Lotto 649 Package Version 5.01a notes ------------------------------------- Differences between version 4.01 and version 5.01b -------------------------------------------------- One of the major changes that has taken place in version 5.01b is better file handling than version 4.01. Version 4.01 had to read in the data file each time the view chart or view barchart option was used. There were many small bugs found and corrected, version 5.01b now reads in data only at the beginning of the program. (It still of course has to reread data for any updates that the user wishes to input.) Version 5.01b now has support for CGA, EGA and VGA, and simple ASCII barcharts for those of you who do not have graphics cards (mainly xt owners). This is done all in one file, eliminating the need separate ega,vga,ascii versions. There is also a version for the xt as the compiled 286 version does not run on an XT. There are a few other changes, they are listed below. This package is designed for anyone who plays Lotto 649 on a regular basis. It has a winning numbers database that keeps track of how many times each number has been drawn. There is also a 14 number system for picking your own numbers. Bargraphs and date specified commands are included in this release. Note: Do not erase the numbers2.dat file, it has all of the winning numbers for the last year. Lotto 649 Main Menu ------------------- This section discusses the main menu. When you boot up the program, the following screen is displayed: Lotto 649 Package Version 5.01b Copyright (c) 1992 Release Date: March 4 1992 Numbers Database Updated to : February 29 1992 Written by Russ Campbell All rights reserved. [A] Enter winning numbers [B] Search and Print Menus [C] Use 14 number system [D] Pick random numbers [E] Initialize data files [F] Look at bargraphs (needs VGA) [G] Special date bargraphs [H] End Program Your Choice is: I will now explain each of the menu choices. [A] Enter winning numbers - This option allows you to update the database as new numbers are drawn, you enter the date, six winning numbers and the bonus number. The program automatically updates the database. [B] Search and Print Menus - This option adds some new features to the package, it allows searching and printing of winning numbers by date. There are two sub-options in this menu, [a] is search for winning numbers by date, [b] is print out list of winning numbers. Each of these new sub-options is self explainatory. [C] Use 14 number system - This option asks you for 14 of your favourite numbers, and then generates a list of numbers for ticket purchase. It asks you how much you want to spend as well. [D] Pick random numbers - This option prints out a list of numbers for purchase, it uses random choice, and asks you how much money you wish to spend. [E] Initialize data files - This option erases any data files that may be on your disk and creates new ones. Note that the data file that comes with this package is up to date and fairly accurate, Initialising will cause you to loose any data you may have had in the file. [F] Look at bargraphs - This option allows you to view different types of charts, it offers bonus number or no bonus number displays of barcharts and regular charts. At this time there is support for use of four different display modes, VGA, EGA, CGA and ASCII charts. Modes can be changed calling up an external program either from in the program or from dos. [G] Special date graphs - This is the same as the above, but includes options of choosing time periods for graph viewing. [H] End Program - Self explainatory. Licence to Use Lotto 649 Package -------------------------------- Licence to use this program is hereby granted to anyone that desires to do so, providing that all copyright notices and documention accompanies said program. The program must not be modified or changed in any way. Program Guarantee ----------------- The only guarantee that this program has is that if you use it, you will probably spend more money on lotteries. I do not guarantee winning any of the lotteries with the use of this program, nor do I take any responsibility for losses incurred by the use of this program. Registration of Lotto 649 Package --------------------------------- For only $10.00 Can you may register this program and recieve newer versions as they become available. Note that registration includes any updates and new additions to the winning numbers database. To register this program please send $10.00 to: Russ Campbell 160 Highland Road West Kitchener, Ontario N2M 3B8 Phone # (519) 743 1815 Thanks for using Lotto 649 Package Version 5.01b