ALHAMBRA HOTEL AND COUNTRY CLUB a new fantasy course by Mark Alan Willett for Jack Nicklaus Unlimited Golf and Course Design For VGA monitors only ABOUT THE ALHAMBRA The first western settlers came into the area in 1767. Record searches indicate that a small village, Lydale, had been formed by 1780. For whatever reason, economics most likely, Lydale failed to thrive and no traces of the village remain today. The first family name associated with the area is that of John Marley Nugg. Nugg, his wife, Allison, and three children, are known to have established their first homestead on the property by 1785. The exact location of this homestead is unknown. In 1817, Nugg's eldest son, Avril, discovered gold just five and one-half miles NW of the property. The "Old Dog" mine went on to produce for almost fifty-three years to the day. In 1823, Avril built the family's second homestead. Family letters indicate that this was a substantial home, and Avril continued to invest in additional businesses: He started a cattle ranch just south of the property (west of the current town of Kenilworth), and by the mid-1830's we know he had heavily invested in the L&R Railroad Company, Canada's first. The year 1865 began a decade that was disasterous for the Nugg family. Avril, 81 years of age, was taken by influenza. In 1866, two of his sons and one daughter died in a cholera epidemic. Control of the family estate fell to the youngest, John Nicholas Nugg. In 1867, the second homestead gave way to a massive fire. In 1870, the "Old Dog" gave out. And finally, in November of 1874, the L&R Railroad collapsed, depleting the Nugg family of most of its fortune. In 1875, investing much of the remaining savings, J.N. opened the Alhambra Hotel. Satisfying the growing shipping town of Kenilworth, the Alhambra thrived. As the century turned, control of the Alhambra passed to J.N. Nugg, Jr. ("Jack," to his friends). And, in the economic boom following the Great War, Jack added a golf course to the extensive hotel grounds. The first Alhambra course was nine holes, and it opened to guest play in 1925. Demand for the game was so strong (and so lucrative to the hotel) that the course was expanded to eighteen holes by the Fall of 1926. Hotel records credit the original nine-hole design to Theodore Ulysses Maiden (origins unknown). Though five holes have since been redesigned (and some lengthened), the Alhambra course has stood the test of time. Bobby Jones came twice a year (late Spring, early Fall - like clockwork) to relax and play. Sam Snead often practiced here. And Jack Nicklaus, before he worked on Glen Abbey, pronounced it "the best in the Canada." ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS With many thanks and much gratitude to Ted Maiden. Ted graciously reviewed the Alhambra while it was in progress, and his suggestions have made the course infinitely richer. I would like to express my appreciation to Ted, Lee Ritze, and Scott Chesney. Their courses (Kiawah, Augusta, and Spyglass, respectively) were the first "independent" courses I owned, and showed me just how marvelous the JNUG editor could be. OBJECTS Most of the objects are new. Some deserve credit: Lee Ritze - bushes, hedgerow (both lightly modified) Scott Chesney - flowers Ted Maiden - water weeds (small), sand weeds (modified) Rodney Harris - willow Accolade - lone pine (modified), small rock group If I have omitted anyone, or if any of the above objects themselves were "borrowed," I offer my sincere regrets. The 3-pine group was first created for GREEN GABLES, and has been "improved" with more highlighting. I take sole blame for the remainder of the objects: house, bench grouping, broadleaf 3-group, broadleaf single, rock, large rock group, piers, and small sign. THE COURSE OUT Three Sisters Par 4 437 yards Old Willow Par 5 560 yards Wildflower Par 3 122 yards Christmas Stocking Par 4 413 yards Jack and Jill Par 4 410 yards String Par 5 546 yards Maiden Hollow Par 3 226 yards Dunes Par 4 458 yards Astoria Lake Par 4 442 yards 36 3614 IN Hallard Lighthouse Par 4 418 yards Little Serpent Par 4 376 yards Cliffside Par 4 412 yards The Coast Par 5 528 yards Allison Glen Par 3 168 yards Nugg Woods Par 4 424 yards Three Fishes Par 3 144 yards Beaker's Point Par 4 453 yards Boat Dock Par 5 530 yards 36 3462 TOTAL 72 7076 (signed) Mark Alan Willett November, 1991 1086 Corona #6 Denver, Colorado 80218 Prodigy code FNVV69A COMING NEXT: Scorpion