SHAREWARE This disk contains the shareware version of Personal Financial Planning Made Easy (EZ-$-PLAN V3s), copyright 1988-1990. We encourage you to use the shareware version of EZ-$-PLAN to aid in your persoanl financial planning. Please, evaluate the program for 30 days and give copies to your friends for evaluation. If, after the 30 days, you think that you will use the program, then we ask that you register it by sending us the registration form (print ORDER.TXT) along with registration payment ($19) or by calling us at 603-526-6885 to register (VISA/MC). Registered users receive the latest version of EZ- $-PLAN V3S which includes the printed manual, technical support and 2 issues of Personal Finance Journal. Unmodified copies may be distributed for a 30 day evaluation period provided that no payment or commercial benefit or other consideration is received. The program MAY NOT be combined with any software and/or hardware without prior written consent from AIPFP, PO Box 841, Mt Laurel, NJ 08054. This shareware marketing approach is only kept available by your support. If you continue to use the software, please register! Please read the file READ.ME to learn more about other AIPFP software (such as our 13-module advanced version of EZ-$-PLAN V3c) and more about our new PERSONAL FINANCE/SOFTWARE NEWSLETTER. iii