The JDF.BAS is a create / edit utility for JAWS dictionary files. It is written in GWBASIC, so you will have to load your version of basic in order to run it. Please be sure to have the JDF.BAS program and your computer in the subdirectory that the JAWS dictionary files are in. You will be given a list of the JAWS dictionary files in the current subdirectory. Then you will be asked if you want to either append / create or edit a file. In the append / create mode the delimiter character will be added automatically. The ^ is the delimiter character which is a shifted #6. So if you try to redefine or use the ^ in a definition it WILL mess every thing up. You can change the delimiter character, in line # 600. Be sure to change all three of them. In the edit mode the existing delimiter will be recognized and reused. If you have any questions feel free to call. Jim Kitchen 385 Center St. Apt. 13 Chardon Ohio 44024 (216) 286-6920