BUGS/FEATURES ============= V1.1 Fixed bug that prevented Back-Menu from being reloaded after it had been removed. Restructured code so that it should work with EMS systems. (Not tested fully). V1.2 Added cascading menus. V1.3 Locks up Compaq 386/25e sometimes when starting up DOS window. V1.31 Added ambiguous file name support. V1.32 Made Back-Menu process the windows command line when it is the shell. V1.33 Modified Open Dialog box to have dirs and files lists. Fixed problem if you type in path and filename to opex dialog. V1.34 Added '%' to prompt for command line for an application. Fixed bug where if you uninstall Back-Menu you get UAE. Added about box. Changed ambiguous filename support so that the open box has the directory specified. V1.35 Added support for setting start-up directory. V1.36 Whichever mouse button brings up the menu can now be used to select items from it (as well as the left mouse button) V1.37 Now supports extensions from win.ini (eg. MYTEXT.WRI will cause write to be started up on the file). Cured bug where if Back-Menu is the only task in the system, the menu doesn't stay up the first time the button clicked. V1.38 Changed line-reading to fix problems with reading the .ini file. Removed the limit of 15 items per menu. V1.39 There were problems if back-menu was the shell and a command line was given to windows which didn't have a path component (It said it couldn't find the file). This has been fixed. Added history mechanism to Execute... command. Re-ordered the fixed menu to place more frequently used items at the top. Modified % prompting to allow a command line to be edited (eg. %-t -r hello.pas will prompt with the rest of the command line present for editing). V1.40 Added the ability to understand program manager group files. (Thanks to whoever it was who sent me the file format). V1.41 Never released V1.42 ALT-F10 will now pop-up the menu from the keyboard V2.00 Made all menu items totally configurable. See section for more details. V2.01 Fixed bug which caused windows to become unstable if the 'Remove BackMenu' option was used. BackMenu would look in the current directory for the ini file (unless otherwise specified). If any applications were started up, the current directory would change and cause BackMenu to loose the ini file. BackMenu will now remember the startup directory and explicity use this rather than assuming. (To be absolutly sure, specify the full path to the ini file within the Set Options... dialog box). V2.10 The above fix (V2.01) didn't work. This meant that anyone who hadn't used a previous version of BackMenu couldn't use V2.01 as it looked for a null file (""). Also, the default menu that should appear if there is no menu file didn't work so it appeared as if nothing had happened. This has been fixed. V2.20 Added 'Browse...' option to the Command Dialog box so you can wander the disk through a standard open dialog box to look for a file to execute. Added comments to the menu initialisation file. Any line starting with a semi-colon (;) is now ignored. Added a $Info keyword that gives some (hopefully) useful system info a-la Program or File Manager. (Thanks to Randy for those). Added @ option which causes items in the menu to be auto-run when BackMenu is first invoked. This option may be disabled by holding down either shift key while backmenu is loading. Increased the maximum line length for a program item to 160 characters. V2.21 Make BackMenu BigDesk aware. BackMenu now stops bigdesk obscuring its menus if BigDesk's keep-to-front option is enabled. V2.30 Added clipboard communication from DOS (Enhanced mode only). Added maximise and minimise options. V2.31 Fixed problem with starting up BigDesk and specifying a directory (it would always append the start-up directory to the command specified on the command line). This is no longer required. Made reading the menu file (slightly) faster. The description string for $groups is greyed out if no groups exist. V2.32 Backmenu now gets its defaults from SP-SERV.INI All strings used are loaded from a resource table. Any criticism/comments/praise/bugs etc can be directed to the author (me) via mail: sphipps@cix.compulink.co.uk post: SP Services, PO Box 456, Southampton, SO9 7XG, England fax: +44 703 550037 (whichever you prefer).