This file contains descriptions of notable additions and changes to ReadIt for version 2.5 and later. Some or all of these changes and additions may not have been added to the manual prior to this versions release. If ReadIt detects MONO mode, it now only changes the color settings instead of changing all settings to their defaults. PICK LIST ADDITIONS AND CHANGES: Sort by Name + Extension -- We have added a sort by file name + file extension to the picklist and have assigned it to the ALT-F5 key. The sort by extension + file name has been reassigned to ALT-F6. Nosort -- Pressing ALT-F8 while the picklist is displayed will cause ReadIt to turn off sorting and reread the list from disk. Files will be displayed in the order that they appear in the directory. Sorting will remain off until you press one of the sorting keys, or until you next enter ReadIt. ReadIt will no longer "lock up" if there are more files in the directory than will fit into the pick list. Instead, a message stating that there was not enough room to load all files into the picklist will be displayed. You will be able to work with those files that could be loaded. Normally, this should not be a problem as the list size has been increased to a maximum of 2000 entries. This should be more than enough for most needs. Country-Specific Display -- The display of file size, date, and time is now formatted depending on country-specific information recieved from DOS. This has been done for our users outside the U.S. and others who have their computers set up to display this info in a different format. eXpress eXit -- You can now exit the picklist directly to DOS, bypassing the filename entry panel, by pressing ALT-X. Now, if you select a file from the picklist you will be taken directly to the picklist when you exit text viewing. TEXT VIEWING CHANGES AND ADDITIONS: eXpress eXit -- You can now exit ReadIt from text viewing mode by simply pressing ALT-X. When you press this key combination, you will quickly leave ReadIt--bypassing the picklist and file name entry panel. You will not, however, bypass the save bookmark prompt if you have set a new one in the current file. Cursor Wrap -- In text viewing, the LEFT ARROW, RIGHT ARROW, CTRL- LEFT ARROW, and CTRL-RIGHT ARROW will now wrap around to the end of the previous or beginning of the next line. A tone will be sounded when this happens. Save Scroll Speed -- You can now save the scroll speed setting from within text viewing by pressing ALT-S. The scroll speed setting will be saved if ReadIt can find READIT.EXE in the current directory or in a directory that was included in the "SET PATH=" statement. Jump panel -- You now need to press the "J" key to activate the jump panel. You can then press a jump key (1-9) or press any other key to deactivate the jump panel. This greatly reduces the possibility of accidentally pressing a jump panel key and finding yourself somewhere else in the file. Next and Previous file -- If the currently viewed file was loaded from the picklist, you can load the next or previous file by pressing ALT-N or ALT-P. If the current file was NOT loaded from the picklist then pressing one of these key combinations will result in an error tone being sounded. YOU CAN NOW cancel a text search in progress by pressing the ESCAPE key. TWO NEW TEXT SEARCH OPTIONS: Words Only search -- When you specify "W" as a text search option, a match is found only if the searched for string is not directly preceded or followed by an alpha-numeric character. For example, if you are searching for the string "the", and do not specify "w" in the search options list, then ReadIt might find matches such as "there" or "other". If you specified a "Words Only" search, ReadIt would not find these words, but would find any occurance of the WORD "the". Multi-file Search -- You can now have ReadIt search for a string in more than one file by specifying "M" as a search option. The "M" can be specified with any combination of the other search options except the "B" (backward search). If the backward search is chosen, multi-file searching is disabled. A multi-file search begins in the current file and continues through all files that follow it in the picklist. The multi-file search works only if the current file was loaded from the picklist. CHANGES TO ReadIt Customizer (RIC): We have added a new selection ("Change Picklist Settings") to the Changes Menu. When you choose this selection, you are presented with a menu that allows you to change some of the startup settings for the picklist. The selections in this sub-menu are: Sort By -- No Sort, Sort by Name, Sort by Extension, etc. Sort Order -- Ascending or Descending. Display Info -- Display file names and extensions only or full file info. Add/Change Extensions -- Moved from the Changes Menu. Add or change file extensions that you wish ReadIt to ignore when loading the picklist. This list already includes "EXE", "COM", and "SYS". CHANGES IN VERSION 2.5.1: There were some minor bug fixes between versions 2.5 and 2.5.1 including fixes of problems with "multi-file" searching and "words only" searching. ReadIt now handles better the changeing of directories from the filename entry panel. TEXT VIEWING ADDITIONS: Alternate Movement Keys -- In an attempt to make ReadIt easier to use by those who use speech packages that take over the numeric key pad, we have added some control key combinations for moving around the file. These commands are similar to those used within some word processors and programming packages. The following control key combinations DO NOT replace any previous commands. Rather, they are an addition to the existing movement commands. Here are the new key commands and the keys that they copy. CONTROL-W -- HOME. CONTROL-E -- UP ARROW. CONTROL-R -- PAGE UP. CONTROL-S -- LEFT ARROW. CONTROL-D -- RIGHT ARROW. CONTROL-Z -- END. CONTROL-X -- DOWN ARROW. CONTROL-C -- PAGE DOWN. We tried to use a combination of keys which would be familiar and in the same basic pattern as those on the numeric key pad. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.6: Trailing spaces are no longer removed from entered search strings. For the example below, quotation marks are used to mark the beginning and end of the entered strings. The quotation marks were not entered. Find: "find this string " If you had entered the above string at the find prompt in earlier versions of ReadIt, the spaces following the word "string" would have been removed prior to the text search. This will no longer happen. Because of this, you will have to make sure you don't add more spaces at the end of the search string than are needed. Now, when a search string is found, the cursor will be placed at the beginning of the found string. Also, when you have the display set to "SLOW", only the line containing the found string will be displayed slowly. Long Lines -- For those times when ReadIt's "Smart Wrap" feature makes a file more difficult to read (a file that contains columnar data, such as spreadsheets), we have added the "LONG LINES" option. You tell readit to use the "Long Lines" feature either by including a command line switch when you first run ReadIt, or by pressing a key combination while viewing the file. To use the command line switch, you would type: READIT filespec /L[nn] Where filespec can be a file name or a group of files specified using the DOS wildcards '*' and/or '?'. "/L" is the switch to tell ReadIt to allow long lines. "nn" is the number of columns you wish ReadIt to shift the view when you need to view a different portion of the line. The left and right brackets ([]) simply mean that what they enclose is optional. The range for "nn" is 10-80. The default is 20. If you include "nn", there must be no spaces separating it from the "/L". EXAMPLE: READIT SPREAD.TXT /L30 ReadIt will load the file "SPREAD.TXT" and display the file in "Long Lines" mode with a shift width of 30 columns. While in text viewing, you can change between "Smart Wrap" and "Long Lines" by pressing ALT-F10. This is the same command used to change the display of the picklist. When changing from "Smart Wrap" to "Long Lines" you will be prompted to set the shift width. To accept the width shown, simply press the ENTER key. When you change between these two display modes from text viewing, ReadIt will reread the file and place you at the beginning. When in Long Lines mode, you shift the view by holding down the shift key and pressing either the left arrow key (shift view left) or the right arrow key (shift view right). You may also use the shift key with the alternate left and right arrow keys described earlier in this file. Of course, the left and right character, left and right word, and home and end keys will shift the view as needed. NOTES: (1) ReadIt is still an ASCII text file viewer. The spreadsheet file mentioned above must be in ASCII format created by the spreadsheet program, a file translator, scanner and OCR hardware/software, or some other means. (2) When you use "Long Lines" mode, "Cursor Wrap" will be disabled. Do not confuse "Cursor Wrap" with "Smart Wrap". Smart Wrap has been in ReadIt since version 1 while Cursor Wrap was added after version 2.0 and is described earlier in this file.