I had a bunch of little utilities on my network to test for various conditions. I combined most of them into one program and thought that other people may find it useful. There is nothing exotic in ISEL, it just does a few things I needed, and it is also quite small in size. ISEL is freeware, I hope you find it useful. If you have any comments I can be reached at 70740,3614 on CIS. This utility is intended be run during login or menu scripts. Output can be redirected to NULL so the user does not have to be bothered with its various messages. It is a totally passive utility, that is, it's intent is not to DO anything based on a condition, but to warn of a condition so that menu or login scripts can be tailored to handle the specific event. How to use ISEL.COM ISEL is command line driven, arguments are placed after the separator '/'. Arguments, for obvious reasons, cannot be combined. All arguments but the first will be ignored if more than one is specified. Test for the amount of available expanded memory... Some applications give an annoying error message if it finds expanded memory, but there isn't enough for the application to use it. For instance, if you start WordPerfect with the /R switch and there is not enough expanded memory it beeps at the user and displays an error message. With this option you can detect how much expanded memory is actually available and then run the application based on the result. This is a section of my WordPerfect batch file... @echo off y:\public\util\isel/e585 >NUL if errorlevel 1 goto noems echo EMS detected...loading WP overlays... CALL wp /nt=1 /r /u=abc /pf=c:\ /ps=n:\wp\macro /d-c:\ /w=*,* %wpuser% %wpstart% goto exit :noems CALL wp /nt=1 /pf=c:\ /u=abc /ps=n:\wp\macro /d-c:\ %wpuser% %wpstart% :exit Test for the existence of a subdirectory... Syntax ISEL /I This will raise ERRORLEVEL 1 if the directory exists. I use it in my SABER menu script like this... EXEC z:\public\util\isel /In:\org >NUL EXEC if NOT errorlevel 1 goto runit EXEC md n:\org EXEC ncopy z:\apps\org\cnfgbin n:\org\cnfg.bin EXEC :runit This creates the configuration files for the application if the N:\ORG subdirectory does not exist. Test for day of week... Syntax Isel/ The parameter goes from 0 to 7, 0 being Sunday. So, if you wanted to start a program every Friday you would put ISEL/D6 If errorlevel 1 call runit in your LOGIN script or AUTOEXEC.BAT Test for low volume space... Syntax ISEL/Kxyyy,zzz x= the drive letter, no colon. yyy= is the level of space, expressed in Kilobytes that will raise errorlevel 1. zzz= is the level of space, expressed in Kilobytes that will raise errorlevel 2. This parameter may be omitted. You can use this for installation routines or in Login scripts to warn of a low disk space condition. I use it in my SABER.USR file like this, y:\public\util\isel/kn500 >NUL if ERRORLEVEL 1 call lowspace.bat If the users space on their N: drive falls below 500K a warning message appears telling them that they should either clean up their drive space or contact me to have more space allocated. Test if Windows is running... Syntax ISEL/W Errorlevel will be raised to 1 if Windows is running. I don't use this, but I thought some people might find it useful. Thanks to Brett Warthen for the code used in this test! Test for Netbios Syntx isel/N. ERRORLEVEL 1 will be raised if Netbios is loaded. I use it this way in my AUTOEXEC.bat (Note: I use NDOS). \netware\lsl c:\apps\bat\isel /n iff ERRORLEVEL 1 then \netware\lansup else \netware\token endiff \netware\ipxodi a \netware\route \netware\netx It can also be used to check if Netbios is loaded before running a 3270 emulator or other various netbios dependant applications. Test for Graphics Adapter... Syntax ISEL/A will set Errorlevel to If you have 0 MDA 1 CGA 2 EGA 3 MCGA 4 VGA