UNREGISTERED PHONE Ver 1.0 The purpose of PHONE is to keep current information about the people you know. You may display and print data records by order of last name or birth date. ----------------------------------------------------- THIS PROGRAM IS NOT FREE; THIS PROGRAM IS SHAREWARE To own a registered version of this program costs $12.00. Send me your name, address and telephone number along with a check or money order to : Chris Miller 3629 Dawn Dr. Hamilton, Ohio 45011 Registration will provide you with a full function, version of PHONE. Your registered version will allow you to use the data records created with the unregistered version. ------------------------------------------------------ PHONE must be placed in its own sub-directory. Although install.bat places PHONE in c:\phone, it does not have to remain there. This program must be on a fixed disk because the data you input will eventually fill a floppy diskette. The first execution of the program is slower because PHONE must create its data files. You may run multiple copies of this program as long as each PHONE is in a separate sub-directory. These files are necessary: These files get created: 1. Phone.exe 1. Phone.dat 2. Phone.hlp 2. Phone.k01 3. Install.bat 3. Phone.k02 4. Readme.txt 4. Phone.k03 5. Phone.ico ------------------------------------------------------ Register now! Send Name, address, telephone number along with a check or money order to: Chris Miller 3629 Dawn Dr. Hamilton, Ohio 45011