BOWL101 EXE Main bowling league management program. BOWL101M DOC Documentation for Bowl101. BOWLHELP HLP Help files. BOWL MNU Pull down menus. BOWLUTIL MNU Utility menu INRECAP TXT Sample output of the individual recap sheets INVOICE TXT Registration form. DESCRIPT TXT Short discription. ERRMSG TXT Error message file. FILES TXT This file. NOREG TXT What to do if program needs attitional features. SHELL BAT Batch file to change prompt durring shell. README TXT Latest additions to Bowl101. BOWL PIC Bowl101 Logo, called from Logo within bowl101. INSTALL BAT Installation batch file. QSTART TXT A text file to help you get started. 4LANES ASN Lane assignment scheduals. 6LANES ASN 8LANES ASN 10LANES ASN 12LANES ASN 14LANES ASN 16LANES ASN 18LANES ASN 20LANES ASN 22LANES ASN 24LANES ASN 26LANES ASN 28LANES ASN 30LANES ASN 32LANES ASN 34LANES ASN 36LANES ASN