HALF-OGRE +1 +1 HALF-GIANT +1 +1 HUMAN +1 +1 BONUSES SIGHT HEARING TASTE TOUCH SMELL OTHER BONUSES BY CLASS AND SKILL WARRIOR : +1 TO SIGHT MAGE : +1 TO TOUCH PRIEST : +1 TO HEARING ROUGE : +1 TO TOUCH OBSERVATION : +2 TO SIGHT ALERTNESS : +1 TO HEARING ============================================================ ============================================================ MAGIC SCHOOLS SPELL CASTING PERCENTAGES SPECIALIST GENERAL PRACTITIONER SPECIALTY 65% 40% ADJACENT 50% 40% OPPOSITE D6% 40% OTHER 45% 40% MAGIC:30% CHAOS:20% For the Oppositional schools roll D6 that is the percentage chance to cast those spells without fumbling. For all other schools roll percentile and divide by two this number is then added to the schools base percentage. For the General Practitioner the percentage is the same for all schools of Magic, and the scores are changed in the same way as thespecialist's scores. The Magic and Chaos scores are modified by rolling a percentages and adding 1/5th of it. All scores are modified by 1% for every point of Intelligence over 13. All of these percentages are base score to cast that type of magic. An Illusionist would have a base 65% chance of casting Phantasmal Force but only a D6% chance of casting Spectral Hand, the D6% being rolled at the time of the character choice of specialty school. Specialty is obviously the main school of the Specialist. Adjacent schools are the one directly next to the specialty, as in the case of the Illusionist they would be Alteration and Enchantment Charm. The opposite schools can be found on table 22 on page 31 of the 2nd Edition Players Handbook. The others are exactly that , the schools left over after everything else is taken into account. The Magic score is the ability of the Mage to recover a fumbled spell, whether the spell was fumbled due to an attack on the caster or a missed spell percentage. The Chaos percentage is for the same reasons. If the caster fumbles a spell roll by more than 10% the Chaos roll is used, under 10% use the Magic roll. All successful attacks on a caster force him to roll Magic unless he is injured to the point of needing to make a System Shock roll then Chaos is used, these two rolls are used even if the normal spell roll is successful. For all Classes that have Magic use, including Clerical Magic, the percentages are determined by the General Practitioner table. The Clerical Magic is modified by Wisdom over 13 instead of Intelligence.