This archive contains a port of QRT version 1.5 for use on IBM compatible machines with *at least* an 80386(SX) CPU. The program will use a math coprocessor if one is installed in the machine, if not a protected mode '387 emulator will be loaded and used. The program *may* execute in a machine with 2 megs of RAM although 4 is better. The program DKBMOD included in the archive of DKB 2.12 may be used to change the amount of disk space the virtual memory manager will use. (DKBMOD.EXE is in the DKBPRO.ZIP file in LIB 16 of the COMART forum on CompuServe) The region size is currently set to 1024K in this EXE which should be enough for QRT. See the doc file with DKBMOD for further info. For further documentation on QRT download the file QRT15E.ZIP from Lib 16 in COMART on CompuServe. That file contains Doc's as well as a Turbo C 2.0 real mode compile of the program that will run on any IBM compatible machine. (No use duplicating Doc files in several files, the real mode executable program is quite a bit smaller than this one, a good part of the file size of that ZIP is Docs.) This compile runs approximatly 40% faster than the real mode version in QRT15E.ZIP however. It will also report the time required to trace the image, in seconds, in the statistics report at the end of the run. For a quick starter the syntax to run one of the example files included here (from the command line prompt) is: QRTPRO < MIRRORS.QRT This will generate a 24 bit TARGA file called MIRROR.TGA. ========================================================================= If you get a message about a conflicting protected mode environment being detected, reboot your machine with *no TSR's or memory management* programs. QRTPRO will *not* run with VCPI extended DOS programs (Such as EMM386, QEMM & older 386^MAX) loaded in the machine. It's best to run the program with a "bare" machine. ========================================================================= This version of QRT writes a TARGA type 2 (uncompressed) file *ONLY*. It also assumes the video display is EGA or VGA for text output, although any should work. You may end up with wierd attributes on a mono display. Various programs can be used to convert the output to an S-VGA viewable file. Lee Crocker's program "PICLAB", available in the GrafSupport forum on Compuserve, will do an excellent conversion to a GIF file which can then be viewed with any GIF viewing program. The image can be edited and/or converted with a commercial paint program such as ColoRix. Have Fun! Bill Pulver, 4/28/92 CIS EMAIL: 70405,1152