This article appeared in the CHRISTIAN COMPUTING MAGAZINE in the "BBS Butler" Column in the January 1992 issue. On-Line Bible College So far, modem lovers have been able to access a lot of files and message bases. However, this month I want to share with you a whole new way your modem can be used. You can now use your modem to further your education! Although there's always been Ivy League school services, such as the PLATO system at the University of Illinois which offers some college courses, now there's the first full-fledged total educational telecom- munications package that is ready to go for Born-Again Christians. The On-Line Bible College is operated in conjunction with Christian International School of Theology, which has been training ministers, missionaries, and others for 25 years. They offer 11 courses ofstudy leading to degrees from Associate level to Doctorate programs and are accredited by the Accrediting Commission International for Schools, Colleges and Theological Seminaries. Presently, Christian International is seeking candidate status for further accreditation. Their course work has been broadly accepted by other schools and seminaries throughout the country. At present the On-Line Bible College is offering 80 courses in various subject areas such as Old Testament, New Testament, Christlan History, Counseling and Christian Psychology, Pastoral Ministry, Theology, Greek and Hebrew Bibilcal Languages, Christian Education and Missions. All courses are theologically conservative but wlll allow students from other theological persuasions to express themselves without fear of prejudice. Every consideration is given to ministerial experience and previous course work for academic credit. Special study groups are formed for those taking the same courses which will allow the on-line sharing of information. The Sysop, Rev. Roger Sapp is presently engaged in Doctoral work with Christian International School of Theology. The Sysop has the keys to the 80 courses available allowing for on-line grading. Costs to the student for studying this way are greatly reduced. There are no hidden expenses for the student such as travel costs, and no cost of overhead on maintenance on buildings for the school. This savings can then be passed on to the student in the form of a very low tuition cost, $35 per credit hour, which maybe the lowest tuition anywhere for theological study. And besides, nothing beats the convenience of studying at your own pace in the privacy of your own home using your computer to speed your study and grading. For more information, contact: Rev. Roger Sapp at his Prodigy ID: SGKR72A or by voice at 804-265-3503. You may call "The Servant of the Lord" BBS by modem at 804-265-5571.