Subj: ENSEMBUL: 3 Ensemble Utilities Date: November 10, 1991 From: PC MikeW File: ENSEMBUL.ZIP (2335 bytes) DL time (2400 baud): < 1 minute Download count: 355 AUTHOR: Gwydian EQUIPMENT: Hard Drive or Large (2 to 3 Meg) RAM Drive NEEDS: An UnZIPing Program, PICLAB Keywords: Gwydian, Geoworks, PICLAB, Resize, Rescale, Map, Palette, PD Type: Public Domain This upload corrects a minor error in the previous upload's documentation. Contained in this archive are 3 'batch' programs, Documentation and an Ensemble color map for use in creating Ensemble backgrounds from existing GIFs. You will also need PICLAB which is available online. The 3 batch utilities and their purposes: GEOREMAP ... remap any number of colored GIF to Ensemble's 16 R640480 ...rescale and remap any GIF to 640 X 480 Ensemble type GIF R800600 ...rescale and remap any GIF to 800 X 600 Ensemble type GIF You will still need a converter to convert the finished GIF to PCX format for importing to GEOWORKS Ensemble... Graphics Workshop is recommended Note: If the conversion process takes an extreme amount of time and you end up with a file containing 0 Bytes, the problem is not enough disk space. Conversion of files with PICLAB (especially 640 X 480, 256 color images or larger) can easily take 2 to 3 Meg of disk space to complete... the 'working' files are automatically erased when PICLAB has completed it's mission. Documentation: ENSEMBUL.DOC Downloads for previos version: 27