FROM JOURNAL OF CLASSIFICATION VOLUME 9, 1992 PP 141-142 A Computer Program to Construct Distributions with Specific Degrees of Skew and Kurtosis Robert Saltstone Ken Stange Much has been written about the importance of measures of skew and kurtosis in research and in research reporting (e.g., Hopkins and Weeks 1990). Recent books on hypothesis testing using computer intensive methods (Noreen 1989) and computer simulations (Whicker and Sigelman 1991) describe methods for testing hypotheses from distributions with known parameters, but do not provide computer code to build distributions with specific first four moment characteristics. A method for constructing multivariate non-normal distributions is described by Vale and Maurelli (1983), but most researchers probably would not want to specify inter-element correlations for distributions. Various other algorithms to create non-normal distributions are discussed by Tadikamalla (1980). The program DISTRIB.EXE builds and provides graphic displays of distributions with a selected mean and standard deviation for any desired degree of skew and/or kurtosis. The authors created the program to examine estimates of classification consistency obtained by Subkoviak's method (1976) under varying degrees of skew and kurtosis. (This method is used to establish cutoff points which are optimally reliable in distributions of test scores where pass/fail classifications must be established.) Researchers interested in such other classification issues as the effect of distribution shape on a particular clustering algorithm or distance measure may find the program similarly useful. DISTRIB.EXE is a 'brute force' program which runs on a microcomputer under MS-DOS. It is a structured program written in Microsoft QuickBASIC. The routines could easily be converted to another structured language. Options for making changes to the code for such purposes as re-running previous data, setting timers, and changing array cell replacement heuristics are clearly documented in the code. A 486 or 386 processor and math co-processor are recommended but are not essential. The program uses the compiler's pseudo-random number generator to create a distribution of elements (invariably resulting in a rectangular distribution when a distribution of any size is constructed) and then randomly substitutes a new pseudo-random number for each element until the desired distribution characteristics are obtained. Microsoft compilers use the linear congruential method of pseudo-random number generation (Knuth 1981); seed values are obtained from the system clock. This program uses efficient computational formulae to build distributions of any size and, within reason, any desired degree of skew and/or kurtosis. The user sets an array size, desired mean and standard deviation, and an acceptable error range for skew and kurtosis. (The more latitude the user allows for the values of skew and kurtosis, the faster DISTRIB.EXE will be able to construct an array.) DISTRIB.EXE begins with an array of random numbers of the desired size and randomly substitutes for each value in the array until the desired values of skew and kurtosis are obtained. As indicated, the source code is available and the program is easily modified (alternate code is included) to repeatedly run identical sets of pseudo-random arrays. ------------ DISTRIB.EXE and source code can be obtained by sending an address label and MS-DOS formatted 3.5 inch diskette to: Robert Saltstone, Research Services, Ontario Ministry of Correctional Services, 200 First Avenue West, North Bay, Ontario, Canada, P1B 9M3. ------------ References Hopkins, K.D., and Weeks, D.L. (1990), "Tests for Normality and Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis: Their Place in Research Reporting," Educational and Psychological Measurement, 50, 717-729. Knuth, D.E. (1981), The Art of Computer Programming, Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley. Noreen, E.W. (1989), Computer Intensive Methods for Testing Hypotheses, New York: Wiley. Subkoviak, M.J. (1976), "Estimating Reliability from a Single Administration of a Criterion-Referenced Test," Journal of Educational Measurement, 13, 265-276. Tadikamalla, P.R. (1980), "On Simulating Non-Normal Distributions," Psychometrika, 45, 273-279. Whicker, M.L. and Sigelman, L. (1991), Computer Simulation Applications, Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Vale, C.D. and Maurelli, V.A. (1983), "Simulating Multivariate Nonnormal Distributions," Psychometrika, 48, 465-471.