=========================================================================== BBS: ®® LINK BBS ¯¯ Date: 02-02-92 (13:55) Number: 851 From: SAM ORTIZ Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: .GIF/ETC. TO .PCX FOR GEO Conf: (3) GEOWORKS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- While, I cannot even remotely claim to be an expert on graphics imaging, manipulation, conversion, etc. I do believe I can shed a little light on the problems people seem to be having in making images that work in GeoWorks. I apologize beforehand for the length of this message. It's just that I was hoping to avoid making a text file to upload whereby everyone would have to go searching for it, download it, extra cost, etc., etc. And second, I hear people keep asking "Where's the info?" in this echo. Here's some. Let me begin by dispelling some misconceptions. The bitmapped format that GeoWorks reads is not a "proprietary" format nor does GeoWorks need to "convert" .pcx or .tif images into its own "bitmapped format" in order to use them. GeoWorks supports (i.e., reads images) which are SAVED in .pcx format with the following parameters: no more than 16 colors (EGA) AND no larger than 640x480 or 800x600 depending upon which video driver you are using in GeoWorks. I use the 800x600 format because it shows more information on screen, especially in GeoWrite, and because I have a reasonably fast display adapter that doesn't get too slowed down by 800x600 screen redraws (Tseng ET4000 chip w/ 1Mb in case you're interested). The point here is that any .pcx image which falls within these parameters, whether plain black and white, color, or an odd, non-standard size can and will be read by GeoWorks without getting the dreaded "this file uses a bit-mapped format that is unsupported by GeoWorks." To get the kind of .pcx images you want requires meeting four separate criteria. First, the image can use no more than 16 colors, period. Thus, your image must be saved in 16 color mode (usually called EGA). Second, it must be saved in 16 color .pcx (or .tif) mode. If you are not careful with your viewing program, you may not be aware that you are viewing your .gif in 256 color mode when you attempt to convert it to .pcx. This gives you a 256 color .pcx which as you already know, is a format unsupported by GeoWorks. Even if there are only 16 or even just 2 colors in the original, it is still coded as a 256 color .pcx and won't be read by GeoWorks. So make sure you are viewing your file in 16 color mode or specify 16 color mode when making the conversion to .pcx. Third, to get the "true" or "correct" color rendition on your images requires another parameter, adjusting the .pcx's color palette to match the exact same 16 color palette used by GeoWorks. Understand that a 16 color image can use any 16 colors out of a possible 16.7 million (the upper limit computer standard), so it's very likely your image won't use the exact ones GeoWorks does. Thus, you have to "remap" the color palette in order to get your image to look in GeoWorks like it does normally. And fourth, your image must be saved in a size that you can use, either 640x480 or 800x600. This criterion is more flexible, however, since saving odd sizes will still be read as long as the horizontal and vertical resolutions don't exceed your chosen video driver defaults. For example, if your use the 640x480 video driver, you'll need to downsize any larger .gifs to be no bigger than that size. If you are looking to import .pcx images from GeoDraw for use as backgrounds, I highly recommend resizing to the exact same size of your video driver, that way it will cover the entire screen instead of being "tiled" to fit the screen. There are many ways and many programs to help you accomplish the above, though no one single program does it all yet. Here are the files/programs I use and the steps which I feel are the easiest and fastest way to make excellent conversions for all you GeoWorks needs. Put PicLab (PICLAB.ZIP) and all the files from ENSEMBUL.ZIP in the same directory. Put VPic (VPIC46.ZIP) in your path statement so it will load from whatever directory you're in. Copy, don't move, the .gif you wish to convert into the same directory with PicLab and Ensembul, that way you have the original untouched in case of problems. Copy only one .gif file at a time to keep it simple. Type in the appropriate commands, e.g. to remap and resize the .gif to 640x480 the command line would be something like this: pl286 r640480 *.gif new.gif I am assuming you are using a 286 or better, otherwise substitute pl for pl286 and note that you must specify a new name for the new file. This process remaps the palette to 16 color GeoWorks specs and resizes to 640x480. Now type vpic to load Vpic.exe and you'll see both the new and old .gifs listed. Select the new .gif. Now change your video mode to EGA (toggly F4), and select 640x480 size. When the .gif is displayed in this mode, type in "z" to convert to Z-Soft's .pcx format. It will ask you to confirm the conversion to .pcx. Choose yes and it will notify you when done (two or three seconds). Exit Vpic and your are done and you'll see the new.pcx file in the directory listing. You can now copy the new.pcx file to a miscellaneous GeoWorks directory or just run GeoWorks. Start the GeoDraw application and choose the import .pcx option, go to the appropriate directory where the new.pcx file is located and voila! You'll see your image on screen just as with any other file. To make a background, choose the copy function, then start the preferences application, select background option, then the "get background from clipboard" option and voila #2! You have your file as a background for use just like all the others. Other notes. When using converted images in GeoDraw, the images don't size and resize as well as the vector based clip art (remember, they are bit-mapped). You'll notice some lines and loss of quality when you alter the size from its original form, but if the proportions stay the same the effect isn't too bad. Although, I am not sure, I believe the information contained herein goes for conversions into .tif files as well. Strictly speaking, it is not necessary to convert 256 color .gifs to 16 color before converting to .pcx format or resizing, but it's probably best to do so. If you save to 16 color (EGA) mode before or without remapping the palette at the same time, the later remapping may cause an unacceptable loss of quality. This is why I like PicLab with the Ensembul files, besides the fact that they are public domain and free! Remapping and/or resizing are done first followed by the conversion to the appropriate .pcx mode. Works every time, with superb results, given the limit of 16 colors. I have even written a few batch files which allow me to type in one command followed by a file name which automatically, remaps, resizes, and deletes the original .gif file, loads Vpic, lets me make the conversion to .pcx, exits Vpic, copies the new file to a GeoWorks subdirectory, deletes the new.pcx file, and then runs GeoWorks. In this way I can make a .gif into a background in as little as a minute or two and it keeps my hard drive free of duplicates and clutter. You could substitute most any conversion program for Vpic, such as Graphics Workshop, however, Vpic is enormously simple and extremely intuitive, now has mouse support, is cheap ($15.00 or free if you read a certain book), and works fast without a hitch. All files mentioned here are still available on AOL. However, I am willing to upload them to a BBS of your choice if you leave me a message and phone number. I am also willing to upload samples of some of my backgrounds which I feel are top quality, if anyone is interested. I also invite you graphics experts out there for additional comments, advice, and expertise. I was only able to write this after working with programs written by true experts such as Bob Montgomery (VPIC), Gwydian (from AOL), and Lee Daniel Crocker (PicLab), and it should be considered only a thumbnail (albeit a long thumbnail) sketch about graphics conversion. I hope this clears up some of the confusion and gets you going in making those awesome .pcxs and backgrounds. Sam Ortiz --- The Crusader BBS 213-665-4256 * Origin: The Crusader BBS (213)-665-4256 (1:102/753)