The Hockey Pool Manager Copyright (c) 1991-92 Jose Buceta All Rights Reserved. T H E H O C K E Y P O O L M A N A G E R Version 2.0 by Jose Buceta Ottawa, Ontario Canada Home of the OTTAWA SENATORS! With the Hockey Pool Manager, an individual may easily keep track of a large hockey pool. The Hockey Pool Manager saves you from the tedious work of constantly updating your hockey pool. This will free you to enjoy the hockey playoffs! A Registration Fee is Requested. The Hockey Pool Manager Version 2.0 Table of Contents Page 1.0 Overview ........................................... 1 2.0 Setting Up The Hockey Pool Manager ................. 1 2.1 What comes in the archive HPOOL20? ............. 1 2.2 Installing HPOOL ............................... 1 3.0 Basic Skills ....................................... 1 3.1 Setting Up your Hockey Pool .................... 1 3.2 Loading your Hockey Pool ....................... 2 3.3 Updating your Hockey Pool ...................... 2 3.4 Saving your Hockey Pool ........................ 2 4.0 Reports ............................................ 3 4.1 Viewing Pool Leaders ........................... 3 4.2 Viewing Top Scoring Hockey Players ............. 3 4.3 Viewing Statistics on Individual People ........ 3 5.0 Output to Printer .................................. 3 6.0 Conclusion ......................................... 3 7.0 Registration ....................................... 4 7.1 Contacting the Author .......................... 4 7.2 Distribution ................................... 4 7.3 Legal Notice ................................... 5 7.4 Payment ........................................ 5 7.5 Registration Form .............................. 6 8.0 History of The Hockey Pool Manager ................. 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hockey Pool Manager Version 2.0 Page (i) 1.0 OVERVIEW Welcome hockey fans to The Hockey Pool Manager! This program was designed to let an individual run a hockey pool easily. The Hockey Pool Manager will manage up to 30 people in your pool. Each person may choose up to 20 hockey players. The Hockey Pool Manager will keep track of: - number of goals scored - number of assists - number of unassisted goals - number of shorthanded goals - number of power play goals - number of overtime goals - number of shutouts by a goalie You may use any or all of these above categories. You may assign how many points each category will be worth. The Hockey Pool Manager allows you to view a ranking of the people in your hockey pool as well as a top scoring hockey players list. The Hockey Pool Manager also gives a summary report of each person by showing how each of their hockey players have performed. 2.0 SETTING UP THE HOCKEY POOL MANAGER 2.1 What comes in the archive HPOOL20? There are two (2) files in the HPOOL20 archive: HPOOL20.EXE ( 70160 bytes) This is the main program. HPOOL20.TXT ( 18448 bytes) This is what you are reading. Contains the user's instructions. 2.2 Installing HPOOL There is really no installation procedure necessary. The only thing to note is that HPOOL20 uses the current drive to load and save it's files. So if you are running off of a floppy drive, make sure that there is enough room for the data files that HPOOL20 creates. To start HPOOL20, simply go to the directory where HPOOL20 can be found and type HPOOL20 This will bring up the main menu. 3.0 BASIC SKILLS 3.1 Setting Up the Hockey Pool To setup a new hockey pool, choose 'Setup Hockey Pool' [F2]. You will be asked for the number of people that will be participating in your hockey pool. Up to 30 people may be -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hockey Pool Manager Version 2.0 Page 1 entered. You will then be asked for how many hockey players are to be chosen. Up to 20 hockey players may be chosen per person. (This allows for a maximum of 600 different hockey players to be used with The Hockey Pool Manager.) Next, you must set up the different types of scores available and set the amount of points each category is worth. The different categories are: 1. goal - give points to a player who scores a goal. 2. unassisted goal - give points to a player who scores an unassisted goal. 3. assists - give points to players who earned assists. 4. shorthanded goals - give points to players who score shorthanded goals. 5. power play goals - give points to players who score power play goals. 6. overtime goals - give points to players who score overtime goals. 7. shutouts - give points to goalies who get shutouts. Once this is done, you will be asked to enter the name of each person in your pool along with their picks. Note: If the same hockey player was chosen by more than one ----- person in your pool, make sure that the HOCKEY PLAYER'S NAME is spelled the same way for BOTH people. Otherwise the program will believe the hockey players to be two DIFFERENT hockey players. You now have your hockey pool setup! The Hockey Pool Manager will automatically save this at this point. 3.2 Loading your Hockey Pool If you have already setup your hockey pool, select 'Load Hockey Pool' [F1] from the Main Menu to automatically load your hockey pool. With this version, you may run only 1 hockey pool at a time. 3.3 Updating the Hockey Pool As the playoffs progress, you will be constantly updating the hockey pool. After each game, you must choose 'Update Hockey Pool' [F3] and you will be asked to update the statistics of each hockey player. Only enter the hockey players statistics since the last time your hockey pool was updated. If any teams have been eliminated from the playoffs, enter the number of the team. By doing this, you will not be asked to enter information on hockey players whose teams have been eliminated the next time you use the Hockey Pool Manager. 3.4 Saving your Hockey Pool To save your hockey pool, you must quit the program by using -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hockey Pool Manager Version 2.0 Page 2 the 'Quit' [F9] option on the Main Menu. Wait until you get the DOS prompt before turning your system off. Otherwise, your hockey pool may not be saved. 4.0 REPORTS 4.1 Viewing Pool Leaders If you want to see how the people in your pool are doing, choose 'View Pool Leaders' [F4]. This will show you how the people rank in your hockey pool against each other. 4.2 Viewing the Top Scoring Hockey Players If you want to see how the hockey players that your people chose ranked against each other, choose 'View Top Scoring Players' [F5]. This will show you how the hockey players rank against each other. 4.3 Viewing Statistics on Individual People If you want a summary of someone in your hockey pool, choose 'View Stats on People' [F6]. You will have to enter their name (make sure you spell it the same way as you entered it!). You will then get a summary of how each of the person's hockey players have performed. 5.0 OUTPUT TO PRINTER 'Output To Printer' [F7] basically gives you a hardcopy of the Reports available. Please make sure that your printer is ready to receive data before entering this menu. 6.0 CONCLUSION The Hockey Pool Manager was written to make running a hockey pool easier. I hope you enjoy it and enjoy the playoffs! Look for future releases of The Hockey Pool Manager which will contain: - editing function, in case you entered data incorrectly - improved printing capabilities - improved statistical reports - multiple hockey pools to be handled simultaneously and anything else that I (or my users) can think of! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hockey Pool Manager Version 2.0 Page 3 7.0 REGISTRATION 7.1 Contacting the Author You may contact the author through the following means : Mail : Jose Buceta 1354 Marchand Street Gloucester, Ontario K1B 3N8 Canada Electronic Mail : CompuServe ID : 71031 , 341 Fido NetMail : 1:163/518 to Jose Buceta I monitor mail in the following conferences : FidoNet Public Domain Program Reviews (INTL) FidoNet ShareWare (INTL) IMEXNet Cross Canada Chatter (NATL) NOTE : CompuServe mail is read once every two (2) weeks. All other mail is read every other day. When reporting a bug, please be specific as to the nature of the problem (ie. what led up to it, what error message (if any) ensued, can you repeat it, etc.). 7.2 Distribution You are encouraged to copy and share this program with other users. Copies of The Hockey Pool Manager (HPOOL20) may be distributed under the following conditions: - The two files HPOOL20.EXE and HPOOL20.TXT must be distributed packaged together. - NO altered versions of ANY Hockey Pool Manager files may be distributed. - The program will not be bundled for sale with any other software or hardware without the author's written consent. - Recognized user's groups or clubs are authorized to charge a nominal fee for expenses and handling while distributing HPOOL20. NOTE : CompuServe Users please RENAME the distribution file to HPOOL20.ZIP before redistributing locally. This is the official release name. This is due to the fact that CompuServe Libraries have a six (6) character maximum on filenames. Your assistance is appreciated in keeping a consistent archive filename. Thank you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hockey Pool Manager Version 2.0 Page 4 If you are not sure whether you have the latest version of HPOOL, the following systems (among others) are always kept up to date: CompuServe IBM Forum as HPOOL#.ZIP where # is the latest version number. Exception #13 BBS (613) 830 - 2802 FidoNet Address 1:163/518 File REQuestable as HPOOL.ZIP (latest version) at speeds up to 14.4Kbps HST/V32bis. 7.3 Legal Notice The author makes NO warranties, expressed or implied, as to the quality or performance of this program. The author will NOT be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damage resulting from the use of this program. Your use of this program constitutes your agreement to this disclaimer and your release of the author from any form of liability or litigation. The author retains exclusive rights to register and sell copies of The Hockey Pool Manager. This program is intended for personal enjoyment only. Unlicensed commercial use is prohibited. 7.4 Payment The Hockey Pool Manager (HPOOL) is distributed as shareware. The advantage of this is that you get to try out the full, working program and see whether or not it suits your needs. If you find The Hockey Pool Manager useful, you must register the program. To register The Hockey Pool Manager, just fill out the registration form below. Be sure to include your check or money order, and mail it to the address below. The basic registration is eight ($8) dollars. There is also a five ($5) dollar shipping and handling fee. Once you've registered one version of The Hockey Pool Manager, you have registered all future versions as well - so for the latest version, you will only have to pay the shipping and handling fee. Reasons for registering The Hockey Pool Manager : - You receive the LATEST version of the program on disk. - Your name will be encrypted into the program itself and will appear in the Main Menu. Registration messages are removed from the program. - Your input and ideas will help shape future versions of The Hockey Pool Manager. - You will receive advance information about new programs developed in the future. Thank you for registering The Hockey Pool Manager. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hockey Pool Manager Version 2.0 Page 5 7.5 Registration Form ==================== The Hockey Pool Manager V2.0 ===================== - Registration / Comment Information Form - To register your copy of The Hockey Pool Manager, please send this information form and make the registration fee payable to : Jose Buceta 1354 Marchand Street Gloucester, Ontario K1B 3N8 CANADA Registration Information : -------------------------- __________________________________________________ Last Name First Initial __________________________________________________ Street Apt. __________________________________________________ City Province/State __________________________________________________ Postal Code/Zip Code Date __________________________________________________ Where did you obtain The Hockey Pool Manager? Order Information : ------------------- The Hockey Pool Manager registration fee : [ ] $8.00 for first time registration $________ [ ] Free upgrade $ 0.00 Your Serial Number # ___________ Shipping and handling fee $ 5.00 Disk size [ ] 3.5" [ ] 5.25" --------- TOTAL PAYMENT $________ Payment by : [ ] Check [ ] Money Order Comments: --------- All comments are appreciated. Please be explicit. Comments may be sent either electronically or by mail. (See [F8] in Main Menu.) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ====================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hockey Pool Manager Version 2.0 Page 6 8.0 HISTORY OF THE HOCKEY POOL MANAGER Version 1.0 - released on 4 April 1991 - Written in only 4 days (due to proximity of Playoffs). - Very limited capabilities. - A bug was found which kept an inaccurate score for each person. - Released as FreeWare. Version 2.0 - released on 1 February 1992 - Corrected a bug found in Version 1.0. - Improved user interface. - Improved statistics module. - Introduced printing capabilities. - Allowed points for shutouts by goalie. - Released as ShareWare. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hockey Pool Manager Version 2.0 Page 7